This defeat is really unstoppable.

As long as the army is still under control, there is still hope.

Once it loses control, it's all over.

Many people think that commanding an army is like playing a game, and all the orders issued can be executed.

Actually, it's not, especially in this situation.

Sometimes the general sees the problem and knows how to remedy it, but he can't do it.

You can't treat every soldier as a robot to perform tasks. Many times, it's normal for people to collapse directly when they are asked to fill in the gaps.

What's more, the military orders are passed down layer by layer, and they rely on the lower-level officers to execute them, and the degree of execution is also a problem.

Moreover, chaos occurs, and it is lucky that one of ten orders can be passed to the place.

If one of the ten orders can be executed, it is considered to be well trained.

This one who executes it will also be killed by other companions who did not execute it.

So, there is no hope.

As soon as Earl Connor realized that he had lost control of the army, he immediately gave up decisively.

At this time, efforts cannot change the result.

Unless a meteorite falls from the sky to save his life, there will be no miracle.

Then he used the last bit of control to mobilize other troops to plug the gap, as if to make a final effort.

Then he took his private army and dragged part of the army in the rear... and ran.

"Hurry up, if you are caught by the Rock people, you will be hanged."

Earl Connor was very fast, and he didn't look like an old man in his forties or fifties.

Riding a horse, many knights were not as good as him.

The Earl on Horseback was not in vain, at least his riding skills had not degenerated.

The army had collapsed, and the commander had also slipped away, and there was no way to save the situation.

The battlefield was in chaos, some people continued to fight back, and some people raised their butcher knives to escape.

Some people surrendered directly on the spot, and it was better to live than to die.

This kind of large-scale battle cannot be done without missing a single one.

It is possible to miss half.

Derek began to command the army to clean up the battlefield and reap the fruits of victory.


Simon received the order. In fact, as the Holy Cross army gathered, he knew that this day was not far away.

At first, he really thought that his mission was to completely defeat the enemy.

But soon the Duke's order arrived, asking him to slow down.

Then he hid the artillery and played games with the enemy little by little.

From the perspective of the local battlefield, this certainly increased casualties.

But looking at the overall situation, it greatly reduced casualties.

After all, Simon had seen a lot of wars and understood this truth.

But even though he understood it, he still felt uncomfortable.

Until the new order came, he immediately invited Knight Rogers.

"Knight, it's time to launch a general attack. Let me see the god of the battlefield you talk about every day."

Simon was very receptive to the new thing, the artillery.

He was not one of those noble knights who talked about tradition and glory every day.

For him, honor was an ornament, not a necessity.

As long as it could reach the goal, it was a good thing.

Rogers was also upset, but he had to obey the order.

Until this time, he was finally untied.

He immediately expressed his opinion: "No problem, I just saved a bunch of shells, it's too troublesome to pull them back, so I used them all today."

The opposite royal private army was General Michel, the king's retainer.

He blocked the Mega Man for nearly ten days. Except for the heavy losses caused by the sneak attack on the first day, he gritted his teeth and persevered in these days.

I have to admit that Mega Man is very fierce, but I am not bad either.

At this time, he was reading the letter that had just been delivered.

The letter was written by Earl Connor, a famous general.

In the past, he still cared about the reputation of the other party, even if he was knocked down by Mega Man several times.

But after personally withstanding the offensive of Mega Man, his thoughts changed: "The old guy who is seeking fame and reputation has not solved Mega Man for so long with heavy troops. If it were me, I would have won long ago."

He was full of regrets, but when he saw the praise mentioned by the other party in the letter - the new generation of generals, Mega Man's nemesis, and the shield of the kingdom, he felt that the old guy still had some vision.

Except that his ability was a little worse.

"Let me hold on for two more days. When the old man brings people to support, I will make you look good again." General Michel looked at the Megaman camp outside fiercely.

He called his officers again and passed the letter to them to read.

"Discuss it. We must not let Megaman escape. When Earl Connor wins, it will be our chance to defeat him."

Good guy, now he is thinking about how to prevent Megaman from escaping.

It is difficult for officers who are not on the front line to feel the pressure brought by Megaman.

Judging from the results, these people are really not bad. They have resisted Megaman and can still hold on for a while.

Compared with their colleagues, they are already very good.

So everyone is a little inflated, and they really talked about how to prevent the opponent from escaping and how to chase. Some people are even thinking about the rewards for the battle.

Until the sharp sound of artillery shells breaking through the air came, the adults who had never experienced the bombing finally understood their situation.

Because Megaman had never used artillery except on the first day, everyone, including Michel, regarded the attack that day as the result of some means, not some conventional weapons.

Until the artillery landed, the flames and air waves knocked over a group of people.

General Michel was not far away, watching a soldier being torn to pieces, with the last arm falling in front of him.

General Michel's face turned pale instantly, he was not afraid of this little flesh and blood.

Although he could not be called excellent, as a general, he was qualified enough.

What he was afraid of was losing.

It was too miserable to fall at the moment before victory.

Until now, he did not realize that he had been the number one bait.

He still fantasized that Earl Connor could win and then annihilate the enemy in front of him.

So he risked being hit by artillery and began to command on the spot.

"Don't run, hold your post.

The enemy has not come yet, the enemy has not come yet."

Unfortunately, the loud shouting did not work well, and Rockman also started to attack.

He tried for a long time and watched the army collapse bit by bit.

Until now, he finally understood that the other party had let it go before.

Then... why did the other party let it go?

"Not good, Earl Connor."


Earl Connor, who was worried about him, ran all the way back to the original military camp, picked up his son and ran away, leaving even the baggage behind.

Baron Barin did not go with the army, especially the news he heard in the past two days was not very good, which made him want to rush to the battlefield.

Compared with his nominal motherland, Duke Leopold was obviously more worried about him.

Until he saw his father coming back, he looked so embarrassed that he didn't look like he had won a victory.

Earl Connor knew his own suffering. With the defeat on the front line, he had little choice, and this youngest son was very useful.

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