As a church knight, Bobby's stupidity is true, and his hardness is also true.

Even if he is dying, he will not give in to the devil in his heart.

"Bah! Devil, I won't beg for mercy from you.

Kill me and I will be exalted in the Kingdom of the Lord and watch you fall into hell from heaven. "

"Okay, tough enough. I like tough guys like you." Derek avoided the spittle and turned to the attendants beside him: "Hang them up and let the church people see what will happen if they slander me."

Just as the attendant was about to take action, the monastery knight, who had always had no sense of presence, suddenly stepped forward.

"Lord St. Derek, hand this sinner over to us."

Derek looked over, and there seemed to be a flame burning in the eyes of the monastic knight.

There are always a small number of monastic knights around him. These fanatical believers are definitely the best candidates to block the sword.

Faced with the request of the monastic knight, Derek had no reason to refuse.

"Okay, leave it to you."

"Thanks you."

The monastery knight bent down to salute, then turned around and pulled Bobby up.

"Sinner, you will never return to the kingdom of the Lord. You will only go to hell to repent for the sins you have committed."

Bobby's eyes were half-opened, and the swelling and blood made his vision very blurry.

But the cross mark on the chest of the monastic knight was too familiar to him.

He began to struggle and became emotional.

"Hypocrites, you devils who steal the glory of the Lord, I will kill you."

"No, you are the sinner bewitched by the devil. Lord Saint Derek is the spokesperson of the Lord in the world."

The two fanatical believers have their own persistence and beliefs, and they will not compromise easily with each other.

But now, the monastic knights have the absolute upper hand.

Although he couldn't convince Bobby, he could hang him on the flagpole.

Religious differences must ultimately be resolved through physical means.

Derek was sitting in the central tent and happened to see a row of church knights being hung up.

Bobby is not important, he is not so narrow-minded.

He was brought here just to show some people.

Leaving aside those fanatics, at least half of the church is speculators.

Seeing Bobby's fate, at least these speculators should think carefully about the consequences of offending Archduke Leopold.

Dividing the power of the church will naturally lead to counterattacks.

For ordinary people to do this, they are simply seeking death.

But when the person who did this was named Leopold, it was actually not unacceptable.

Of course, showing off your muscles a little by the way can effectively curb the little thoughts of many people.

Derek's guess was correct. After the Northern Knights made such a trip, the first people who reacted most violently were the nobles on the border.

There were already a lot of letters flying over like snowflakes, causing the price of parchment to rise sharply.

King Bruno came next. He had just learned of the defeat on the front line, and then came this extremely embarrassing thing.

He was so angry that he threw his favorite glass cup to the ground.

"Trash, idiot, coward.

What do they want to do, is this still my kingdom? Just sit back and watch as Mega Man comes to arrest people? "

King Bruno is like a raging bull, and Mega Man acts like a slap in the face.

Although he lost again and again, his face was already swollen.

It doesn’t matter if you are angry or angry.

After venting his anger, King Bruno must face reality.

Continuous failures have caused a small part of the country to fall.

Much of Leopold's reputation came from stepping on his face.

If this continues, that knight boy will really overthrow the rule of the kingdom.

No matter how slow he was, it was time for him to react.

The reality is that it is difficult to completely suppress the opponent by relying solely on the power of the kingdom itself.

Sitting back on the throne, King Bruno was extremely calm.

"I want to see the Pope and tell him I'm here waiting for him."

He would never allow his family's great legacy to wither in his own hands.

The conflict with the church can be put aside for the time being, and we can first solve Leopold's serious problem.

At the same time, a heated debate was taking place in the church.

The top leaders of the church gathered together, and the archbishops of many dioceses rushed back.

Including the pope and cardinals, if the conference room is occupied by everyone, the church will collapse.

At this time, these church dignitaries were engaged in a fierce quarrel.

“Jihad must be launched, and the traitors Leopold and John Hadley must be punished.

Especially John Hadley, he is promoting heresy, which is distortion and blasphemy against the Lord, and he must be punished. "The director of the tribunal shouted, and he really thought so.

Even in the era of the United Kingdom, the Inquisition was one of the most fanatical institutions. As long as it was judged to be blasphemy, he dared to drag even the king into the dungeon and torture him.

"The glory of the Lord will not be stolen, and I also support the sanction of these two heretics."

"I know Archbishop John very well. He is not a heretic. Perhaps he is bewitched. I think we can talk to him."

The opinions of the big shots were not unanimous, but no one mentioned whether the so-called saints were real or fake.

The fanatics don't believe it, and the politicians deliberately ignore it.

After all, a living saint has a great influence on them.

The Pope watched silently, and he did not speak for the time being.

He was once a fanatical believer in God, until he became pope and read a large number of cryptic documents.

All those who were crowned as saints were the operation of the church after death.

None of the popes of all generations could produce evidence of the existence of God.

Unlike ordinary people, if God existed, the church would definitely have relevant records.

But there is no definite evidence in all kinds of documents.

Instead, there are all kinds of forgeries and operations, full of worldly sins.

Although the popes of all generations left enough reasons, forging holy relics is to maintain the glory of God.

No matter what they think, they are no longer pious.

Is it really faith to maintain glory with lies?

The pope was distracted.

Just then, a priest knocked on the door of the conference room.

"Your Excellency the Pope, His Majesty the King invites you to meet."

The pope nodded coldly. This is the glory of God, and he must bow his head appropriately in front of the royal power.

If God really exists, would anyone dare to break in at this time?

The king should be a servant of God.

He sneered in his heart. These people in front of him did not see it as clearly as Leopold and Archbishop John. God is just a footcloth, and anyone can use it.

"Okay, let's put the meeting on hold until I see His Majesty the King.

The glory of God cannot be desecrated, but King Bruno is more anxious than us now."

The Pope stood up and left the noisy meeting.

He was right, the most anxious one was not the church.

At most, they could accept Duke Leopold's transformation, but King Bruno would not coexist peacefully with him.

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