Virut's whereabouts were not a secret to a few nobles, but after all, it was a secret operation, and many people were not aware of it.

When Viscount Garcia's letter for help was sent to the surrounding nobles, everyone's first reaction was disbelief.

What do you mean Duke Leopold ordered his subordinate Baron Virut to murder you.

What a joke, what kind of person is the Duke, what role do you play?

Everyone thought it was a joke, but the bandits attacking the nobles' castle was not fake.

So many people can't hide it.

Even if they don't like Viscount Garcia, they can't let a bandit kill a viscount for the sake of the aristocracy.

However, Viscount Garcia's popularity is not very good. The nobles who received the letter for help were slow to arrive, and some people arrived on the third day.

This is outrageous. The nearest noble is half a day away from his castle, and the first one to come is not the one closest.

Everyone thought that although the Garcia family was not famous for martial arts, they would not be killed by bandits in the castle in a few days.

That would be too useless.

With the idea of ​​gloating over the misfortune and letting the Garcia family suffer more losses, they arrived on the third day.

Then they saw the dilapidated castle and the bodies of Viscount Garcia's family hanging on the castle.

The baron who came knew Viscount Garcia's family. He counted them carefully and found that all the guys were hung up without missing a single one.


"Retreat, retreat, retreat!!!"

No matter who did it, they couldn't deal with those with such strength.

Even if they wanted to avenge the Garcia family, they had to wait for the surrounding nobles to send troops together.

Then he wrote furiously, and the letters flew everywhere like snow.

This time the nobles showed extremely high efficiency. Three barons and seven knights came in half a day.

On the fourth day, even the Perez family came, and the local garrison rushed over.

Such a thing hasn't happened for many years. Killing a viscount's family in the northern province slapped the face of the northern nobles.

Even if Viscount Garcia and the Northern nobles don't get along, that won't work.

With more people, everyone got bolder and finally sent someone to check the situation.

In fact, everyone felt something was wrong.

The murderer was too calm, just waiting there. Shouldn't he have run away early after doing such a thing?

Could it be... that Duke Leopold really did it?

The nobles in the northern provinces all knew about the things between the Garcia family and His Excellency the Duke.

But it's not to the point of killing people!

When the messenger saw Virut in fear, the latter was already impatient.

"How bad is Viscount Garcia's popularity? You are so hesitant."

"Baron Virut??"

The messenger was a knight. He had met Virut, and more than once.

The circle of the Northern nobles was so small. There were only a hundred noble families now. It was really difficult not to know him.

Now he was a little embarrassed. The result was the one he least wanted to see.

"Baron Virut, please leave now. I can pretend that I didn't see you." The knight gritted his teeth and decided to take on the responsibility.

Virut's identity was really sensitive, and he didn't want to see Duke Leopold involved.

You ask why?

The knight family reaped dividends in several wars. Does the family have an extra village as a fiefdom?

Does it count as earning hundreds of gold coins every year from doing business with the Leopold family?

Does it count as knowing the seriousness of the matter and being afraid of causing civil unrest in the North?

There were too many reasons, and he couldn't think of them all.

It was a completely instinctive reaction, wanting to get Duke Leopold out.

As for the one who took the blame, he looked at Lloyd and others who were watching the fun with a bad face.

Since the rumors were true, there were bandit Lloyd's people in this part of the army.

Maybe Lloyd the mountain wolf was among them. Whether he was there or not, what was wrong with taking the blame?

Lloyd trembled all over, and the other party's eyes were not right, as if they were carrying some kind of dangerous signal.

This melon was not fragrant instantly.

Virut didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He didn't expect the other party to react like this.

"Knight, don't get involved in this matter. You can't bear it. When everyone comes, come and talk to me together."

"Baron, I can't bear it either. Do you understand the seriousness of the matter?"

"Okay, I'll remember this favor. Just go back and tell the truth that you saw me. Believe me."

Virut persuaded for a long time and finally let the knight go back. Before leaving, the other party was still thinking about cheating Virut.

A good start!!!

Virut was in a good mood. The knight's reaction was an exception, but it also showed the prestige of His Excellency the Duke.

Big things are expected.

Sure enough, when the knight went back and said it, the noble coalition was silent for a long time, and then exploded.

"Impossible, how could this matter be related to Duke Leopold? Absolutely impossible." A baron strongly denied it. He still had a bunch of tax bills from the Port of Digen that had not been exchanged.

"Yes, this must be Virut's private actions that deceived His Excellency the Duke." Another baron agreed very much. His son-in-law was a knight under Duke Leopold and had a promising future.

"Let Virut give us an explanation, or he should get out of here and we will pretend we didn't see him." Another baron cursed Virut in a bad manner. He didn't have a knight son-in-law, but he himself was promoted to baron in the first war to repel the barbarians because of the Duke's influence.

Which of the remaining knights and barons has no relationship with the Leopold family?

Either they are doing business, or they have relatives and friends working for the Duke.

Some are even die-hard supporters of the Leopold family.

The few voices of opposition were attacked as soon as they came out, and all they could see were the shapes that the Duke liked.

The news spread quickly, and it had already caused a sensation, and it caused another wave.

"What does the Leopold family want to do? Go to war?"

Viscount Perez wrote a letter to his father while rushing to the scene with his men.

When Count Jeffreys got the news, his first reaction was an opportunity.

But before he had time to mobilize the army, two armies quickly approached from the direction of Melgen Province and Augusta Territory.

The other party sent someone to tell him directly that this was a joint play.

Some of the artillery in the play even fell into the territory of the Jeffreys family, and soon someone came to apologize and make compensation.

What could Count Jeffreys say?

Looking at the barrel of the cannon that was thicker than his waist, he would of course accept the other party's apology.

In short, the Garcia family's affairs attracted the attention of all the nobles in the North.

In just a few days, one noble after another arrived at the scene with their troops, and the nobles in the North gathered together for a rare occasion.

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