Derek appeared again, and the originally restless Northern Principality instantly quieted down.

In order to make up for the previous small impact, everyone tacitly beat up the Holy Cross people to divert attention.

Derek did not investigate further. Those who jumped happily may not have bad intentions, but there are definitely no big fish.

Let them be frightened, at least they can work harder.

The First Brigade of the Guards of the Northern Principality crossed the ocean and came to a strange land.

Colonel Robert is the first brigade commander of the First Brigade of the Guards.

As the first batch of officers of the new army, he is a legitimate and undisputed member of the Duke's party.

Originally thought that the newly formed First Brigade would be led by Sharif, but he didn't expect that it would fall on his head in the end.

As for Sharif's identity, Robert had some vague guesses in his heart after staying with the Duke for a few months.

He didn't envy this kind of relationship, so it's better to make a career honestly.

So he came to the new world of Canard.

It's wild, hot, ignorant, and full of all unfavorable factors.

But there are also opportunities. For Robert, who came from the bottom of society, if he wants to climb higher, he has to work harder.

When he set foot on this land, the heat wave that swept over made him very uncomfortable.

But when he looked back and saw the neatly arranged army, he regained his serious expression.

"The task assigned by the Duke must not be wrong."

Robert had a certain understanding of the situation in the New World. With a whole new army, he also allowed failure.

When the new army landed in the New World, Earl Jeffreys and others did not get the news in advance.

It was not until they were close to the coastline that they were discovered by patrol ships.

So the welcome came a little late. All the troops got off the ship, and Earl Jeffreys, who came in a hurry, jumped off his horse.

Don't look at him as an earl, and he is also the governor of a place. His status is higher than Robert, a colonel.

But Robert has people in his hands. In terms of actual power, the governors of the New World now don't have as many as him.

All titles are actually not as good as real power, otherwise Earl Jeffreys would not have come all the way to the New World.

Facing Robert, the new generation of officers under the Duke, he was very enthusiastic: "Robert... Colonel, welcome to Canard, I have arranged a welcoming banquet for you, come with me."

Robert had a stern face. Before coming, he had consulted with his seniors in the army. He was born with such a background, and he was able to have what he has today because of the Duke.

As a hardcore Duke party, and holding military power, the wisest way is to keep a distance from the local faction.

It is okay to handle official business in an impartial manner, and it is best not to have other personal relationships.

This is the way to protect oneself, and it is also the only choice.

So he rejected the invitation without hesitation and said directly: "Thank you for your invitation, Earl.

But I came with a mission, hoping to transfer the artillery and supplies transported in advance as soon as possible, provide local intelligence, and I want to arrange defense as soon as possible."

Little Earl Jeffreys was a little unhappy. He was invited by a great Earl, but was rejected?

"Stubborn soldier."

He cursed in his heart, as expected, the guy who came from the mud legs had no vision.

Of course, on the surface, he didn't even complain at all.

He even praised him, saying, "Colonel Robert is really conscientious. The supplies are in the warehouse and can be taken away at any time.

General Zorro is very familiar with the local situation. He will arrive soon and will hand over to you.

In addition, the Colonial Governor's Office will arrange someone to contact you for the supply of the First Brigade of the Guards, and will definitely not drag your feet."

Earl Jeffreys Jr. is capable, and everything is arranged steadily.

While talking, Roger has already arrived with his men.

Although he is called a general, it is just a title of the old-style army.

Robert is not afraid at all, and directly asks about the local situation on the spot.

"The situation is still under control for the time being. I sent people to explore along the land and draw a simple map. For the time being, I have not found that the white-skinned people have the intention to explore our side. They are more likely to move from the sea and along the coastline.

However, the number of troops in my hands is limited, and I can only protect myself. Other tasks depend on you."

Roger explained very clearly. After all, he has been the chief military officer, and he has already figured out the intelligence.

Robert felt pleasantly surprised. This map could save him a lot of trouble.

"Thank you, General Zorro."

As soon as the new army arrived, after a simple handover, they immediately dragged out the artillery in the warehouse.

With a whole heavy artillery regiment and infantry artillery equipped at each company level, the First Guard Brigade can be said to be armed to the teeth.

Robert adhered to the habit of doing but not talking. He had no personal relationship with local officials, but had very close official contacts.

After confirming the reliability of the map, he immediately sent people to advance a hundred miles, occupy favorable terrain and set up fortresses.

Using a Hengduan Mountain Range as a barrier, a large area of ​​land was directly encircled.

This defense pressure was also much smaller.

Then the First Guard Brigade went out and began to clean up the rear.


In a black slave tribe on the plain, a group of people wearing simple military uniforms suddenly appeared.


The infantry artillery fired directly, light and fast.

Although the caliber was not large, the lethality was directly overflowing against individuals.

A few rounds of artillery directly dispersed the resistance, and then the army carrying poor rifles directly rushed forward.

In just half a day, they captured hundreds of black slaves.

After plundering the tribe's precious metals, the leading officer set fire to the entire tribe.

The black slave cried for his father and mother, struggling to put out the fire.

From their perspective, these outsiders are demons.

But there is no Holy Mother in the army.


The company commander shot the black slaves who stood up with one shot and pointed his pistol at the slaves.

"Tell them to either follow me honestly or stay here as a corpse."

The black slave translator carried by the army immediately began to translate in a burst of chirping.

The angry black slaves cursed at the translator, but in the end they could only tie their hands with ropes and line up in a row.

This is not the first time they have done this.

This enclosed plain does not allow any threats to exist.

Robert intended to create a stable rear base.

So these black slaves were unlucky, they were all captured and stuffed into the mines.

No, Brak had to come to the door.

"Colonel Robert, there are too many people, too many." Brak frowned. He had never thought about being troubled by too many slaves: "With so many people, the food pressure is too great, the local transportation capacity is limited, and the mines cannot afford it. ”

"Then transport it back and sell it or simply kill it." Robert didn't care about that much.

"No," Brak refused without thinking: "We will need more manpower in the future, but we just don't have enough food for the time being."

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