Artillery shells are expensive, and artillery manufacturing costs are also high.

Advanced weapons have no disadvantages except being expensive.

However, the Leopold family was not short of money, and the huge profits brought by ocean trade were enough to squander.

For Derek, spending money is harder than making money.

Of course, knights like Virut who are close to him have also developed the habit of lavish spending.

It's just some shells, no human life is worth anything.

The smoke from artillery is very pungent, and people who are not used to it will definitely feel very uncomfortable if they smell it.

Virut was not used to it at first, but now he felt that the smell had a mellow aroma.

Compared to sacrificing, it feels so good to beat others.

The Garcia family did not give up resistance. Viscount Garcia had not been fooling around in vain these years, and he had many connections.

Even the large bed crossbows produced by the Leopold family, he had a few of them.

The bed crossbow, which was originally more decorative than practical, can actually come in handy today.

However, the distance of the artillery was very far, and the bed crossbow shot a few tentative arrows, but they were completely ineffective.

Instead, it attracted the attention of the artillery. The officer quickly mobilized a group of artillery and aimed accurately.

"Three rounds of rapid fire!!!"


"Three rounds of rapid fire!!!"

In less than ten minutes, the bed crossbow collapsed in the gunfire.

The last vestiges of resistance in the Garcia family disappeared.

Virut looked forward to it for a while. If he was in such a situation, he would definitely kill him and forcefully control the army to attack.

Sitting and waiting for death is not his style, he must die on the road of resistance.

It's a pity that the Garcia family is qualified politicians, but they are not qualified soldiers.

After turning their backs on the Northern Knights, they gave up their traditional skills.

Viscount Garcia would rather linger than have the courage to fight back.

"It's all in vain. I'll prepare for a few days."

Virut was very disappointed. The challenge of this trip was too low.

Sure enough, as expected, the artillery roared intermittently for a day, and one side of the castle was collapsed the next day.

In the middle of the night, the Garcia family tried to sneak away, but were blocked and turned back.

The next day, I realized that there was no way out, so I hurriedly tried to counterattack.

In the end, the artillerymen directly dismantled the gun mount and fired a few shots. There were only a few casualties, but all the soldiers ran away.

A large number of sword-wielding soldiers rushed into the castle. The majestic noble castle was covered with scars, collapsed walls and corpses were mixed together, and the smell of gunpowder smoke filled the entire castle.

Virut stepped on the debris and walked into this long-famous place.

Being the only castle that rejected Duke Leopold is indeed very special.

There was a hole in the ceiling of the large conference room, and sunlight filtered in through the hole.

The soldier simply swept away the gravel on the ground, but the dust on the seats was still there.

Virut didn't mind it and sat down.

Members of the Garcia family were forced to their knees, including Viscount Garcia.

"Virut, it is indeed you, let me go." Viscount Garcia still maintained his limited calmness: "Murdering a noble is a serious crime, and neither you nor the people behind you can bear it."

Having served as a consul for several terms, his knowledge is indeed not comparable to that of the country nobles.

Virut doesn't have a good impression of the Garcia family. In the past, his family was also a country noble and a barbarian from the North who was ridiculed by the opponent.

But now the barbarian is sitting on the main seat, while the noble nobles of the royal capital are kneeling on the ground.

"Viscount Garcia, actually I have always wanted to ask you something. If you don't hold a good knife tightly, why do you want to add to the king's toes?"

What Virut said was not pleasant. Country nobles were looked down upon by others, so they would naturally mock them in turn. These were the exact words they once used to ridicule the Garcia family.

Viscount Garcia finally had some angry expression.

But Virut was too lazy to tell him any more.

"Forget it, it's boring. Just go on the road together as a family today."

Viscount Garcia's eyes widened. The family members next to him were so frightened that some even peed their pants.

"Baron Virut, I was wrong. I am willing to admit my guilt to His Excellency Duke Leopold. I can offer 10,000 gold coins. I can help you with things. My connections are very useful."

Facts have proved that not everyone can maintain dignity when faced with the pressure of death.

Viscount Garcia chose to bow to the opponent. No reason was of any use, and his neck was not as strong as a knife.


Virut was too lazy to say more and waved his hand: "Send His Excellency the Viscount on his way."

"Virut...let me go...I have money...I can do things for have to die...the nobles will not let you go..."

Viscount Garcia kept begging for mercy at first, but when he found it was useless, he cursed.

Until his death, he didn't understand why Virut was so bold.

Attacking and killing nobles is no small crime.

If two nobles fight, they will not hurt each other's life, let alone directly attack the castle and kill the nobles.

After the clamor disappeared, Virut felt dull.

"The most dangerous coming."

Killing Viscount Garcia was not a difficult task for Virut.

Not to mention the danger.

The real danger comes after killing someone.

Nobles will not ignore this, this is a deep-rooted rule.

To challenge this is to challenge the bottom line of the nobility.

Unless...there is absolute authority involved.

So is Duke Leopold considered an absolute authority?

Virut didn't know, Duke Leopold didn't know, and even many northern nobles didn't know.

Before the incident happened, no one would think about this problem, and no one could make a correct judgment.

This move is called throwing a stone to test the water.

I killed the man.

What's your reaction?

Do you catch me and ask the Duke for punishment?

Or kill me?

Or just pretend you didn't see it.

After testing the nobles' reactions, we can deal with them in a targeted manner.

We are not afraid of someone pretending. If they kneel down once, they will kneel down again.

If they can tolerate such a challenge to the bottom line, will they tolerate other things?

Duke Leopold raised the banner, will you follow?

A simple move, directly hit the heart.

Virut knew that there would be risks in doing so, no less dangerous than on the battlefield.

But without danger, where would the credit come from.

This is also the pledge of allegiance he made on behalf of his family.

Of course, he was not simply considering interests.

When he closed his eyes, he seemed to have returned to the past.

"The Duke personally applied medicine for me."

What benefit can compare to the grace of recognition?

With his status and identity, he would still be one of the Duke's top ten confidants even if he didn't take the risk.

With money and status, why take the risk?

But some things cannot be measured by simple benefits.

The relationship of interests is extremely reliable, but what is truly as solid as a rock is the will of the people.

Virut is completely willing. For the Duke's grand plan, what is a little risk?

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