Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 274: The First Guard Brigade

Loyalty is a very expensive thing in this world.

For Adam, who was born in the lower class, he was willing to pay precious loyalty, but the premise was that he could get rewards.

Unfortunately, the nobles who were high above him didn't care about his existence like an ant.

Even if he made contributions, he only got some insignificant rewards and was kicked away.

So, when there was an opportunity in front of him, he chose to betray without hesitation.

It was no secret that the Northern Principality had a colony in the New World.

Even the approximate location was known to the Southern Noble Alliance.

After using several small tricks and finding that they couldn't do anything to the other party, they chose to give up.

After all, the New World is very large, and it has not yet reached the point of life and death.

There is no time to grab land, so there is no need to waste precious population on infighting.

Adam was in a low position and had the opportunity to get more information. After the Northern Principality tried to contact him, he hesitated for a long time and chose to cooperate.

After passing the latest news to the Northern Principality, Adam was not idle.

The threat of the white-skinned man is right in front of us, and it is the most direct threat to us.

Training the musketeers well and blocking the attack of the white-skinned man is the most important thing.

Whether in the southern nobles or the northern duchy, if you want to be valued, you must first show your value.

Adam knew this very well.

So he visited the defeated soldiers and asked about the situation on the battlefield at that time.

Since the enemy is stronger, the best way is of course to learn.

The colonies of the Southern Noble Alliance in the New World are turbulent, and the colonies of the Northern Duchy are not much better.

Strictly speaking, they are closer to the south of the New World.

If you walk by land, the black slave tribe has even encountered white-skinned men.

The intelligence about the other side is very detailed.

But neither Blake nor Roger are officers who are good at using new infantry.

They are more accustomed to cavalry charges and fierce collisions of cold weapons.

Fortunately, there are reserves of firearms, especially artillery reserves are more than those of the Southern Noble Alliance.

Blake, Roger and Count Jeffreys Jr. gathered together to discuss the threat from the south of the New World.

"People who are not of our race are even less trustworthy than those of the Southern Noble Alliance. We must be prepared for war." Earl Jeffreys Jr. set the tone first.

If it weren't for the policy of the Principality, he would look down on even the barbarians.

As an old noble, the theory of bloodline is deeply rooted in his bones.

It is more uncomfortable for Earl Jeffreys Jr. to accept a foreign race than to kill him.

Moreover, from the perspective of the interests of the Principality, the other party is here to compete for resources, not to make friends with him.

"I have asked the mine to stop a team of musketeers, but unfortunately I have no experience in the use of firearms." Black was worried.

"I have a thousand Zero rifles here, which can form an infantry regiment." Rogge was the calmest.

Years of experience in leading troops made him extremely strong, even if he was not familiar with firearms.

The nature of war will never change because of the replacement of weapons.

What changes is only the use of tactics.

Give him time, he believes that he can quickly figure out how to use musketeers.

The three of them agreed that everyone's future lies in this land under their feet, and no one else can destroy it.

Moreover, the Northern Principality had won every battle, and they had an inexplicable confidence in their hearts.

The three of them discussed with each other, divided their responsibilities, and then worked together to arm the colonies first.

With the silver mine as the center, including the nearby colonial towns, this is the basic base.

When necessary, the gold mine can be abandoned, and the basic base can be defended first.

Of course, it is inevitable to ask for help from the mainland.

After all, overseas colonies do not have a perfect system, and they continue to supplement from the rear.


Derek quietly read the information about the New World.

There is also a month's interval when sending letters by clipper.

But it is already timely.

This is not the first time he has seen information about other civilizations?

It's just that this time, the southern nobles suffered a big loss.

It's not that they will hurt their own kind, but they must be necessary.

The other party is not a black slave with stone weapons, but a threat.

Immigration has been going on, and prisoners, free people and slaves have gone to the New World one after another.

However, half of them stayed in the ports along the way, and there are not many who have arrived in the New World.

In addition, these people are not professional soldiers, and it is difficult to even supply the New World with self-sufficiency.

Derek felt a slight headache.

If there is a choice, he would rather slow down.

Unfortunately, some things cannot be decided completely by reason.

The gold and silver of the New World are needed by the Principality, and the various resources of the New World are also needed by the Principality.

Most importantly, the New World can divert many internal conflicts.

A large number of officers who are eager to get ahead can be thrown over.

Some internal conflicts can also be ignored through predatory development.

"Increase the speed of immigration."

Derek made a decision quickly and wanted to increase support.

After hesitating for a while, he finally decided: "Let the Second Guards Infantry Regiment, the Fourth Guards Infantry Regiment, and the Fifth Guards Infantry Regiment form the First Guards Brigade, and expand two new regiments to go to the New World."

The plan cannot keep up with the changes. The First Guards Infantry Regiment should have been the first expansion target, but he hesitated after all.

The New World is far away, and the environment is even worse. Unknown enemies may appear at any time, and no one knows what will happen.

He still doesn't feel comfortable letting Sharif go into this muddy water.

Of course, it may not be an opportunity for others.

If you do a good job, you can be promoted quickly and get more resources.

"In addition, send craftsmen to build a steel mill and a weapons repair factory to try to solve some supply problems locally."

With the Duke's order, the huge machine of the Northern Principality began to operate.

The Second Guard Infantry Regiment, which served as the Duke's guard, was quickly transferred and directly supplemented outside the city of Plan.

With the first three infantry regiments as the core, a supplementary regiment and an artillery regiment were added.

There are also some logistics, guards companies, and battalions directly under the brigade headquarters.

The number of the entire First Guard Brigade quickly exceeded 8,000.

Considering the sea battle, the entire brigade is in a state of strengthening.

The first batch of personnel arrived first, and a large number of weapons and equipment were directly loaded on ships and shipped to the New World first.

After a simple training, the First Guard Brigade also boarded the transport ship, crossed the vast ocean, and began to sail towards the New World.

The huge machine of the Northern Principality, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly started up and burst out with powerful power.

The past accumulation was quickly transformed into combat power.

The sealed weapons and equipment were directly pulled out, and the soldiers in the recruit training camp were replenished.

The reserve officers took office directly and built a complete brigade.

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