War, sometimes, cannot be measured simply by numbers.

Rogge is well aware of the relationship between war and politics. If there were opportunities, he could be famous.

If... the opponent is average.

Now, he saw the opportunity and took the initiative to seize it.

When the surrounding troops began to gather, he deliberately let them wait outside.

Sure enough, the Knights launched a breakout operation that night.

Rogge, who was well prepared, blocked the Knights and only let a few run away.

Standing on the temporary high platform, Farid looked at Rogge with some envy.

In terms of ability, the latter is indeed outstanding, this is talent.

"It's a pity... No matter how strong the ability is, it's useless if the team is wrong."

Rogge commanded the army to take positions one by one and build defensive fortifications layer by layer.

First, surround the Knights, and then set up simple camps facing the periphery.

It's like a hedgehog, curled up in a ball, with its spikes facing the outside.

He was generally fair, and the local troops in Monta Province were divided into elite and ordinary troops and took positions one by one.

Farid was very cooperative, and the garrison corps was responsible for more than one-third of the area.

After waiting for a day, the flags of the Northern Principality began to appear.

Rogge finally got excited.

"General Farid, this is the stage for our soldiers."

Every general has the vision of strategizing and defeating a strong enemy.


Simon rode on a horse, not even wearing knight armor, only wearing a leather armor.

As he calculated, the main force of the Monta Province was in front of him.

Especially the Fifth Guards Corps, which was King Arthur's only force in front of the North.

"The arrangement is quite decent."

After looking around, Simon confirmed that Rogge was an excellent general.

Both tactics and strategy are excellent.

If the tactics are a little worse, such a battle cannot be played.

If the strategy is a little worse, it will not be fooled at all.

This strategy is calculated for smart people.

He knows that there is not necessarily any difference between the two sides in terms of ability.

The result of the war is not a reflection of the personal ability of the two generals.

It is related to information gap, equipment, morale and the excellence of the soldiers.

Even luck is an important factor in determining the direction of the war.

But he will not be hypocritical about fair competition.

When he worked in the fields with his father, no one told him to compete fairly.

If you have an advantage, you must use it to the fullest, otherwise it would be a waste of such conditions.

The Duke's advance arrangements, Dean Massimo's lobbying, and Knight Burdette's cooperation and sacrifice.

All these laid the foundation for victory.

Simon saw the formation clearly and said to the officers on the left and right: "Prepare to attack!"

He specifically found the place where the Guards Corps was responsible for breaking through.

The rumbling drums began to sound, and the soldiers of the Northern Principality went straight into the battle without rest.

The flags fluttered, and the soldiers advanced in an orderly manner.

Rogge saw the Northern soldiers, who were very elite in terms of the opponent's advancing formation.

"The Northern nobles are really worthy of their reputation."

He turned around and wanted to say a few words to Farid, but saw that Farid had returned to the military formation of the garrison corps.

But he didn't think much about it. The war was coming, and the general returned to the camp, which was a responsible performance.

It should be said that the first impression is very important. No matter what Farid does, he thinks it is good.

At this time, Farid, who was praised, was nervously making the final conspiracy with his trusted subordinates.

"Look at the flag later. Once General Simon sends a signal, we will act immediately." Farid felt a little nervous. After all, it was the first time to rebel in front of the battlefield. He stared at each of his subordinates and strengthened his tone: "Everyone of you took the money. This is Duke Leopold's money. It is not so easy to get. Don't let down the chain."

"Don't worry, the army is under our control and can counterattack at any time."

"The garrison corps is the garrison corps of the Monta people. Few people know what King Arthur is. As long as we work together, there will be no obstacles."

Farid confirmed it again without any omissions.

Duke Leopold gave enough money, and he also had to have professional ethics. If you get money to do things, you must do it beautifully.

The soldiers of the Northern Principality are already attacking the camp, shouting and killing.

Rogge's prediction was correct. No matter how elite the army is, it is still a mortal.

Prepare in advance to maximize the advantage.

Everything is developing according to the script he wrote. As more and more places are attacked, his attention is all attracted.

Opposite, Simon has a calm face.

This is a necessary sacrifice. Soldiers are just numbers, used to win.

For individuals, acting as bait and sacrifice is infuriating.

From the perspective of the general who is in charge of the overall situation, someone always has to sacrifice.

He is not in a hurry, waiting for the Guards to be entangled little by little.

Rogge thought well, but while killing the enemy, he was also dragged into the quagmire.

It is not so easy to get out again.

After a long time, seeing that the Guards were completely entangled, Simon ordered: "Send a signal and let Farid move."

After receiving the order, many flags were suddenly erected at the army of the Northern Principality.

This is the signal agreed by both parties. Farid knew what to do after seeing it.

No one else noticed the change of flag, except Farid who was watching closely.

"Hurry, hurry, act quickly."

The officers who had returned to the army responded quickly.

"Put on the armbands, we are against it."

"King Arthur is unjust, patricide, cruel and inhumane, we are against it."

"Long live the Duke!!"

The soldiers of the garrison were confused, and their superiors were all crazy.

But the soldiers had no extra thoughts, they believed in the officers and were used to blindly following.

Fareed was confident that he could control the army, relying on his officers.

Individual will is just an ant in front of the collective.

The flag of the Locke Kingdom was taken down on the spot, and the garrison army that changed the gate turned around and killed the friendly army before.

A shout of killing suddenly broke out in his own formation, and Rogge did not react at the first time.

When he saw the kingdom's flag being torn down and the garrison army actually attacking him, he instantly understood.

"This is a trap."

Although he still didn't find the loophole, Farid's behavior had already explained everything.

He would not believe in the pre-battle situation. Everything must have been premeditated.

"Damn Farid, such a great acting skill, he even fooled me."

Roger's hands and feet were cold. It would be useless for anyone to come to this situation. Everything was over.

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