Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 270 The Governor takes office

This is the advantage of being in the center of power. The so-called vision is often the dimensionality reduction blow caused by the information gap.

This is why ordinary people can't do these high-level jobs.

Earl Jefferys was also a former high-ranking official in Northland, so he could naturally figure it out.

Then I broke out in a cold sweat. If I hadn't come today, the family would really be lonely in a few years.

There was no need for the Duke to take action, and the natural change eliminated them.

When a family loses influence, more is lost.

Land, population and even money cannot be owned by unknown people.

Earl Jeffries Jr. immediately expressed his stance: "I will definitely protect the territory of the New World for you."

Derek naturally believed him.

In fact, of course it is impossible for him to completely trust the other party.

No matter who the governor is, he will prepare a large number of control measures.

Within the rules, he allowed the governor to have special privileges, but only if he was loyal to himself.

Once you have a different intention, no matter how powerful you are, it won't work.

Little Earl Jefferys walked out of the Swan Castle and suddenly trembled when he was blown by the cold wind outside.

The cold sweat had soaked him and dried him, and Derek's feeling during today's meeting was completely different from before.


Thinking of this coveted title, he shook his head and threw away the delusions of generations.

"Times have changed and there is no future without us Jefferies."

Not far away, a burst of crackling gunshots suddenly came from the school ground near Swansea Castle, and he became more convinced of his idea.

Next, it’s time to fight for the family’s survival.

Young Earl Jefferys arranged everything for the family and came to Port Degen with hundreds of personal guards.

A small fleet was waiting for him, and with the governor's appointment document, he successfully took over the fleet.

Even Andrew came specially to see him.

The first governor of the New World sounds like he was exiled, but anyone who really knows the inside story knows that this is a very important position.

Controlling the customs, Andrew is very aware of the profits brought by the New World, and naturally he will not underestimate them.

Little Earl Jefferys has already felt the pleasure of power even before he took office.

Otherwise, he would be an idle earl, and a character like Andrew would never be so enthusiastic.

And the fleet at your feet is not something that just anyone can own.

But now, just as the direct power of the governor, it is handed over to him.

Before reaching the New World, little Earl Jefferys' little anxiety had already disappeared without a trace.

We had just left Port Deegan, and the sea breeze was still a bit chilly.

Young Count Jefferys stood at the bow, with the captain of the fleet at his side.

"Captain George, what is the level of our fleet overseas?"

It was the first time that Earl Jefferys went to sea. It could be said that he knew nothing about it.

"Except for the principality's fleet, we can fight any fleet with less than fifty warships.

And if you want to run away, it will be difficult to be surrounded. "

Captain George speaks professionally with confidence and pride.

In fact, the occasional pirates they encountered had gradually spread the reputation of the Northern Principality's navy.

On this route, the navy of the Northern Principality has never been sunk.

All the pirates who had an interest in them finally disappeared.

Earl Jefferys was surprised when he heard this. He thought this small fleet looked good, but it was just for self-protection. He didn't expect it to be so powerful in combat.

He didn't doubt Captain George's deception, but he couldn't hide the shock in his eyes.

Captain George saw this, he bent down and asked: "Your Excellency, Governor, do you want me to demonstrate it for you?"

What a proud soldier! ! !

Little Earl Jefferys naturally understood the other party's thoughts, which was due to his suspicion and dissatisfaction.

He nodded immediately and said: "I am very happy to see the powerful side of the principality's fleet."

Captain George held his breath. He wanted the governor to see what the principality's invincible fleet was.

As for whether he would be wearing small shoes, he really didn't think that much.

Following the captain's order, the fleet that was sailing at a constant speed suddenly changed its formation.

One of the warships broke away from the formation and randomly dropped some targets and even two small lifeboats.

Then, with the flag waving, all the ships suddenly came sideways, and the wooden planks of the gun positions were lifted, revealing the dark cannons.

"Salvo, three rounds."

"Salvo, three rounds."

"Salvo, three rounds!"

Little Count Jefferys felt a violent vibration under his feet, and then black cannonballs drew an arc and headed straight for the target.


Fierce water jets flew up.

Several targets were hit, and the impact points of other shells were roughly within a fixed range.

The gunners in the gunboat were busy and fired three rounds of artillery in just two minutes.

Looking at the sea, there are no surviving targets.

The two lifeboats were completely reduced to pieces and floating on the sea.

"Your Majesty the Governor, the principality's navy is confident of defeating any enemy. We will be your sharpest sword in the New World." Captain George spoke with more confidence this time.

Little Earl Jefferys doesn't know much about naval warfare, but it looks very spectacular.

He believed that the captain chosen by the Duke would not be useless, so this fleet really had a certain combat effectiveness.

This is good news. At least after taking office, he is not empty-handed.

With a strong army in hand, he will be more confident in doing anything.

As for Captain George's slight offense, he didn't care.

This fleet belongs to the Duke, not him. As long as he obeys orders, he can tolerate a little temper.

Besides, isn't it normal for capable people to have a little temper?

Next, he met the governor of Baisha Port, Knight Ben, and saw the overseas principality port.

The densely packed artillery and well-trained musketeers are all guaranteed by force.

Along the way, he saw that the port facilities are complete, the port location is superior, and the soldiers are in high spirits.

Every governor has served in the Knights of Augusta, and both combat experience and will are visible.

Such a group of elite soldiers guarding the lifeline at sea can give people several times more confidence out of thin air.

It can be said that the governor of this new world has a good start.

The support of the principality is much stronger than expected.

This also made Earl Jeffreys completely give up. The potential strength of the Northern Principality now is beyond the imagination of many people.

Although I don’t understand how Duke Leopold has accumulated such a huge fortune, reality is more convincing than anything else.

Everything until he set foot on the new continent of Canard, there was nothing that disappointed him.

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