As soon as he finished speaking, he saw scouts galloping towards him on horseback.

"Captain, we encountered a scout from the Guards Corps."

The scouts fought hand to hand, indicating that the real master was not far away.

Burdett got on his horse, and the entire knights were already ready.

"Set off!!!"

The armor clashed with each other, and the knights got on their horses. Within ten breaths, the entire knights were quickly in position.

The knights in front and behind kept their distance, but also got relatively close.

Thousands of people are like one body, and their breathing frequencies are very similar.

The war horses are also strong and well-trained.

In this case, steadily cooperate with the knight's actions.

"Guys, there's going to be a battle soon. You'd better wait for us here." Burdett did not forget the friendly forces who sent him information and reminded them to protect themselves.

"Understood, we are waiting for news of your triumphant return. Please be sure to take us with you when you go back."


Burdette nodded slightly, then turned to face forward.

"For God!"

"For the Duke!"

"Melgen's glory will never fall."

The knights chanted slogans and passed by one after another.

This is the strongest voice of the cold weapon era and the most beautiful scenery of this era.

Knights, horses, armor and flags.

Courage, fearlessness, sacrifice and faith.

In the collision of steel, what shines is the bright spirit.

Even if you see it repeatedly, you will still be shocked.

What's more, when I saw him for the first time, my whole body was trembling from bones to flesh.

The nobles of Monta Province opened their mouths unconsciously.

He had also seen the Monastery Knights, but compared with his previous impressions, the difference between heaven and earth was simply huge.

The fierce aura that hit his face made people unable to think of resistance.

Originally, he thought Burdette's attitude was cold and a bit arrogant.

Now it seems that this is polite enough.

The strong have privileges.

"King Arthur... no, fake King Arthur, how can you fight with Duke Leopold?"

He was extremely happy now that his choice was the right one.

It is not certain who will own the Locke Kingdom in the future.

General Bren still had a headache after his hangover. After riding for a while, he felt a little uncomfortable, so he simply found a carriage and lay down in it.

The wheels of the carriage were swaying, and someone suddenly made a noise while he was sleeping or waking up.

General Brun was woken up and was about to get angry when his cronies opened the door curtain.

"General, the scouts reported that they encountered scouts from the North."


General Bren suddenly woke up. The battle formation was no joke, it was extremely dangerous.

But how could we meet the scouts from the North here?

Are all the troops in the front vegetarian? It's so easy to let people in.

Complaints are complaints, and he himself knows that there is no perfect defense line, not to mention that if he just encounters a scout, the other party may infiltrate in a small group to check the situation.

"Order the troops to stop advancing and stay where they are. Send more people to check out the situation... No, let's defend where we are. The worst we can do is arrive a day late."

General Bren still made the most correct choice. At this time, when he encountered the enemy scouts, he didn't know what the situation was, but he must plan for the worst case scenario.

It's true to say that he is a straw bag, but he is also an experienced straw bag.

King Arthur attaches great importance to the Guards, so naturally he will not mess around.

However, the opponent they encountered was too cunning. Rogge did not disclose the details of the march to Farid, and was tricked out of the information.

Not to mention that there was no defense, even if they were prepared in advance, a group of outsiders would be at a huge disadvantage compared to the locals.

Bren's reaction was already very fast, but it was not so easy for an army of several thousand people to change their attitude all of a sudden.

When marching, the team stretched very long, and it could be several miles in front and behind.

The soldiers were notified one after another, and it took a while for the army to stop.

Then, led by the lower-level officers, they began to arrange the phalanx, preparing to deal with possible enemies.

General Bren had sobered up from the fright and found a war horse to ride on. The army had been trained a lot, so it was chaotic but orderly. Give him another quarter of an hour and he would be able to adjust it.

When the time comes, you will be able to face some unexpected situations calmly.

Unfortunately, the additional scouts have not returned yet.

"Hopefully it's just a small group of scouts."

Suddenly a black cloud flew up in the distance, which was a startling flock of birds.

The ants on the ground crawled out of the cave quickly, and a large number of small insects flew around in panic.

Human senses are even duller and do not notice some slight vibrations.

However, within a few minutes, General Bren could feel the vibration.

His first reaction earthquake?

It took several seconds to realize that they were cavalry, heavy cavalry.

The war horses roared, and the heavy armor brought huge weight.

The thick sound spread far and wide.

Some experienced low-level officers also thought of heavy cavalry.

The Guards Corps is well equipped, but the infantry is also light infantry.

Encountering heavy cavalry in the wild is a disaster.

Before Bren's order reached the front line, some low-level officers jumped up in anger.

"In formation, in formation, with cavalry."

When encountering cavalry in the wild, especially heavy cavalry, forming a formation is the wisest choice.

There is no use in running. A person with two legs cannot run as well as a person with four legs.

Instead, it will expose its back to the enemy and be easily killed.

General Brun's order finally came belatedly.

"Assemble, form a battle array."

Most people didn't react and were still following the previous orders to join together.

Some people reacted and formed a battle array on the spot.

So the whole battlefield was in chaos and conflicted with each other.

Fortunately, they didn't have to worry about it, and the Monastery Knights arrived as scheduled.

When he saw the silver-shining Knights, General Brun's eyes were almost dazzled.

But the most desperate thing was that the other party was wearing heavy armor, and even the warhorse was covered with vests.

With a little common sense, he knew that he was finished.

"Conspiracy, this is a conspiracy." General Brun figured it out at once, how could there be such a coincidence.

Heavy cavalry is not light cavalry, and they stay in the enemy's territory fully armed.

The other party's posture means that they are ready and waiting for themselves.

Otherwise, the time to put on armor is enough for their own army to complete the battle array.

The other party's speed is too fast, so fast that it doesn't seem like an accidental encounter.

At this moment, he thought of a lot of things, whether Rogge borrowed a knife to kill someone, or other reasons caused the news to leak.

It is even possible that the local faction deliberately attacked the Guards Corps.

"Messenger, go and ask for help."

At the critical moment, he finally remembered the defense line arranged by Rogge.

He had just laughed at it not long ago, but now he had to rely on it.

Berdet would not wait for him. He had waited for a whole day, and he couldn't wait in vain.

"For the Duke!!!"

The Knights burst into enthusiastic shouts, and then rushed towards the soldiers of the Guards Corps fiercely.

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