If you have not experienced it, you cannot understand the power of a heavy cavalry charge.

As a senior officer in the army, General Brun had also seen heavy cavalry drills.

It left a deep impression on him at that time, but after all, he had never experienced it personally.

What I saw was far different from what I actually encountered.

The war horses, weapons and armor of the Monastery Knights are all produced in the North.

It is even stronger than the heavy cavalry of the Royal Guards.

Added together, the difference is a geometric multiple.

Moreover, the Royal Guards of the Royal Capital definitely do not have such a strong will to fight.

In the eyes of the monastery knights, the soldiers of the Royal Guards Corps are not enemies, but their meritorious deeds that help them ascend to the kingdom of heaven.

When the monastery knights crashed into the chaotic military formation, they were like sharp knives piercing their chests, a fatal blow.

An army of five thousand men was no match for them in formation, let alone in chaos.

General Bren's eyes blurred and he said to himself: "It's over."

This situation is clearly hopeless.

He knew very well what would happen after the disastrous defeat. Even if he returned alive, he would be executed by Rogge.

Especially when he made a mistake first, that small mistake that was originally innocuous has become a reminder of his life.

As for turning defeat into victory, General Brun himself has no such illusions.

With a sad laugh, he drew his weapon.

The personal guards around him are all his die-hard loyalists, so there is no need to be pretentious at this time.

"Kill me!!"

Since he's dead, let's get some backers.

It was a good idea, but he still misjudged the combat effectiveness of the monastery knights.

After the charge of the Monastery Knights, someone naturally focused on this big fish.

No need to look for it, the monastic knights came to him.


General Bren charged with his bodyguards, slashing the opponent's armor with his long sword, sending out a lot of sparks and stars.

But the monastery knight's upper body was swaying, his feet were clamped tightly, and he was not hurt at all.

"Long live the Duke!!"

Shouting slogans, the monastery knight slashed and stabbed him left and right. Several people surrounded him and fought for a long time, and finally fell to the ground one by one.

General Bren had some skills, but he was cut down to the ground.

What was left behind were some marks on the opponent's armor.

"Fuck...I don't accept it."

With a roar, General Bren opened his eyes and ran out of breath.

Reality is not a game, there is no need to pay attention to balance.

The heavily armored knights were like tin cans in front of the light infantry, and it was very difficult to die.

The chaotic battlefield collapsed without knowing when.

The broken soldiers all over the mountains and plains were fleeing everywhere, and the monastery knights did not need prisoners, and they continued to pursue and kill them.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Burdett simply ordered: "Get out, get out!!!"

The mission he received was a normal ambush. After completing it, he had to consider retreat. There was no need to fight here.

The whole process only took three-quarters of an hour, which was incredibly fast.

The order was issued, and in the blink of an eye the knights blew their horns, and the knights who were really chasing the defeated troops all stopped and turned around to leave.

Some of the defeated soldiers had even fallen to the ground. Seeing the knight coming in front of them, they would be stabbed to death by lances in the next second, but in the end the other party took a look and turned around to leave.

He lost his life and couldn't recover for a long time.

These silver-white knights are just like demons, so terrifying that they make people tremble.

Soon, the surrounding Locke Kingdom troops received messages asking for help.

Rogge's arrangement worked. The thousand-man team at the front immediately expanded the scope and intensity of the scout search, trying to find traces of the opponent.

The other second-line reserve troops began to move closer to the ambush battlefield, like prey caught in a spider's web, and the entire web trembled.

When Roger received the news of Bren's attack, he was so angry that he dropped the pen in his hand to the ground.

"Idiot, if you come back alive, I will definitely kill you."

Since arriving in Monta Province, everything has gone smoothly.

The most worrying situation of the Northland nobles falling off the chain did not happen, and the first one to have trouble was his own Guards Corps.

Roger felt very angry, it was a slap in the face.

After a while, messengers arrived one after another.

"Traces of the Knights of the North were discovered."

"Captain Sorg's army was routed."

"General Zorro's troops have arrived."

There is bad news and there is good news.

The Northland Knight was already very fast, but his arrangement worked and he actually intercepted the opponent.

Rogge repeatedly inquired about the situation and found that this group of knights was suspected of being the Knights of Melgen Abbey, and the entire attack was fast and ruthless.

As long as the army you deployed is slow to respond, the opponent will slip away.

Even if it is intercepted in time, the loss is not small.

A regiment of a thousand men collapsed completely, and an entire light infantry regiment was crippled.

Fortunately, the nearby troops of the garrison arrived in time and rescued this light infantry regiment.

The latest news is that General Farid arrived at the battlefield in person and has surrounded the opponent.

Roger quickly realized that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Eat the Melgen Knights and surround them for reinforcements."

The destruction of an entire knightly order had a huge impact.

What's more, it's an order of meritorious knights.

And the people in the Northern Principality are not stupid, so they will not sit back and watch this happen.

Otherwise, the subsequent political impact will be enough to make any general resign.

War is the continuation of politics, and sometimes it is impossible to proceed from a completely rational perspective.

Rogge quickly calculated the power in his hands, compared it with the Northern Principality, and quickly concluded: "It can fight."

The opportunity was fleeting, and he did not see any signs of threat, but saw the opportunity to defeat the enemy.

In this case, of course, we must do it directly.

Rogge dispatched troops and rushed to the battlefield with his personal guards.


The entire monastery knights were trapped. In fact, their losses were not great, and the army that intercepted them was easily dispersed.

Abandoning the solid camp, the light infantry intercepted the heavy cavalry in the wild, which was simply suicide.

However, the time bought with life was very useful, and the large army arrived successfully.

If Burdette forced the attack, he could still leave.

However, the guide stopped him at the critical moment.

"Captain Burdette, we are our own people, don't leave in a hurry."

Facing the Burdette's eyes, the noble quickly explained: "This is General Simon's arrangement. If you feel dangerous, you can definitely escape by breaking out in the direction of the garrison corps."

Burdette understood. In fact, Simon had hinted before coming, but he didn't expect it to be here.

"Garrison corps!"

Burdette saw the opponent's flag and thought, has he become a bait?

Don't doubt Burdette's wisdom, he just doesn't like to socialize, he is not a fool.

Since Simon had already calculated it, of course he had to cooperate. Burdette cooperated very well and led his men to occupy a high ground and rest on the spot.

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