The Billi family surrendered.

As an old viscount family in St. Peter Province, the Billi family is still very famous.

Previously, their son-in-law, Viscount Yanes, defected to the Rockman, which caused a heated discussion.

However, the Billi family is very tough. They have repeatedly condemned Viscount Yanes in public. The heir, Sir William, even cursed his brother-in-law, looking like they are irreconcilable.

When St. Peter Province fell this time, many people were waiting to see the show, but they didn't know that the Billi family surrendered all of a sudden.

The speed was so fast that no one reacted. After all, ruling a place is a slow process. The Rockman won the decisive battle, and the army had not had time to control all places.

In theory, the Billi family is very safe.

Many nobles are still waiting and watching, wanting to see the reaction of the kingdom and holding some illusions.

Or wait and see the price offered by the Rockman, so they will not surrender directly.

"They were all deceived by that old guy Billi. They didn't break up. It was just a double act between the father-in-law and the son-in-law."

"They are too soft-hearted. They have completely lost the face of our nobles in St. Peter."

"Alas, it's too late. Now all the benefits have been taken by the father and son."

The reactions of the province of St. Peter were different. Some nobles immediately chose to defect.

Since someone jumped out to take the blame, there was no need to hide.

A man of insight is a hero. If you really wait until the Rock people take tough measures, there will be no regrets.

So Viscount Yanes just got the letter of persuasion from his father-in-law, Viscount Billi, and was about to find a few familiar nobles to persuade him to surrender, but he heard the news of endless surrenders.

Without waiting for the Rock people's army to arrive, they took the initiative to open the castle gate and actively maintained local order. They even hung out the flag of the two-headed dragon.

Viscount Yanes was so angry that he cursed: "A bunch of opportunists, why are your knees so soft."

He completely forgot that he surrendered very quickly at the beginning.

But in this way, the chances of meritorious service are much less.

Thinking of this, he left in a hurry and accelerated the action of persuading surrender.


Derrick did not stop at this time. He left a small part of the army to maintain local law and order, and the army began to advance to the hinterland of the Holy Cross Kingdom.

After taking over the Province of St. Peter, he had more room for choice. The three bordering provinces were all within his attack range.

The most important thing is that there are fewer mountains, and it is all plains at a glance.

The Northland Knights are like fish in water in such a place.

Even if they don't do anything, the Northland Knights stroll from time to time, and the nearby nobles have to be on edge.

Look, just after setting up the camp, a lot of letters flew to Derek.

Opening it casually, they are all greeting letters sent by various relationships.

The nobles of several nearby provinces, local officials and priests, if you don't know, you might think that everyone is in the same group.

This kind of writing letters to the enemy to build relationships is also a feature of this era.

What is even more tense is the front-line army. Before, the province of St. Peter was at the forefront, and everyone was very relaxed. Now it is his turn, and the pressure is overwhelming.

While building a relationship with Duke Leopold, he desperately hoarded troops.

The foundation of the Kingdom of the Holy Cross is very strong. During the United Kingdom period, it was the center of the three southern countries and the area with the strongest church atmosphere.

After the split, it is also the boss of the three southern countries. The Bruno family is the most noble bloodline in the south of the continent.

Internal problems make this behemoth very bloated in external attacks, but when it encounters a crisis, its huge size plays a role.

Even the church knights were urgently mobilized, and troops were formed in various places to try to stop Derek's arrival.

Speaking of which, the church hates Derek more than the king. The former fights for secular interests, while the latter wants to dig their roots.

After reading the letter and the intelligence, Derek has a basic understanding of the latest situation.

Continuing westward is actually a good wish. The stall is too big, and expansion is not a simple breakthrough.

Maintaining rule requires a large number of people.

That is, there is a panel blessing, otherwise it is necessary to make deep compromises with the local powerful factions.

Even with the panel blessing, it is not easy to cultivate talents.

Power and money will corrupt people's hearts, and the story of the dragon slayer turning into a dragon will be repeated.

So Derek did not rule with force blindly, which could only maintain rule temporarily.

He won over the local faction while appointing his own civilian officials.

The balance between the two can make the former know their position and obey orders honestly.

It can also make the latter feel threatened and hold the Duke's thigh tightly.

Therefore, he has extra energy to sit here instead of suppressing the civil strife in the province of St. Peter.

However, the premise of everything is absolute strength, otherwise it will not be able to suppress both parties.

Derek's hand suddenly stopped while flipping through the intelligence. This content can't make him angry. There are so many similar people.

But... it's very suitable.

"Simon, go find Simon."

After a while, Simon rushed over.

Derek threw the parchment to him casually.

"Take my knights and bring him here. I want to talk to him face to face...what is the glory of God."

Simon opened the parchment and saw it, and he knew what was going on.

He grinned and laughed happily. This kind of task was his favorite.

"Duke, how do we deal with those who are blocking us?"

"Others won't stop you. I'll send someone to tell them. As for the rest... do you need me to teach you?" Derek glared at him.

Simon immediately walked away backwards, so he didn't stay to be scolded.

Soon, the nobles and troops of the nearby Holy Cross Kingdom received a reply from Duke Leopold.

Let's not talk about official business for now. The focus is on their personal relationship.

His Excellency the Duke was very kind. He not only replied to the letter cordially, but also agreed on the details of doing business together.

Of course, at the end, His Excellency the Duke mentioned that there was a lunatic who slandered him and would send knights to catch him. He hoped that everyone would help him.

The lunatic's name was Bobby, a church knight.

This name was familiar to everyone. He was the knight commander of the local church and was responsible for the church knights in a place.

Now he was also in charge of the knight group formed by drawing church knights.

This knight group was on the front line, and he himself was a fanatical church worshiper.

Bobby was disgusted with all the actions that promoted Saint Derek. He usually criticized them fiercely. This time, he even clamored to capture Derek alive and let him know what the glory of God is.

He was a fanatic with a bad brain.

However, after all, his identity was sensitive, so it was inappropriate to let Leopold's army come to the Holy Cross Kingdom to arrest people.

Especially the general of the Kingdom Legion, who felt very embarrassed.

After thinking about it, he took another look at the reply and finally decided... to be blind.

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