Baron Crono walked into the makeshift tent. Seeing his arrival, the noisy tent gradually became quiet.

Everyone looked at him strangely.

Baron Crono couldn't care less and shouted directly: "This matter has nothing to do with our Crono family. I will definitely listen to everyone's opinions."

Virut is the heir of the Crono family, but this matter really has little to do with him.

Of course, Baron Crono didn't want to clean up the relationship, but he knew his son's character. This matter was definitely not that simple.

Everyone felt that a huge whirlpool was taking shape, and if they were not careful, everyone would be sucked into it, and they would end up being shattered into pieces.

No one spoke, as if something was brewing.

Viscount Palmer huddled in the corner, trying his best to make himself inconspicuous.

From merchant baron to fief baron to viscount.

Palmer has walked a path that many families have taken generations to walk.

As for the reason, it is naturally his three beautiful daughters.

But he wants to keep a low profile, and others may not be willing to do so.

"Viscount Palmer, do you have any news?"

Palmer looked at the person asking the question angrily. This guy had evil intentions.

"I didn't. Like Baron Crono, I abide by everyone's decision."

"Viscount Perez, what do you think?" The man changed direction again.

Viscount Perez was sitting in the middle, in a very conspicuous position.

He knew he couldn't hide, he was here on behalf of the Perez family.

"Send someone to talk to Baron Virut, we need to know the reason."

The young Viscount Perez wanted to directly sanction Virut, but his status prevented him from doing so.

Not to mention the relationship between the two families, the Perez family cannot provoke the Leopold family at will now.

A group of people discussed and discussed, and finally decided to send someone to talk to Virut. It would be best to find a perfect excuse for the other party to cover up the matter.

As for the Garcia family, just treat them as if they were killed by bandits and find a group of scapegoats to bury them with them.

But before they could discuss who to send, the door curtain was lifted again, and the guard who informed them had a strange look on his face.

"My lords... Baron Virut is here."

A few minutes later……

Virut sat in the middle with a golden sword, and a group of nobles sat or stood surrounding him in the middle.

His confidence was beyond expectation.

Little Viscount Perez looked around. No one spoke, everyone was staring at him.

Knowing he couldn't escape, he coughed twice and cleared his throat: "Ahem!! Baron Virut, do you have any explanation for the crime you committed?"

A bunch of people winked at Virut crazily, trying to get him off the hook.

Virut acted as if he hadn't seen it, and admitted openly: "Yes, I killed the Garcia family."

"Have you thought clearly?" Little Viscount Perez tried to save him.

"Don't think about it, the Garcia family deserves to die, so I killed them on behalf of the Duke," Virut showed two rows of big white teeth and asked sinisterly: "Does anyone think that the Garcia family shouldn't die?"

Everyone knows why the Garcia family died.

Offending Duke Leopold, that was enough.

But is this worthy of death?

This is not more king than king.

Someone's heart moved and they found some meaning.

More people looked confused. Their long-term knowledge told them that Virut did something wrong, but their reason told them that they should not argue at this time.

Only a few people still adhere to their original opinions.

"The Garcia family does not deserve to die for their crimes. The nobility is sacred and inviolable. Otherwise, if we offend Duke Leopold in the future, should we also die?"

Virut looked at the speaker and kept him in mind.

Then several more people expressed support.

Of course, there are also objections, these are the hardcore members of Duke Leopold's line.

However, Virut didn't care about the expressions of a few people. He stared at little Viscount Perez: "What do you think?"

What do you think?

Little Viscount Perez had already noticed something was wrong.

Virut is definitely not a fool. Why did he do this?

But one thing is certain, nothing can happen to Duke Leopold.

Rules are only useful to the weak and can never punish the strong.

To put it bluntly, even if Duke Leopold is wrong, who is going to correct him?

I was afraid that someone would kill me before I even left the house.

Gritting his teeth, no matter what other intentions Virut had, he could only support: "This matter has nothing to do with His Excellency Duke Leopold. Baron Virut must also ask His Excellency the Duke for his decision."

This is already a concession.

Virut smiled, and he finally gave in.

After brushing aside the few opponents, he simply shut up.

That night Virut once again secretly met with the nobles who supported the Duke during the day.

Inside the ruined castle of the Garcia family, bright lights danced.

The arriving nobles were silent.

The young Viscount Perez also came. He looked around and saw that they were all familiar faces, and they were those who supported the Duke during the day.

For example, the Palmer family, the cheap father-in-law of that boy Derek.

Virut did his part and sat at the top.

Everyone had some premonitions and fell silent.

"Northland, it's time for a real Duke."

As soon as he opened his mouth, it was a bomb.

“Duke Leopold marched south and north, defeating barbarian and Holy Cross attacks and conspiracies.

Recovering the old land and washing away the shame of the ancestors.

Opening up trade routes has found a way to make money for everyone.

Recently, the Holy Cross people were defeated and the province of St. Peter was taken.

The south rebelled, and the eldest prince came to power illegitimately.

Disasters continued, and the people were living in poverty.

The four northern provinces should be independent. "

Everyone thought that there would be heavy news, but they didn't expect it to be so explosive.

Viscount Perez almost jumped up, but was stopped by Baron Cloa.

"Viscount, calm down, this is the other party's territory."

How could Perez be calm.

This is to be the Grand Duke of the North and to establish a principality.

With Leopold's strength, how will the Perez family deal with themselves in the future?

There are people who oppose, but those who support are faster.

After a brief stagnation, a knight immediately stood up.

"Well, it should have been done a long time ago. I only obey Duke Leopold. "

The little Viscount Perez looked at him and quickly curled his lips. Could you please take off the two-headed dragon emblem on your chest first?

This is a die-hard Leopold supporter. The other party's title was earned by Duke Leopold.

"I agree. The northerners have been discriminated against for too long. There was no leader before. Duke Leopold is willing to lead us to regain the lost respect. I agree."

"The new king is not worthy of our loyalty. The cause of the old king's death has not been found out yet. I am willing to become a vassal of Duke Leopold."

Those who can come here must be nobles who tend to support the Duke.

So the answer result is very wonderful, with more supporters.

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