The Northland Knights, who are full of merits, are synonymous with strength.

But they first had strong strength, and then they had merits.

This small scene was not enough for them to be nervous.

After the church knights accelerated for a while, they relied on the superior explosive power of the warhorse to speed up.

The black armor seemed to be the messenger from hell.

The roar of the artillery was the roar of the messenger from hell.

Don’t look at the laziness before the charge, the momentum suddenly changed after the charge.

The knights who came out of the sea of ​​blood and corpses seemed to be able to make people sink at a glance.

Compared with when they went to Melgen Monastery, they were stronger.

This is the peak of the cold weapon era, the strongest era of knights.

Bobby thought that the difference between him and the Northland Knights was just fame, but after facing each other directly, he found that the difference between the two sides might be a bit too much.

But there was no time to regret, the roar of the warhorse had already caused the two sides to collide.

The seemingly powerful church knights collapsed quickly.

In fact, if they were any other opponent, their fate would not be so miserable.

Bobby was lucky that he was not stabbed in the first wave of charge.

But when he looked back at the church knights around him, he couldn't help laughing.

It was too miserable. The loose formation suddenly lost a lot of people.

What was worse was that through the corner of his eye, he saw that those devilish black-armored knights had begun to turn.

No, they drew an arc route and inserted diagonally.

"Form a formation, form a formation!!!"

Bobby screamed to remind the church knights, but he could only receive a bunch of doubtful, helpless and fearful eyes.

The consciousness can keep up, but the action can't keep up.

It takes time to turn around and form a formation.

But the Northland Knights will not give them time.

A second difference on the battlefield may make a world of difference, not to mention such a big difference.

The Northland Knights were divided into two waves, the left and the right, and they attacked in turns very cruelly.

The church knights were like innocent girls, who were ravaged on the spot and wailed.

Rogers, who was watching, felt a little reluctant, but the performance of the Northern Knights was indeed worthy of his admiration.

For the people of the North, the Northern Knights have become a symbol of special treatment, embedded in the culture of the North.

Simon likes this game very much, playing with his prey and then easily capturing it.

After charging back and forth seven or eight times, only one in ten surviving church knights remained, and they had lost the consciousness of resistance. Their eyes were dull and their mentality collapsed.

If any army in the world were to encounter such a blow, it would be difficult to recover in a short time.

Simon had had enough of playing, and waved his hand: "Catch him, take him away."

If Bobby was still alive, of course it would be the best.

If he was dead, he would also find the body and take it back.

Killing people and destroying their hearts, and whipping the corpse after death are all routine operations.

Under the glory of loyalty and glory, what is covered is blood and cruelty.

The romance of knights is never as beautiful as described by the bard.

Kick the living church knights to the ground, and tie their hands directly under the threat of swords.

After simply cleaning up the battlefield, they didn't care about other spoils except for war horses and armor.

One person led a rope and began to return with the captives.

The regular army of the Holy Cross Kingdom on the border was still there, watching the movements of the Rockman vigilantly.

They needed to wait for the return of the Rockman cavalry before they could feel at ease.

But it was too fast.

The scout brought the news of the Rockman cavalry, but the general didn't believe it.

"How could it be so fast? At most four hours, only enough for one round trip."

The general almost couldn't help scolding the scout, unless the Rockman got lost and came back, unless the church knights were made of paper.

But the Northland Knights came very quickly, and the sound of the horse's hooves seemed like the mood of the Northland Knights, relaxed and happy.

They seemed to have gone on an outing and came back quickly.

What was dragged behind the horse was some small prey caught during the outing.

The general personally went in to observe and clearly saw the church knights walking dragged by the rope.

"That's Captain Bobby." An officer suddenly exclaimed in a low voice and saw a familiar face.

As a local church knight, Bobby is still somewhat famous, and many nobles know him.

As he became the leader of the church knights, his fame became even greater.

In the past, he was always arrogant.

But now, leader Bobby lowered his head, wishing that no one could see him.

But for familiar people, he could recognize him at a glance.

The general stared at Bobby for a while and confirmed that this was the church knight.

He didn't expect the Northland Knight to move so fast. According to the time, it was just enough for a round trip.

"Are the Northland Knights really so terrifying?"

This kind of combat power scared him a little.

Seeing is believing. I always heard the legend of the Northland Knights before. This close contact did not seem to be exaggerated.

As an opponent, this is really very bad news.

For a moment, he had a murderous intention to leave them.

If such a powerful knight is released, there will be endless troubles.

But the opponent seemed to have anticipated his thoughts and suddenly accelerated without any warning.

The prisoner who was dragged was defenseless and fell to the ground fiercely.

Then the horses galloped away, dragging the prisoners forward.

Amid the cries of the church knights, the Northland knights easily used the rhythm to cross the border line, and the Holy Cross Kingdom did not react until they were almost there.

The general had just come up with some bad ideas, and the army that Rockman came to support had already fired a few shots at the open ground.

Obviously, the tempting idea ended before it was implemented.

Simon turned over and got off the horse, not forgetting to look back. He didn't know whether the Holy Cross people had bad intentions, so he just assumed that they were definitely right.

As for the church knights who were being dragged to death, he didn't care at all.

"See if that bastard Bobby is dead. If not, take him to see the Duke."

The knights had already confirmed Bobby's identity. When they turned over Bobby, who looked like a corpse, they saw that he was still breathing.

Then two unlucky servants carried Bobby and went directly to Derek.

The parchment scroll was spread on the table, which recorded in detail the slander of Duke Leopold by the Church of the Holy Cross Kingdom.

What devil, hypocrite, demagogue, all kinds of ugly titles were put on Derek's head by them.

There are many priests and knights like Bobby who support the church's public opinion offensive in public and dance happily.

Derek actually doesn't care that much, because he knows that these are just jumping clowns, and he can crush them to death at will if he wants.

Just like now, he is sitting on top and Bobby is lying on the ground.

"Knight Bobby, do you still stick to your opinion now?"

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