The commander of the first regiment saw the expressions of the soldiers, they were all a bunch of idiots.

So does myself.

He was born in the infantry training class and had never experienced war.

However, he was also awarded the title of Knight of the Northland Order.

Touching the iron thing stuffed in his breast pocket, he remembered his once poor family.

I still remember that in the winter ten years ago, the whole family huddled in a drafty wooden house.

In order to pay enough land taxes for the noble lord, my grandfather starved to death that winter.

Then the Duke came... The leader's eyes became firm.

"For the Duke."

He stepped forward and stood in the front row.

"Charge with me. I've seen it all during training. What are you afraid of? If you want to explode, you should explode me first."

Death is terrible, but living in hell on earth is even more terrible.

Can a cannonball be stronger than a tax collector's whip?

After saying that, he took the lead and walked in front.

The soldiers of the regiment no longer hesitated. The officers were already in front. What else were they afraid of?

Amidst the sound of artillery fire, some enemies were encountered one after another.

The soldiers raised their rifles and knocked them down from a distance.

When they approached the core area of ​​​​the settlement, the artillery fire finally stopped.

The barbarians who were stunned saw a large number of enemies appearing in front of them in the blink of an eye.

There was no organization and not much will to resist.

Scattered small groups of counterattacks were directly drowned in the sound of gunfire.

Most of the so-called heroic tribal warriors could not even touch the corners of their enemies' clothes and fell directly into a pool of blood.

Times...have changed.

“Kneel down and don’t kill, kneel down and don’t kill.”

"Hide in the tent and don't go out."

"The Second Division of the Northern Principality is here. Surrender without killing."

Most of the soldiers in the first brigade were barbarians, so there was no language barrier at all.

The accented words of persuasion to surrender greatly undermined the will to resist.

In less than an hour, the huge tribe collapsed.

When Dagu set foot in the Koli tribe, the soldiers were already busy putting out the fire.

A large number of cold weapons were piled together, like a pile of scrap metal.

Groups of warriors from the Koli tribe sat on the ground, with soldiers holding rifles standing guard around them.

Only sporadic gunfire reminded everyone that this was a battlefield.

The first battle... was a complete victory.

On the third day, large troops gradually arrived at the Cori tribe.

The Second Brigade defeated all nearby tribes, and there was no organized resistance army left.

The news of the invasion of the Northern Principality also completely spread throughout the Barbarian Kingdom.

In response to this, the entire barbarian kingdom was in turmoil, and the leaders with their own thoughts were connected everywhere.

In the past few years, the soft invasion of the Northern Principality has not stopped.

Most barbarians are aware of the existence of their next-door neighbors, but it may not be a good thing for the leaders.

Therefore, there were few leaders who took the initiative to surrender.

However, in Virut's view, all this is just a defeated dog that is about to face its end.

In the past few years, the three southern countries have been more or less learning from the Northern Principality, and even trained a group of firearms troops.

Only the barbarian kingdom is the slowest.

This is also thanks to Derek's help, otherwise the Barbarian Kingdom had swept a large number of people and land, and it was also a large country with a population of four to five hundred.

The most important thing is that without the resources and population obtained through plunder, the barbarian king would be completely unable to suppress the various tribal leaders of the barbarians.

Ambition falls directly on the first step.

Then there was a vicious cycle. The Northern Principality did not respect martial ethics and simply abandoned its war horses and lances and started playing with artillery and rifles.

Let the barbarian kingdom's last reliance on force be lost step by step.

From being good at conquering and fighting, he gradually became good at singing and dancing, which is what happened in the past few years.

"So, the outcome of this war has been determined. This is just a big training exercise."

Virut stood in front of a huge map, with the commanders of each division and brigade present.

"According to the plan, continue the attack. Each regiment will have the opportunity to fight alone."

This one-sided military training plan has completely kicked off.

The first brigade of the 2nd Division fought the first battle. The Barbarian Kingdom army, which was not well prepared, began to suffer devastating blows one after another.

Large tribes of ten thousand people were all targeted for elimination.

Bad news comes every day, and within a month, troops will directly arrive in the royal city.

Fifty thousand new troops and seven to eight hundred artillery pieces gathered.

Even though the barbarians have united under pressure, they still have no confidence.

The first Barbarian King, and possibly the last Barbarian King, appeared on the city wall with his soldiers supported.

His health has not been good in the past two years. The Northern Principality not only destroyed his career, but also dragged down his body.

The ambitions that once existed are now long gone.

Looking at the army outside the city, the barbarian king knew that he had no chance of winning.

Most of the chieftains and tribes have begun to migrate, gradually moving to the frozen soil further north.

Although the environment there is worse, at least some people can survive.

Not everyone is willing to surrender. They would rather have the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix.

"Cough cough cough!!"

As the cold wind blew, the Barbarian King coughed.

"Your Majesty, take care of yourself. Once we have defeated the people of the Northern Principality, we still want you to lead the kingdom forward." The entourage stepped forward and wrapped his clothes tightly to comfort him.

"Stop comforting me, I know I can't win." The Barbarian King stopped coughing, his eyes full of reluctance: "You said...does God really exist?

Otherwise, why would such a person stop me? "

The barbarian king is unwilling to give in!

What a perfect strategy, even half successful.

If there was no Derek, he would have taken control of the land in the south and conquered the land and population in the south in the name of the Barbarian King.

Unfortunately, everything was interrupted by Derek, the guy who claimed to be a saint on earth.

This confused the Barbarian King who had never believed in God. Was it really God's punishment?

The servant didn't know how to answer.

In the eyes of many barbarians, the Barbarian King was indeed a man of great talent, otherwise there would not be so many people supporting him.

They couldn't even figure out how they failed. The world changed too fast, and the barbarians' military power completely declined.

It was quiet all around, and the Barbarian King knew that he couldn't get an answer.

He tried to stand up straight and wanted to maintain a little dignity: "Our family has left, maybe they have no chance to come back, so let's fight a big battle and let the people of the Northern Principality see the blood of us barbarians. Guns and cannons can't conquer us."

The Barbarian King felt that his former strength had returned, and he was still fighting with his blood boiling.


There was a sudden commotion in the city.

"Capture the Barbarian King alive, capture the Barbarian King alive."

The Barbarian King was stunned, then the redness on his face quickly faded, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"My King, My King.

You can't fall down."

The king is still fighting hard, why do his subjects surrender first?

No one can bear this blow.

A national war ended up like a comedy.

Virut walked into the Barbarian King's capital without a single drop of blood.

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