The battle has been fierce for three days.

Earl Connoll was completely numb. The soldiers of the Leopold family were simply too strong.

I thought that with the continuous arrival of reinforcements, I would be able to turn the situation around.

Unexpectedly, reinforcements came one after another, but the situation never improved.

Even the initial camp was destroyed several times, and every time it tried to stand up, it was broken through by Mega Man.

Fortunately, it was not all bad news. The royal family's private army finally withstood the situation and did not collapse for three days.

Earl Connoll was on a hill at this time, and layers of troops filled the hill.

This was his helpless move. Rockman was too powerful and could only be slightly restricted by the terrain.

"Duke Leopold is indeed a genius. He has become so terrifying in just a few years. This era probably belongs to him."

Earl Connoll had this decadent idea.

However, the nerves that have been tempered for a long time can still bear the negative emotions and cheer up again.

"Let the messengers continue to look for our troops and order them to come closer to me.

Only by defeating Duke Leopold can we have a way out, otherwise the entire Eastern Territory will fall, and everyone will be hanged. "

Earl Connoll's messenger was the busiest person these days, running around conveying his orders to others.

This was also the reason why he was able to hold on. Without additional troops, he would have been unable to hold on long ago.

"Count, Rockman's sniper unit has almost been lost. The local nobles have just organized a legion and are about to arrive on the battlefield."

A piece of good news shocked Earl Connoll, and he quickly found his deputy: "Is there any news about General Michel?"

He remembered, however, that the royal family's private army was dragging an army of Rockmen.

It would be bad if the other party arrived on the battlefield first.

The adjutant's eyes were bloodshot and he had barely slept in the past few days.

"General Michel is still insisting on the news from two hours ago. He conveyed your words: The army has lost more than 30%, but for the honor of the king and the honor of the Bruno family, I can still persist."

"Okay," Earl Connoll clapped his hands. This news had actually been reported to him, but he couldn't sleep well these days and his spirit was tense. He needed others to remind him repeatedly. After reconfirming, he was excited. Walking back and forth: "Michelle has made a meritorious service this time. Let me tell him that the balance of victory has tilted towards us. He must persist for two more days. I will guarantee that he will win this battle."

Once again cheering for General Michel, Earl Connoll could not hide his excitement: "Only in the flames of war can you see the real gold. Michel is usually very well-behaved. I thought he was just a mediocre talent, but I didn't expect that he could withstand this kind of situation." pressure."

Obviously, the other party's performance changed Earl Connoll's view.

Just across the way, Derek had just woken up.

The sound of fighting on the battlefield never stopped, but he was in the mood to take a nap.

If Earl Connoll knew about it, he would definitely be angry to death.

In fact, all the local tactical adjustments in the past few days have been made by the Northland Knight officers.

Derek simply let go and gave his men a chance to practice.

"How is it? How many troops are left in the province of St. Peter?"

"Your Majesty the Duke, our intelligence shows that the Holy Cross Kingdom has formed two more legions, breaking through the sniper team, and may arrive on the battlefield at any time.

In addition, at least three to five legions are being formed. "The intelligence officer responded.

A fresh force of tens of thousands of people can change the situation on the battlefield.

Derek thought for a while, but still ordered: "Let the sniper army stop, everyone move closer to Simon."

Now that the play has been performed, there is no need to play it again.

With the disappearance of the sniper unit, the nobles of the Holy Cross Kingdom finally crossed this obstacle.

Earl Connoll waited another day, and the next morning there was unexpectedly heavy fog.

However, Rockman did not give him a chance to breathe, and the infantry charged at the defense line crazily.

The familiar sound of drums comes to mind, and the waving flags are faintly visible in the white mist.

The officers roared loudly.

"This way, follow me and drive Mega Man down."

The soldiers marched with weary steps and raised their weapons.

Rockman seemed not to see it, and surged up like a tidal wave.

"For the Duke."

The soldiers' eyes were wild, and the fatigue caused by the war was not worth the restlessness in their hearts.

They are not fighting for anyone, they are actually fighting for themselves.

Duke Leopold's generosity is obvious to all.

The foggy weather seems to be unfavorable to the party taking the initiative to attack.

But Earl Connoll stood high up, looking very helpless.

From his perspective, he could see the crumbling defense line.

"If I'm attacked by Mega Man, should I surrender or commit suicide?"

He even had all kinds of bad thoughts, like ominous omens.

Leopold put too much pressure on him.

Boom! ! !

There was a dull drumbeat in the fog.

Boom, boom, boom! ! !

The hammer of loyalty seemed to hammer into Earl Connoll's heart.

"Whose reinforcements are there?"

The opponent seemed to have entered the battlefield from the side. The heavy fog shrouded everything and blocked the view, making it impossible to judge the origin.

Earl Connoll was anxious. He hoped that it was one of his own people who came, not Rockman.

"It must be our reinforcements."

He kept repeating this sentence to encourage everyone.

But he thought that the one coming might be Rockman.

Indistinctly, rows of figures could be seen.

In the foggy weather, the other side had already risked attacking, and it was rare that they still maintained the square formation.

Unconsciously, Earl Connor's forehead was sweating.

Finally, a big flag suddenly emerged from the fog.

The familiar angel flag made Earl Connor feel relieved, and then came a huge surprise.

"Here we come, our reinforcements are coming."

He shouted loudly, venting the pressure in his heart.

It was his own people who came, the army of the Kingdom of the Holy Cross.

This meant that the situation began to reverse, and with the reinforcement of fresh forces, Earl Connor regained his confidence.

Sure enough, the army that came from the side hit Rockman hard and caught him off guard.

The defense line that was just shaky stabilized in an instant.

The attacking Rockman finally retreated, and the soldiers burst into strong cheers.

The pressure of war can drive people crazy, and victory is not included.

Now, our own people have arrived, and the power to change the situation has emerged.

The soldiers are not stupid, and they are not unaware of the situation.

Derek also heard the drums and even saw the reinforcements from the Holy Cross Kingdom.

"Let the troops on the front line withdraw first, the prey has taken the bait."

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