Derrick's occasional whims gave direction to the research.

The super acceleration of the data panel brought out a bunch of scientific researchers.

Otherwise, it would be as difficult to conduct research in an environment like the Middle Ages as flying a mecha to the moon.

So he accepted it calmly, and others also thought that this was the fact.

The roar of the machine and the pungent smell of exhaust gas made the environment of the nameless island not very good.

According to some people, the average life expectancy in this environment would be ten years less.

Derek sneered at this. In an era where people can't even eat enough and are considered old after 50 years old, you are talking to me about environmental pollution?

Survive first, then let more people survive, and only after you are full can you consider these issues.

Under the leadership of Philip, Derek and his wife visited some cutting-edge research.

New firearms, various artillery, various basic material research, the variety is dazzling.

For example, with Tiona's knowledge reserve, it is already difficult to understand what these exaggerated technicians are saying.

Even Derek can only listen politely in many cases.

If you ask him to talk about airplanes and cannons, he can still talk a few words, but as for how to synthesize metals and various quenching techniques, that's nonsense.

However, for technicians, the arrival of the Duke and Duchess is a huge spiritual encouragement.

Sometimes, honor can really bring great power.

Then they came to the steam engine group, which is much larger than other experimental groups.

Various steam engines are running at the same time, and multiple groups are conducting experiments.

A large number of craftsmen surrounded the technicians and constantly adjusted and repaired the steam engines.

There are all kinds of hello here, and there are also small pocket steam engines.

There are obsolete goods and experimental models.

There are also a group of people doing experiments next door around the application of steam engines.

However, their research direction is more inclined to various military equipment.

For example, large equipment such as drilling machines and cutting machines.

Sure enough, technological revolutions are always used in the military at the first time.

This is also forced by reality. After all, only by surviving first can we continue to study.

After watching for a while, Derek summoned all the technicians.

Some people were so excited that they couldn't speak, and some people talked about technology in front of the Duke, regardless of whether the Duke and Duchess could understand or not.

However, the technicians' emotional intelligence was a little low, and Derek could understand it.

In this regard, he expressed encouragement: "The current strength of the Northern Principality is inseparable from your efforts.

Every bullet fired by the frontline soldiers is your credit.

Now the eight million people in the Principality are far away from famine, and this is also your credit.

On behalf of the eight million people in the Principality, I thank you. I hope that everyone will continue to work hard to build more advanced machines and more advanced weapons to protect the Principality and develop productivity."

The technicians applauded desperately, and everyone was excited about the Duke's speech.

Boring work is actually very difficult to think about occasionally.

However, the recognition from the Duke still made them forget all the complaints in the past.

Did you hear that the Duke thanked us on behalf of the eight million people in the Principality.

In the future, we must work overtime and work hard, and we must not let down the expectations of the eight million people.

Do you feel guilty about making weapons?

Sorry, the technicians who just had enough food don't have the leisure to think about such things.

If there are really those who can't adapt, throw them into the mines to dig, and I guarantee that they won't have so many messy ideas anymore.

Before leaving, Derek also proposed a constructive direction: "I have an idea. The steel production of the principality has been growing in recent years, and it is even expected that there will be a surplus soon.

If the cost of steel drops, can we build an iron car driven by a steam engine and lay rails..."

Derek proposed a concept, which actually proved that this idea is feasible.

The increase in transportation capacity can revitalize the economy.

In addition, it can also consume the rapidly growing steel production.

Overproduction is also a terrible thing.

If it weren't for the high steel production, the southern nobles would never wear the armor produced by the northern principality, let alone form new knights one after another.

The southern nobles scolded the northern principality for being stupid, but they didn't know that Derek was also laughing at their ignorance.

They formed a backward version of heavy knights at the last train of the times. When they found that they were eliminated, I don't know what the southern nobles who spent a lot of money on it would look like.

But at the moment, Derek's proposal still aroused the interest of the steam engine group.

Simply assumed a section of railroad, found an old steam engine to modify it, hung a few carts, and directly carried out preliminary technical verification.

It's feasible.

The Duke's enjoyment is indeed feasible, but there is still a lot of work to be done.

The standard of railroad tracks, laying technology, design of steam engine head, and even more problems.

But the workload has never been a problem for them.

Especially after the Duke and Duchess just came to encourage them.

In the next few days, Derek and his wife visited everywhere on the island.

All kinds of incredible technologies are far beyond this era.

It was the first time that Tiona knew that there was such a place.

She seemed to understand where all the strange things in the Principality came from.

It's a pity that they can't leave the center of the Principality for too long. As their status increases, they represent more than just themselves.

The long-term disappearance of the Duke and Duchess will lead to a series of problems.

Derrick had no choice but to leave. Before he left, he made several requests: "The steam train project should be focused on and results should be achieved as soon as possible.

Since the new ironclad ship has been finalized, let's build one first and try it out. Even if it fails and is dismantled and sold as scrap metal, I can afford the loss.

Don't be stingy with rewards for meritorious talents. If you don't have the right to decide, you can report it directly to me for decision."

Derrick explained very carefully, and Philip wrote it down one by one.

After a short tour, Derek returned to Degen Port on a wooden boat.

As expected, a large number of requests for an interview were blocked by Andrew.

If Derek didn't show up again, he would be unable to withstand the pressure.

"Duke, the Holy Cross Kingdom is very nervous, fearing that you will stab them again.

The troops on the front line of the Holy Cross hope to continue to move forward, and they have been repaired.


Derrick has a criminal record after all, and the victim of the Holy Cross Kingdom is almost psychologically traumatized.

But this time, it's really not aimed at them.

Derek was amused and ordered: "Let the front line move, don't worry about the agreement, the agreement is just a piece of paper to wipe your ass.

Just don't make too much noise, just nibble on a small area."

It has become a habit for Derek and many others to beat up the Holy Cross people whenever they have something to do.

I have to state in advance that Derek has absolutely no intention of targeting anyone, it was just a spur of the moment decision after hearing the news.

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