On the sea not far away, a large warship approached the shore at some point, and might even run aground if it went further.

A group of well-dressed noble officers watched the battle through binoculars.

The losses were heavy, with the Imperial infantry taking heavy losses.

These are musketeers who have been carefully trained for three months and have served for several years. It is so... heartbreaking.

"When we go back, we need to replenish a group of new soldiers. Double the replenishment." The infantry commander cried bitterly to his colleagues: "Those new soldiers are not as useful as the veterans. I made sacrifices for victory, and you should pay more."

"It's just a group of farmers who were brought here to train for three months. What's the difference between new recruits and veterans? They're all dead if shot. It's really difficult for me to train gunners." The artillery officer quickly retorted.

"Stop arguing. We are all soldiers of the empire. I am the one who feels the most pain." The general in charge looked sad and pointed: "It's all for the empire. I think the soldiers will agree with me if they know it." Sacrifice. When you take over the gem mine here, won’t you be given more soldiers?”

Yes, these guys who come ashore are all bait.

The so-called heartache, of course, means heartache that the tool man is gone.

As for...soldiers, cheap consumables, there's nothing to feel bad about.

A few people reached an agreement for the last time in a few words, which was tantamount to a plan to divide the spoils.

Then we looked at the shore together. The distance was very close now, and the coastline was in front of us.

The hatch on the side was opened, revealing huge naval guns.

The Imperial Heavy Cannon is a super cannon that can only be carried by ships.

In the previous naval battle, they had saved a hand. Compared with the infantry artillery, the range of the two sides was really seven or eight times different.

It can only be said that the technological generation gap is very large, so big that the bumpkins in the south cannot understand it.

Their understanding is that the range of artillery is only one or two miles, and even naval guns cannot hit them.

Only with confidence can the knights dare to charge unscrupulously.

Of course, part of the confidence also comes from the musketeers who were killed.

No matter how ruthless the white guy is, he will never attack his own people, right?

As everyone knows, at this moment on the ship, several big shots have already reached a dirty agreement.


As the indifferent order was given, the cannon that had been silent for a long time began to roar.


As soon as a shell hit the ground, a deep pit instantly appeared on the ground. The area within ten meters was completely cleared, and a group of people fell further away.

The war horse was severely frightened and neighed continuously.

The knights were stunned and did not expect to encounter a sudden bombing.

The general was lucky. He was standing far back, far away from where the shell exploded.

But when he raised his head, he realized that this was not an accident.

There were multiple black dots flying in the sky, and they looked like cannonballs.


It's useless to shout anything at this time. How can people run past the shells?

The giant cannon dropped the shells onto the battlefield like raindrops, bombing them all regardless of the enemy or friend.

The so-called steel armor was easily torn apart in front of the artillery.

The heavy war horse was easily overturned like a toy.

The musketeers were even more miserable. They were already attacked by the cavalry, but they were also bombarded by their own artillery.

The entire battlefield was more cruel than hell, and there was a mess everywhere.

The situation of the war was easily rewritten.

The King of War has changed his master.

"Prepare to land."

Following the order, more transport ships appeared in the fleet on the sea, and groups of soldiers landed on land with mixed emotions.

At least at this moment, their moods were extremely complicated. After all, no one wanted to see their end be like the one before them.

On the ship, there are officers doing psychological construction.

"This was just an accident. The enemy's cavalry was too strong and it was the general's misjudgment.

The companions on the shore had no hope of survival, so their sacrifice could only be made worthwhile.

The general said that all those who died in battle would receive double pensions, and those who survived would also receive rewards. "

When dealing with soldiers at the bottom, they always have ten thousand reasons to fool them.

These guys with simple minds and well-developed limbs can solve their troubles as long as they pay a little money.

As for the smart people among them, the smart people will not speak, otherwise they will not mind letting him be killed by the enemy's muskets later.

In this way, morale was finally restored.

There is no extra time for chaos on the battlefield.

When the musketeers advanced in orderly formation, the inner city at the entrance of the alley was in panic.

Without the Knights, they lost their greatest combat power.

Seeing the large number of enemies, failure was already foreseeable.

Some nobles have begun to flee, and the trend has spread quickly.

When the red-coated musketeers entered the city, there was not much resistance left.

The gem mine not far from the port soon fell into the hands of the white man.

The white people who worked hard inside were finally liberated.

As for the black slaves, of course they continued to mine for their new masters.

After achieving a brilliant victory, the red-coated soldiers began to attack in all directions and firmly occupied the area near the port.

The captured southerners quickly revealed a large amount of information.

A new continent, this is a big fat piece of meat.

"A bunch of damn idiots."

Baron Cullen yelled angrily, not expecting the port to be captured so easily.

Although it was far away from the colony, the menacing enemies still could not bring him a sense of security.

Adam on the side was already feeling lucky that he was pushed out at the beginning, otherwise he would be the one who would be unlucky this time.

As for the gem mine that was taken away, it should be Governor Cullen who should be worried.

He has already got the benefits that he should get, so how can he take the blame?

Sure enough, after a round of scolding, Governor Cullen sat down in the chair helplessly.

He looked at his capable subordinates and asked, "Adam, what should we do now?"

"There is no way. The white-skinned guys are very strong and we can't beat them." Adam directly pointed out the core of the problem and suggested, "Let the masters of the alliance increase their support, otherwise the gem mine will never come back.

And I'm worried... After losing the colonies in the New World, the next step is to face the white-skinned guys in the mainland."

With coercion and inducement, I believe that the masters in the mainland will make the right choice.

"A batch of muskets have arrived," Governor Cullen said a piece of news that Adam didn't know, and compromised: "You should organize an army of our colonies as soon as possible. We must prepare in advance."

Adam's eyes lit up. This is a good opportunity.

"Okay, I will recruit a group of soldiers as soon as possible. I also suggest forcibly recruiting a group of slave soldiers. We don't have enough manpower."

"Black slaves?? Are they okay?"

"It's enough to be cannon fodder."

"Then do it, I support you."

The two quickly made a decision, far away from home, they can only rely on themselves.

Adam was happy, since he was excluded last time, he finally got the power again.

That night, he quietly handed the latest intelligence to the owner of the colonial tavern.

A week later, the intelligence was divided into two, one went to Blake, and the other returned to the Northern Principality.

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