"Okay, stop the bombardment."

This simple trick came from Derek's idea. He had seen similar videos in his previous life.

The effect was very good, the unsuspecting Holy Cross man was caught off guard.

From the telescope, you can see the tragic situation on the opposite side. The entire thousand-man team is almost exhausted.

Moreover, I am afraid that the opponent will also be timid in defending later, which will reduce a lot of trouble.

As the flag was waved, half of the infantry regiment that ran back began to attack again.

The barbarians ran very fast, all vying to gain military exploits.

They have better physiques, and a few of the best can even run wildly in medium armor.

Sure enough, the Holy Cross men were stunned by the sudden fire.

The commanding general can react and send people to remedy the situation in time.

But soldiers are not machines. Seeing the miserable condition of their companions, they naturally feel resentful.

Before the slow reinforcements arrived, the infantry of the Northern Principality had already rushed in.

On the contrary, the tragic scene of being bombarded by heavy artillery made them freeze. The scene was full of broken limbs and broken arms, there were very few minor injuries, and most of them collapsed.

The 1,000-man team that hurriedly arrived finally arrived brandishing weapons.

"Don't be afraid, the Rockmen are here too, they don't dare to shell."

The lower-level officers still used to call the Northern Principality "Rockman", which is correct.

Except for the barbarians, the people in the Northern Principality all recognized the identity of the Rock people.

"Fuck you Mega Man, I'm from the north."

The barbarian infantry wielded their battle axes and viciously split open the unlucky guy in front of them.

He does not think of himself as a Rockman. He is clearly a loyal subject of the Duke and a member of the Northern Principality.

The battle is very stalemate, and both sides have reasons why they cannot lose.

There is no need to worry about artillery fire coverage. The Holy Cross people have constant support, so there is no need to worry about being defeated for the time being.

Infantrymen were attacking every city wall, trying to share the pressure on the gaps.

The barbarians are not afraid of death, and their fighting power is overwhelming, but they have no way to do anything to the opponent for a while.


The battle was raging when suddenly a cannon sounded.

Many people turned around subconsciously, not knowing when Rogers and his men dragged a small cannon and were bombarding it at fixed points.

At such a close distance, and with elite gunners, there was no fear of mistakes.

An artillery piece has limited lethality and can cause great psychological pressure.

The people of Holy Cross have been frightened, and the balance of victory is gradually tilting.

The fighting lasted from morning to night, and the people of Holy Cross were very tenacious in their fighting will.

Several generals had no intention of surrendering. After all, King Bruno had very strong control over his subordinates.

He has been king for more than ten years and has long controlled all the armies.

The City of Sighs is such an important place, and all the generals' families are in the royal capital.

If you don't surrender, you will die alone.

After surrendering, the whole family had to go down and wait for him.

The battle was extremely cruel.

But it's not just willpower that can offset the difference in strength.

As night fell, the entire outer perimeter of the city was lost.

The fighting was temporarily stopped at night, and circles of torches lit up the city's periphery.

The heavy artillery that had been silent for a day began to roar again.

This week, a lot of cannon barrels were knocked out, and there were hundreds of oxen and horses pulling the cannonballs.

There are not many intact buildings in the entire city.

Being able to persist until now is worthy of King Bruno's salary.

The next day, the Holy Cross man's spirit was gone.

After calming down for a night, I'm afraid I've figured it all out.

When the passion is gone, it means the surrender of the establishment.

Even officers cannot control the troops under their command.

Those who are more particular can at most surrender on their own, while those who are not particular can use the officer's head as a token of surrender.

Only when the shouts of killing in the entire city stopped completely did Derek step into this city that was said to never fall.

The stone tablet at the city gate fell in half, with events from thirty years ago engraved on it.

This is a glorious epic of the Holy Cross Kingdom, but unfortunately it has become a ruin of history.

Derek suddenly felt a little emotional: "What our ancestors failed to do, today we have done it."

This is a symbol.

Rockman originally wanted to defeat the Kingdom of Holy Cross and capture the Pope, but failed in the end.

The consequence is that the existence of the monastery still has to recognize the legal rationality of the church.

Now, the fall of this City of Sighs seems to represent the arrival of another era?

The officers following Derek also looked strange. They didn't expect it to happen.

I originally thought it was a tactical proactive attack, but I didn't expect that it directly destroyed the Holy Cross Kingdom's reliance.

From here to the royal capital of the Holy Cross Kingdom, there is no fortified city beyond the City of Sighs.

This means that they can visit every city.

"Duke, this year we will be able to break into the Holy Cross people's lair and capture their king alive, so that you can also sit on that throne." Man Niu danced excitedly.

The Duke sits on the throne, and he doesn't get promoted to one level?

When I was herding sheep in the countryside, how could I have imagined that we would be here today?

Even Adrian, who had always been steady, felt excited and couldn't help but said: "I heard that the Pope has been slandering the Duke. When I catch him, I want to hear with my own ears how he slandered him."

Every officer is full of enthusiasm. It can be said that the symbolic meaning of this strong city is too strong.

Derek did not dampen their interest. We have been fighting in the north and south for so long, what about a little expansion?

The church and the royal family compromised, and the divine power and royal power were combined in an awkward manner.

It still needs to be adjusted, but at least the short-term cooperation now can unleash all its strength.

However, what makes the generals who lead the army feel uncomfortable is that there are some special priests in the army.

There have always been military priests, which are equivalent to the role of military doctors and psychologists.

The priest sounds out of place, but it was indeed an important means for the church to control the army thirty years ago.

Just one point, the priest has the right to interfere in military affairs, which is enough.

"I don't know why His Majesty the King agrees with the church's delusion, and a group of guys who know nothing also want to dictate to the military."

This is the complaint of the officers.

It really seriously affects their interests. Originally, reselling supplies, swallowing up some military merits, and even enslaving soldiers to do private work are all convenient things.

But now, the priests must intervene in these things.

Those guys especially like to make decisions for the lower-level soldiers, and then spread the faith.

But this time, before the contradiction broke out, the sporadic rout brought explosive news.

The City of Sighs fell.

It was a bolt from the blue, and no one was in the mood to fight for power and profit anymore.

This support army had lost its target, and what was even more terrifying was that they were very close to the City of Sighs, completely exposed to the enemy's sight.

They couldn't even defend the city with their strongholds, let alone encounter in the wild?

What you fear will come true. Before the officers could react, the scouts discovered the cavalry of the Northern Principality.

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