Derek is in the Monta Province and has never been idle.

Rogge dressed as a fully armed knight and followed him.

Whenever he had free time, Derek was willing to chat with him and discuss some experiences.

Normally, Rogge also observes how the Duke handles complex interpersonal relationships.

After the war, the province of Monta was in a mess. The compromises of various interested parties, each with their own demands, were like a mess.

If it were Rogge himself, he would have been bored to death.

But in Derek's hands, it can always be handled easily.

If it doesn't work, physical persuasion will do.

There is much to be learned from such a close observation.

After one month, Mengta Province became stable as expected.

King Arthur's army reluctantly tried to fight back, but was beaten severely and ran away in despair.

Rogge was also sent to Port Deegan and boarded the latest gunboat.

He had thought about what his job would be, including some secret dirty work.

I just didn’t expect that I would go to sea.

It wasn't until he got on the boat that he was told the truth.

Lawrence, who had been resting for more than a month, personally accompanied General Rogge, whose pseudonym was Zorro.

Although I don’t know the origin of this guy named Zorro, the order given by the Duke is to take good care of him, so he is very enthusiastic.

Facts have proved that those who can be favored by the Duke must be outstanding.

Moreover, the other party went to Gardner with a mission, and his future might be better than his own.

He carefully introduced Rogge to the situation in the New World, including the supply points along the way, the strength of the fleet, and some of the forces participating in the new route.

"You mean, the southern nobles also know about the New World?"

Rogge felt it was ridiculous. Both the northern and southern nobles had discovered the New World, but King Arthur had been left out. After they had received enough benefits, would the Rock Kingdom still be necessary to exist?

From this perspective, the death knell of the Locke Kingdom has sounded.

Of course the premise is... the New World is really rich.

"The southern nobles were among the first to discover the New World. If Viscount Chavez hadn't defected to the Duke, we wouldn't have known about it."

Lawrence exclaimed, this is really the Duke of Heaven.

"No wonder those businessmen in the south have been acting strangely recently." Rogge understood why the support of the southern nobles to the young prince Radek varied from strength to strength.

Emotions use the little prince as a shield, and no one really treats the little prince as a dish.

If the little prince knew about it, I don’t know if he would collapse.

The two talked for a long time, and Lawrence even found an opportunity to perform a cannon roar for him.

Just this time, Rogge realized that times had changed.

He is not one of those stubborn old men, he is very aware of the power of artillery.

To put it bluntly, the times have really changed.

Thinking about it this way, it would be a matter of time before Mengta Province could not hold on.

This made him feel a little better.

Soon, the fleet arrived at the White Sand Islands, where they needed to replenish fresh water and leave some supplies.

As the nearest supply port, Baisha Islands is the first lane to complete construction.

Six gunboats, large and small, plus some auxiliary ships, are quite large.

There are also some permanent forts on the island, which are enough to deal with most situations.

As the governor of the port, the knight received his comrades very happily, and Rogge followed suit and enjoyed a feast.

During this period, Ben began to complain: “I have such a free time these days.

In addition to fishing every day, I supervise the work of these black slaves. Lawrence, you can still run around, and I feel like I am in prison. "

Life abroad is very boring, and Ben really feels bored to the extreme.

"If you stay here for a while longer, the Duke will definitely give you some time off, at least until this route is stable." Lawrence was able to get a lot of news by running back and forth.

Ben could only accept this pie, but complaining was a complaint, and he had not failed at all in what he should do.

"By the way, those guys from the south organized a huge fleet some time ago. I have sent a ship back to report. I guess they have some big plans. Please be careful on the road."

The White Sands Islands were located on a strategic sea route, and he kept a close eye on the movements of the southerners nearby.

Such a large fleet made him a little worried.

It's okay to have a supply port like theirs, but I'm afraid Lawrence will be attacked while running at sea.

Although Lawrence listened, he really had no respect for the southern aristocracy.

"Ben, don't worry. Even if I can't defeat those Southerners, I can still run away. Don't worry."

Since he had reminded him, Ben would not mention it again. He believed that Lawrence knew what he knew.

Then he took Lawrence and Roger to visit his island kingdom.

To be honest, apart from these shortcomings, the governor of Hong Kong has great autonomy overseas, almost as much as the Turkish emperor.

If there is no distant line connecting it, no matter how noble the knight is, he will be corrupted.

Rogge was shocked again, seeing with his own eyes Duke Leopold's hidden overseas power, which made him feel that the Rock Kingdom was almost over.

Because these forces are not just expenditures, but can instead feed the local area.

These days, he already knows what Lawrence is transporting back and forth.

He now knew why Farid surrendered.

I thought that the huge sum of money was also a huge sum for Duke Leopold, but now it seems... It's ridiculous for you to say this to a miner.

They dug it out of the ground, and even the miners didn't have much to pay for it, so what precious things could it be?

This was just a stop along the way, and we saw many supply ports along the way.

It was almost a standardized configuration, with several gunboats plus a bunch of auxiliary ships, a large number of permanent artillery batteries, and a garrison.

The fleets coming and going brought much-needed supplies to the ports along the way and provided them with necessary protection.

At least the fleets that arrived regularly would make the southerners more honest.

It was not until the vicinity of the New World that the routes of the two sides would have major differences. Lawrence's fleet would make a circle and go upstream at the estuary farther away.

"We found ships, but they were not ours."

In the last few days, we finally encountered some embellishments.

Several small ships were running around like thieves.

Old London raised his telescope and sneered, "The southerners still don't give up. They want to find our base and teach them a lesson."

There is no morality or law on the sea. After all, it is normal for a few ships to sink in a storm, isn't it?

Then we saw several small warships, like arrows from a bow, quickly encircling them.

The reconnaissance ships dodged left and right, but were still caught.

After the crushing bombardment, the ship began to sink.

The survivors who fell into the water were very lucky to be rescued this time.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that Lawrence had a change of heart, but once he mentioned sniping sailors after a battle, he was criticized by Black for wasting manpower.

So, taking them to the silver mine was also a waste of waste.

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