"Then let them farm."

Colonel Robert always makes serious and funny suggestions.

Black felt extremely speechless. These lazy black slaves have lower mining efficiency than normal people, and they know nothing about farming.

If it weren't for the fertile land in the New World, the seeds scattered on the ground would have yielded a lot, and this race would have been extinct long ago.

Considering that Robert was a newcomer, Black explained: "Colonel, you don't know how lazy and stupid these black slaves are. They are completely incapable of farming."

Robert found it difficult to understand Black's explanation. He took out his pistol and gestured: "All those who don't want to farm should be shot, and the problem will be solved."

There is nothing that American Iai can't solve. Colonel Robert directly points to the root of the problem.

Black was speechless for a while, but this seems to be a solution.

At least shooting the black slaves is much easier than persuading Robert, this stone.

Black, who returned empty-handed, thought about it and felt that what Colonel Robert said made some sense.

Since the food pressure is great, let the black slaves grow food.

In fact, this land is indeed a gift from heaven, and it can even produce three crops a year.

As for the executor, he quickly thought of the very active black slave Abraham.

Although Abraham is also a black slave, he works very hard for the Northern Principality and is very cruel when it comes to exploiting his compatriots.

Even the overseers under Blake are not as cruel as Abraham.

That's really squeezing oil out of stones.

There is no way around it, why not give it a try.

"Let Abraham come to see me." Blake called.

Soon, Abraham, dressed in a decent manner, appeared in front of Blake.

He looked like a person from the Northern Principality, wearing clothes made of materials sent from the native land, and even wearing a round hat.

When he saw Blake, Abraham knelt directly on the ground, kowtowed humbly, and then stood up, half bent over, holding the hat in his hand.

"Dear Mr. Blake, what do you want?"

Yes, he is a black traitor, but the people of the Northern Principality gave too much.

And compared to the civilized Northern Principality, he hates his own people very much.

Ignorant, lazy, hopeless.

He thought he was doing the right thing, leading a part of the tribe who were willing to progress and civilization to the right track.

Black was very satisfied with Abraham's behavior. Although he was a black slave, he was much better than those stupid guys outside.

"Abraham, I'm going to give you a task, and I hope you can complete it." Black directly painted a big pie: "The great Duke has always been paying attention to this land, and he wants to make everyone full with compassion. If you can make a contribution in the meantime, you may even get the Duke's pardon and become a member of the principality."

Abraham was really excited when he heard it.

He had never seen His Excellency the Duke, but he had heard too many legendary stories about the Duke.

Even everything he saw was just a trivial part of the Duke's subordinates.

In his eyes, His Excellency the Duke was great, wise, and irreplaceable.

He was very eager to be recognized and become a part of the principality.

"Mr. Black, what is the task?" Abraham was even ready to go through fire and water.

"Farming." Black spit out the words that gave him a headache.


Abraham was also confused. He thought of many possibilities, even going to beat the white guy, but he didn't expect this result.

But thinking carefully, it seems that farming is also difficult.

"No, it's farming.

Although the black slaves cannot be called a member of civilization for the time being, the Duke has never lost his mercy. We need more food to feed everyone...including the black slaves, until they reach the standard of civilization." Black brainwashed crazily.

As for what the standard of civilization is, of course it changes at any time.

At this time, Abraham didn't have so many complicated ideas. The beatings he suffered were not enough, and there were still some unrealistic fantasies in his heart.

So, what is farming?

"I accepted this task. I will visit the farmers immediately to ask for advice on how to farm."

"Don't worry, I will give you some black slaves, you try it first."

"I will not disappoint you and the Duke's expectations."

After Abraham left Black and got the authorization, he went to the nearby town to find farmers for advice, and finally hired several farmers as consultants.

Although a black slave's work is somewhat conspicuous, no one dares to embarrass Abraham with the endorsement of a big man.

However, the most troublesome thing is not these, but how to drive the tribesmen to work.

Black slaves can do primitive mining, which is a labor without any skills, but they can't do farming.

Even many people are lazily to the bone, which makes them very inefficient.

Under the advice of the farmer, Abraham mainly planted food crops, and other cash crops were just experiments, but the black slaves could not complete the task.

For three consecutive days, progress was slow.

Abraham was not ordinary ruthless. He believed that achieving the civilization advancement of the race would have to pay a certain price.


"The one who completed the least task will be hanged."

On the fourth day, without any prior explanation, he directly inserted a wooden stake in the farmland, and then pulled out one of the black slaves who did the least work that day and hanged him on the stake.

The black corpse swayed in the wind. Maybe someone did less than him, but who cares?

Abraham was not looking for the least efficient person, he was just making an example of him.

On the fifth day, all the black slaves were working hard. If they wanted to be lazy, they would know their fate if they looked at the corpses floating in the fields.

Abraham lived up to his promise and hanged the unlucky guy who was in the worst health early.

Privately, the slaves gathered together and were extremely angry at his behavior.

"A traitor, Abraham is a traitor and a disgrace."

"We can't let him act like this, otherwise it will be our turn sooner or later."

"Yes, you have to resist and see who is more important, him alone or all of us."

That night, the slaves plotted a rebellion.

What they hate most is not the people of the Northland Principality, but the traitor Abraham.

But they didn't know that Abraham turned around and got the information.

There are several spies among the black slaves.

In response, Abraham applied for manpower to Brack without changing his expression.

The next day, the black slaves had breakfast, some made eye contact with each other, and slowly gathered together.

They didn't notice that several black slaves quietly hid on the edge.


Bang bang bang! !

There was a burst of gunfire, and dozens of people were killed before the troublemakers could take action.

Abraham appeared in front of his fellow tribesmen and said viciously: "Put away your silly little tricks and get to work."

Blood and death suppressed all dissent.

No matter how lazy a black slave is, he is still honest.

American Iai is infinitely powerful.

Cotton pickers finally found their true calling.

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