In the castle of the Garcia family, the whole family was together.

Now that the south is at war, Viscount Garcia's administrative officer has long been unable to continue his job.

Moreover, the people of the North are not favored by the new king. They hesitated again when they were asked to join the oppressed little prince Radek.

Moreover, the Garcia family once offered a mine to the little prince Radek, and King Arthur disliked this archon even more.

So Viscount Garcia, who had been wandering for half his life and had always been in the circle of nobles in the royal capital, could only return to his hometown.

However, his family's fiefdom was the average level of the baronies, and the North was not known for its grain crops.

The family's most valuable mine was taken away by the little prince, and the industry in the south was unfortunately beaten to pieces.

At least before the end of the war, it could not be counted on.

The huge Garcia family fell into decline all of a sudden.

Fortunately, the business connections are still there, and Viscount Garcia has a good mentality. It's a little uncomfortable, but he can still plan and operate after the war is over, and he will be able to return to the royal capital sooner or later.

He also regretted that his family had offended Duke Leopold, but the matter had long passed and he didn't take it to heart.

Anyway, he couldn't get close to the thigh, so he might as well be tough. Now there is no war in the northern province. Does Duke Leopold dare to take the risk of the world to attack his family?

The Garcia family is also a feudal noble. Without a suitable excuse, safety is not a problem.

This is determined by class. The punishment of scholars and officials is the same in every world.

Then... Viscount Garcia, who hurriedly climbed the city wall, saw a dark army outside the castle.

Three thousand people are not a small number, and the dark mass is very oppressive.

Virut's identity is easy to guess, and the Garcia family is in a panic.

Seeing that the morale is about to collapse, Viscount Garcia is worthy of being a consul. He is not good at fighting, but he has a good grasp of people's hearts.

"Don't panic. The enemy is not numerous. The family castle is strong. It's no problem to defend for a while. I will immediately send people to ask for help from the surrounding nobles and the kingdom's army. We will be safe soon."

He was right. As long as the Garcia family asked for help, others would not turn a blind eye.

The crisis will be resolved soon.

He had heard the news before. Virut didn't bring many regular troops. Most of them were bandits.

But he didn't expect that the target was himself. It was too bold.

Until now, Viscount Garcia didn't understand why Virut was crazy. Didn't he want to live?

If Virut knew what he was thinking, he would definitely laugh at him.

Three thousand people attacking a castle is definitely not enough.

I'm afraid that the army will collapse because of casualties halfway through the attack.


My lord, times have changed.

"Push out our artillery."

Although the Melgen Province is equipped with few artillery, it is also available.

After all, it is a province. How could it be possible that there is no artillery at all.

With Virut's identity, it is easy to call for artillery.

Especially after getting tacit consent, it is even simpler.

The thousand-man team was deployed, and the artillery built positions in an orderly manner.

They didn't take a small castle seriously.

When training artillery officers before, they used castles for experiments.

Knowing that their colleagues on the front line of the Holy Cross Kingdom had already started, the artillery officers were very envious.

Now it was finally their turn.

Lloyd had been following the army, and he was very wise not to interfere in anything.

Since he chose to obey orders, he should let go.

He had to make contributions, and he didn't have to take the blame for his mistakes.

They stayed beside Virut, indicating their attitude of not participating.

It was not until the artillery pieces were moved into the artillery positions that he couldn't help but get in front of them out of curiosity.

"Is this the artillery?"

When Virut heard Lloyd's voice, he thought of how the other party had been very cooperative in the past two days, so he explained to him: "Yes, this is the artillery. The Duke called them the God of the Battlefield, but they really deserve this title."

"I heard that the Duke used artillery to defeat the Holy Cross people. It is rumored that this is God's Thunder Scepter. Is it really that powerful?" Lloyd couldn't hide his curiosity.

"Although I don't want to admit it, it's the fact." Virut's mood was complicated. He was born as a knight in the North, and he didn't want to have to accept the appearance of something that challenged the status of a knight.

"General Virut, the artillery is ready." The artillery officer came forward to ask for instructions.

"Fire at a uniform speed, shoot all the shells you bring, and knock on the castle gate within two days." Virut ordered.

The 3,000-man army was divided into two, one part to watch the castle, and the other to go to the villages and towns on the territory of the Garcia family.

All members of the Garcia family were targets to be hit.

In the castle, Viscount Garcia and his family were watching the artillery position.

They had never seen artillery, and the few words circulated among the people were not enough for them to associate it.

Then they saw the army split into two parts, obviously heading straight for the town of the family's territory.

Harvey finally found an opportunity. Sangcha was the Duke Leopold he offended. This disastrous event directly led to the decline of the family.

It is conceivable how much blow and pressure he suffered.

The son of the viscount, who was once high-spirited, almost went crazy.

Seeing the army split up, he immediately said loudly: "It's really stupid. With so few people, they still split the troops. Do you really think the family's castle is made of paper?

Father, brother, we will definitely be safe this time."

"Shut up!" Viscount Garcia roared angrily. The family is in this situation because of your useless son, and you still have the nerve to shout.

Harvey wilted.

Fortunately, the other people's attention was attracted by the sharp whistling sound.

For some reason, Viscount Garcia suddenly had a bad feeling.

boom! ! !

The hunch was accurate.

A cannonball landed accurately on the top of the city, exploding a small crater.

Splashing stones and waves of fire knocked over the two unlucky men.

Before they could panic, shells fell one after another.

Some hit the outer walls directly, some fell inside the castle, and some fell on the roof and city walls.

The rumbling explosions continued for a moment, and the entire castle seemed to be engulfed in thunder and flames.

The artillery fired one artillery piece after another in order to ensure the continuity of firepower.

The frequency is not fast and can fully cool down.

The Garcia family was stunned, and the family's warriors pulled the viscount and several sons into the house.

Otherwise, they and their son might be completely reimbursed in one shot.

Virut held up his telescope and saw that the impact points of the cannonballs were scattered. The purpose of building the castle was not to prevent cannons, but it was indeed strong.

The effective lethality is very low, and the castle will not be destroyed for a while.

He put down the telescope and ordered: "Continue bombing, keep an eye on the Garcia family, no one can run away."

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