War is an art.

Bombing is a display of violence.

Targeted elimination with the precision of a scalpel is the art of details.

You can't achieve the same effect by giving you a cannon.

The conservatism of the conservative southern nobles has now been punished.

The fleet on the sea used some small ships as bait to attract the artillery on the shore to bombard randomly.

When they determined the target, the artillery with a longer range directly roared.

Still out of range, large ships stopped horizontally on the sea, greatly improving the accuracy.

The shells that fell from the sky directly brought a devastating blow to the artillery on the shore.

The dazzling firelight could not even cover the light of the rising sun.

"Counterattack, counterattack!!!"

The commander of the artillery jumped up and down in the back. He was very optimistic about the prospects of artillery, and he usually tried his best to do some training and train gunners.

But on the one hand, he was a latecomer, and it was difficult to figure out the use of artillery in a short time.

Secondly, the superiors did not take it seriously. Without enough shells to practice, it was hard to say what the effect would be.

Anyway, now the entire artillery platform was passively attacked.

The enemy's shells were obviously more powerful. Even if there were some permanent fortifications to block them, the artillery on their side was also pulled out one by one.

Those gunners who had been trained with great difficulty were buried in the sea of ​​fire one after another.

On the city wall of the port, the general was not very uncomfortable.

He saw the result of the artillery battle. Three ships on the opposite side had been sunk. This was the result of the battle.

"I didn't expect these artillery to still have some effect. We can increase the investment of resources in the future."

Yes, he didn't care about the outcome of the artillery battle. What if the warships were powerful? Could they carry the warships ashore?

All enemies were like paper in front of the fully armed Knights.

When these white-skinned guys came ashore, he would let the Knights teach them a lesson.

As for the lost artillery, he didn't care at all.

Sometimes, prejudice and stubbornness are the biggest enemies.

In one morning, the artillery battle ended in such an unfair duel.

The fleet on the sea repeatedly probed and gradually approached the shore after confirming that there was no more threat.

The small boats moored directly at the shore, and the large ships were transferred by small ships.

The other side was very cautious and did not give the enemy any chance.

The entire fleet, some continued to patrol and guard the periphery, and the rest were all parked horizontally, with the dark muzzles facing the shore.

If the enemy wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to do something, the large-caliber naval guns would make him understand what firepower coverage was.

The general was indeed ready to take action, and tentatively sent an infantry forward. As expected, they were bombarded by artillery and retreated in a few minutes.

Looking at the dusty infantry, the general was a little angry: "I'll teach you a lesson later."

He was still confident and believed that the Knights were invincible.

It was actually right to think so. Past experience has proved this truth time and time again. The Knights who concentrated their charges could only withstand it with human lives.

Moreover, the production of full-body armor is troublesome. You can buy it if you have money, but it is wishful thinking to buy all the equipment of a Knights at once.

Productivity also limits the number of knights.

If the North had not opened up the supply of knight armor, they would not have been able to raise one knight after another.

Then... the times changed.

Don't think about why Derek opened up the supply of knight armor, but he was thinking about harvesting a wave of leeks in the end.

In the new era, knights can still guarantee a certain battlefield deterrence, but the limitations are greater.

For example, now, the white-skinned guy is not in a hurry to act, and the soldiers in bright red dragged down the cannons from the warships.

That's right, large-caliber naval guns are difficult to transport, but small-caliber cannons can be dragged for several months.

Their first goal is to recapture the port, and now half of it has been completed, and the nearshore part is under their control.

The rest depends on the infantry.

The musketeers lined up in a row, and the gunners followed behind pushing the cannons and began to move forward.

The speed was very slow, even slower than that of traditional infantry.

"The Knights are ready to let the white-skinned know what it means to be the king of the land."

The general personally put on his armor and went into battle, full of vigor and vitality.

In the past, he would not have had the opportunity to lead such a large-scale Knights.

The only regret is that there are too few women in Canard, and those black girls make it difficult for him to start.

"Charge, charge."

The discipline of the Knights is very good. After all, they are all knight attendants who have been trained for many years. They seized this opportunity and all of them were transferred to knights. They also experienced several small-scale battles, which can be regarded as the general's heart.

The musketeers on the opposite side stopped and lined up in several rows.

The small infantry cannon was pushed to the front, and the artillery officers ran back and forth, shouting loudly.

"Hurry up, hurry up."

"No need to calibrate, just blast it out."

"Shoot your damn shells out, whoever is the slowest, I will definitely put the shells into his asshole."

The rude curse made the artillerymen speed up a point, after all, no one wanted to try the feeling of putting shells in.

As the Knights trotted into the range of the artillery, a sharp sound of breaking through the air reached their ears.

"Speed ​​up, speed up."

The sudden speed increase can effectively avoid the artillery attack, or at least disrupt the opponent's rhythm.

Being able to lead a Knights group, at least it is not a waste.

He knew the threat of artillery and muskets, and was prepared to bear the loss.

"A bunch of women's toys, when the knights rush in front of them, everything will be over."

The Knights suddenly accelerated, and they were really impressive, with the hooves of the horses rumbling like drums.

"Go, push the artillery away."

"Hurry up, the musketeers know you, but the bullets don't."

The white-skinned army still retained the classical artillery tactics.

Perhaps because of the performance of the artillery, or because the mind can't turn around for a while, the front attack is still very popular.

After firing a few rounds of artillery, they hurriedly retreated to both sides.

The musketeers who had loaded their guns raised their muskets in unison.


The white smoke rose and was quickly blown away by the sea breeze.

The first row squatted, and the second row shot.

The second row squatted, and the third row shot.

Each row had a commanding officer with a drummer, who constantly commanded shooting and loading, over and over again.

The clanking sound of bullets caused a small number of casualties among the knights.

Finally, they rushed to the front under the rain of bullets, and the losses were much greater than expected.


The musketeers who were approached had no power to resist the charge of the cavalry and were quickly dispersed.

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