At the ports of the New World, groups of soldiers blocked the ports.

Brak and Rogge are welcoming the newly appointed governor.

With the newly discovered gold mine, the new settlement, and the good news, the two of them should have been smiling, but at this time they both had a straight face.

People who didn't know thought it was dissatisfaction with the new governor.

Brak glanced at Rogge. His expression was stiff. He must have been the same. He could only squeeze out a bright smile and said, "Smile. The new governor has taken office. Don't cause any misunderstandings."

In fact, neither of them had much resistance to the new governor.

Judging from the duke's orders, the new governor was the highest administrative official, and the special circumstances of the New World even allowed him to control a certain army.

But the new governor can't control them. The mines are under the direct jurisdiction of the Duke's Palace, and the military is a sensitive area.

About a day ago, both of them were happily waiting for the new governor to take office.

The emergence of the governor-general meant that the New World appeared as an independent administrative unit in the sequence of principalities.

In addition, the principality will definitely increase its investment.

This is good news for the two people whose interests are deeply tied to the New World.

Then...I got another bad news.

When little Earl Jefferys got off the boat, his feet stepped on the thick earth, but it felt like he was stepping on marshmallows, and he felt slightly dizzy.

When Brak and Rogge came forward to greet them, he tried his best to show the kindest smile.

Although he is the governor, little Earl Jefferys knows that he cannot do whatever he wants.

"Welcome, Your Majesty the Governor."

"I am Brak. If you need anything, you can tell me. I obey the orders of the Governor's Palace."

"I am Zorro, and the Duke's troops are at the ready."

Earl Jeffries Jr. responded with a smile: "Thank you both. I hope we can get along happily in the future and work together to complete the tasks assigned by His Excellency the Duke."

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty the Governor. Although you should be allowed to rest for a few days, some emergencies may require you to work as soon as possible." Brack said straight to the point.

For a moment, little Earl Jefferys thought this was a show of force.

But what Brak said next made him regain his energy instantly.

"The southern nobles suffered a serious defeat. An entire knight order was defeated. White guys from the south coast appeared within our scope of activities. They will pose a serious threat."

It was an open secret that the Duke had spies among the Yankees.

So what happened there was conveyed in a timely manner.

But this is not good news. The enemy has defeated the southern nobles and is also a huge threat to the principality's colonies.

The good mood of young Count Jefferys ended here. He didn't even bother to attend the reception banquet, and quickly asked: "I want to know the specific details, and how many troops we can use in the New World?"

a week ago! ! !

While little Earl Jefferys was still floating on the sea, a fleet followed the coastline, passed many obstacles, and appeared in front of the port of the southern nobles.

The Iron Knight defeated the Musketeers in one battle, and the port they captured was in the hands of the Southern Nobles Alliance.

They got a lot out of the loot and even had a few technicians.

After the initial vigilance, they never waited for the white man's revenge, and they began to enjoy the fruits of victory with peace of mind.

The income from gem mines is enough to make a mouthful of food for many people.

Governor Sir Cullen was even promoted to a knighthood due to this merit.

Adam also got a promotion, but the most critical gem mine, the two of them, was kicked away.

The representatives of the great nobility occupied the fattest piece of meat.

But today, retribution came.

The sea breeze in the morning is still warm, which is completely different from the climate of the Old World.

The soldiers at the port lacked vigilance, but fortunately the discipline of the regular army was still there, preventing them from completely slacking off.

Most of the forts were captured artillery pieces, and only a few brand-new artillery pieces came from experiments in firearms workshops.

Even more scarce than artillery are qualified gunners.

Without any experience, gunners really rely on talent.

In terms of accuracy, it’s simply unbearable.

But for the southern nobles, it is acceptable for the time being.

The watchman responsible for monitoring the sea suddenly saw a black spot. He rubbed his eyes to see if he was dazzled.

And there are more and more black spots.

Expensive telescopes are still the playthings of nobles, and the observation hand relies on your own eyes.

Soon, he determined that he was not dazzled, so there was only one possibility.

"Dang! Dang!"

The gong sounded, and the entire port was half a beat too slow to react. It took more than ten seconds to react.

There was a flurry of excitement. A large number of soldiers were busy looking for weapons and equipment. Nobles and officers were shouted out and ran out in their clothes.

"Where's the gong? What's going on?"

The general was roaring, and he needed to know what was happening immediately.

Soon, the threat from the sea became known to him.

"Are they those white-skinned guys?? Revenge is coming!!"

The general raised his hand, with a red gemstone ring shining brightly on it.

These are all brought about by the gem mines here. Let alone the white guys coming, even if the people from the Northern Principality come, they will have a fight.

The power of money is infinite, and the general's fighting will is very high.

"Let the fort prepare for those damn white guys. If you want to expand the scale, show me some real skills."

The general roared angrily. He did not believe in the so-called artillery, because these artillery did not prevent him from breaching the port.

"Let my knights be ready when the white men come ashore and entertain them well."

What he truly trusted was the established Knights.

History has proven countless times that knights are the masters of the battlefield.

Including Duke Leopold, who has risen in recent years, the most famous under his command is the Knights.

He has a blind trust in the knight.

With the sails visible to the naked eye, the fleet coming from the sea has arrived outside the port.

The fort's artillery began to roar, roaring one after another.

The black smoke came one after another, and soon even the sea breeze could not disperse the thick black smoke.

They landed on the sea one after another, causing the fleet to sway back and forth.

Occasionally hitting a few can cause some damage.

On the fleet ship, a group of white-skinned nobles were watching.

"There are a lot of artillery, but the gunners are terrible."

"The location has been determined, and the commander has no experience."

"Counterattack, clear the artillery first, and then land."

They all have rich combat experience and are not private development companies like stragglers.

Following the command of the artillery officer, the large ship that was one step behind was revealed, and a large number of artillery began to roar, clearing the forts on the shore at fixed points.

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