Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 214 Wearing the Yellow Robe

The few who want to object don't know how to do so.

Virut didn't even give them a chance, striking while the iron was hot: "I approve that you all can appear here.

Your Excellency the Duke is unwilling to do anything that would disgrace the Rock Kingdom. We must take the initiative.

The Northlanders have shed enough blood for the Kingdom, now it's time for us to stand up for ourselves. "

Virut's words are very inflammatory. He is a member of the Northland nobles and understands everyone's thoughts very well.

At this time, everyone understood that the Garcia family was a touchstone.

First, screen one group and eliminate those who are not from the same group, leaving only supporters of the Duke.

Even if they are not willing to establish the Northland Principality, they will not oppose it too fiercely.

When Virut interrupted, those who originally wanted to object shut up.

It is true that the will to oppose is not strong.

The young Viscount Perez sat with a cold expression, while Baron Cloya held him tightly for fear of an accident.

"I suggest that everyone go to Swan Castle together and persuade the Duke to take up the heavy responsibility and establish the Principality of the North." Without Virut's further guidance, someone gave him the advice he wanted.

"Okay, we'll leave right away."

"There is one more thing to do before we leave. First, control the nobles outside."

Referring to a deer as a horse, if you say it is a deer, then catch it first.

If you don't support the Duke, hold it back first and don't cause trouble to everyone.

Virut is very motivated and does what he says.

He immediately led a swarm of people out of the castle and placed other nobles under house arrest.

After gaining most of the supporters, he easily rushed into the military camp and captured the remaining nobles.

Little Viscount Perez couldn't get involved at all, and he didn't dare to object.

Things had gotten out of control, and Virut took the opportunity to take advantage of everyone.

Looking at the fanatical nobles, he knew that this matter might be done.

Derek received the information early, and what Virut did was never hidden from him.

Of course, Virut didn't want to hide it.

However, Virut only saw two floors.

One refers to a deer being a horse.

The second is to show loyalty to the family.

But he saw more.

The existence of nobles is reasonable, but it may not necessarily conform to the times.

History has proved that feudal aristocracy is not the optimal system.

And the deep-rooted sense of nobility cannot be changed by him.

Therefore, he needed to enfeoff the nobles and divide the territory among them.

But what he wanted was to centralize power and break the sacred status of the nobility.

The Garcia family is just the beginning.

Everyone thought this was a prop to refer to a deer as a horse, so they ignored the original purpose.

"If you compromise once, you will compromise a second time and then completely collapse."

Derek could see clearly that the nobles' compromise was just the beginning.

Of course, the most important thing right now is to establish a principality first.

Only by being independent can we have complete autonomy.

Although it is just a name, it actually has a great influence on people's hearts.

Without letting Derek wait too long, Virut brought people to Swan Castle.

The main force was left outside and all the nobles rushed into the castle, including those under house arrest.

After passing the merit ladder, the two rows of armor revealed an inexplicable sense of heaviness.

Although the time is still short, the air pressure made of steel still makes people unconsciously serious.

When they saw the Duke, everyone held their breath for fear of disturbing His Excellency the Duke.

"Virut, what are you doing here?" Derek seemed to not know what Virut had done.

"Your Majesty the Duke, at the request of the nobles of the North, I ask you to take the lead in forming a principality."

The nobles who were represented all smiled obediently when they met Derek's gaze.

"That's ridiculous. We are nobles of the kingdom and vassals of King Louis II. This is your first offense. You are not allowed to mention this kind of thing in the future." Derek reprimanded Virut sternly.

Not only was Virut not afraid, but he shouted even louder: "Duke, we are vassals of His Majesty Louis II, not King Arthur."

It's not a vassal relationship, it doesn't matter whether it's moral or not.

"No, I don't agree." Derek still didn't agree.

Despite some persuasion and even the speeches of the Northland nobles, Derek did not change his mind.

At night, a group of nobles could only sit in the military camp and discuss what to do.

They detained those who objected and the work was done. At this time, there was no way out.

"Baron Virut, it's not easy being a duke. What should we do next?"

"If we pursue the Garcia family, we will all be in trouble."

The persuasion was rejected, and the weak-willed person began to regret it.

"Baron Virut, if you act privately, will it cause the Duke's dissatisfaction?"

It seems to be concern, but in fact it is questioning.


Virut disdains, can you back down at this time?

We must persist even if we are wrong, let alone if we are right.

Moreover, it is definitely not something you can do alone.

"Wait, someone will come to help us soon."

Your Excellency the Duke came to Swan Castle from the Holy Cross Front. Doesn't that explain the Duke's attitude?

Virut was very sober. If the Duke had disagreed, someone would have stopped him long ago.

Being able to walk up to the Duke step by step, he wouldn't believe it if the Duke didn't know anything about it.

The nobles didn't know who Virut was waiting for.

The next day Ronald Farquhar, governor of the province of St. Peter, arrived.

He was the governor appointed by Louis II. He was originally going to use the province of St. Peter as a transition and finally serve as the governor of the province of St. Mitre.

But the agreed three years had passed. Ronald did gather a group of people, but Louis II was gone.

The new king only knew to let him target Duke Leopold.

Unless he was crazy, he would never obey the orders of the new king.

He had no support and was still surrounded by the forces of Duke Leopold. He had a bunch of Leopold officers under him. They were crazy to go against the Duke.

In this war with the Kingdom of the Holy Cross, he vaguely felt that someone was watching him.

Perhaps as soon as he made a move, he would be struck by thunder.

So Ronald gave up attacking the transport team passing by him, which was courting death.

However, this situation was already treading on thin ice. If the Duke was dissatisfied one day, he would be finished.

Just at this time, someone contacted him to do something big.

What else to consider, just do it.

He was willing to serve Louis II.

He was unwilling to serve the bastard King Arthur.

Since the new king didn't care about his life or death, he might as well surrender to Duke Leopold.

Given the latter's age and means, it's not certain who will rule the world in the future.

Hurry up and get on the ship and take a seat, the timing is right now.

Ronald came to Swan Castle and knelt on one knee after meeting him.

"Duke Leopold, the new king is cruel, murdering his brothers, and is incompetent. He tried to deal with you, a meritorious hero in the North. It's better to rebel against him. I, Ronald, am willing to be your vanguard."

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