When disaster strikes, we can see who is a loyal minister.

Unfortunately, there are often more betrayers than loyal ministers, so loyalty is worth praising.

The collapse of the Barbarian Kingdom is just around the corner, and perhaps there were signs long ago.

Therefore, it is very simple to make a choice at this time.

Virut easily stepped into the Barbarian Capital. Speaking of it, this place is a small border town during the United Kingdom period, and it is extremely simple.

Because it has not experienced many wars, except for a few bloodstains, the surroundings look like there has been no war.

Thinking back to eight years ago, the barbarians went south and killed Earl Jeffreys in one battle. The entire northern province was shaken, and many people were panicked.

At that time, the barbarian warriors were arrogant, and they dared to charge with the same number of people even with simple equipment.

But now, they put down their weapons, knelt on the ground in fear, waiting for the judgment of the victor.

Virut has experienced it, so he feels it more strongly.

Only when you are strong can you see such a scene.

The change of strength and weakness may be very fast, and it will be reversed in just a few years.

So he could not slack off, so he warned himself.

Finally, the tied up Barbarian King was pushed in front of Virut.

Virut looked at him for a few times, and the other party was furious and looked unconvinced.

"Kill him and send his head to the Duke."

He was too lazy to even interrogate him. In the eyes of the three southern countries, the Barbarian King was always just a barbarian. What would happen if he was caught?

Even the barbarians have now been integrated into the northern principality. Keeping a Barbarian King will only leave hidden dangers.

It's better to die.


The news from the front line has never been a secret.

When a large number of black slaves set off to build a railway to the province of Piller, the news of the victory of the war spread a step later.

Newspapers acted as a carrier to spread the news.

Derek had a more detailed war report in his hand, which was written by the commander Virut, the war records of the staff, and the reports from the spies.

He agreed with Virut's approach of directly killing the Barbarian King.

If it were someone else, they wouldn't think so much.

Among the generals who are capable of great use, Virut has the most sensitive political sense.

Fortunately, he is loyal enough, so this is an advantage.

"Reward according to merit."

This war came to an end. Since the Northern Principality started the reform, the Barbarian Kingdom has never been a big trouble.

For Derek, it is not as important as the New Year.

But for the three southern countries, it is fear and panic.

Especially the Holy Cross Kingdom, which was beaten the most times, felt uneasy from top to bottom.

King Bruno summoned the ministers overnight and quickly passed the increase in investment in firearms and steam.

The wealth accumulated by the royal family for many years was not stingy at all.

After all, the Bruno royal family was not so stupid as to cling to money, and their crisis came more from the outside world.

The other two countries also reacted similarly.

As the New Year passed, the fifth year of the Principality officially arrived, and newspapers began to frequently report that the Duke and Duchess took the little Duke to work in the fields.

And on the unnoticed sea, the newly established Navy Department also made its first move.

Adrian did not go home at all this New Year, and lived directly in Port Degen.

His first task after taking office was to formulate a new maritime order.

With the rapid growth of maritime trade, it has expanded to more than twenty times in the past in just five years.

The economy of the entire continent has become dependent on maritime trade.

Naturally, the importance of the ocean is gradually increasing.

However, official responses are delayed, and policy adjustments are a slow process. There are more disputes involving interests.

Many factors have led to the chaos of the current maritime order.

Take the route to the new continent of Canard as an example. The White Sand Islands are the first stop. There are dozens of islands of all sizes, and some of them are even indigenous production, and the environment is also different.

There are official ports of four countries, private ports of some nobles, and even simple ports where pirates, natives, and merchants of all sizes temporarily dock.

There are dozens or hundreds of ships coming and going every day, and no one can figure out who is coming and going.

Similar to the fleet of the Northern Principality, no one dares to provoke them, but that's all.

In other cases, there are endless situations of playing dirty, playing sneak attacks, pretending to be in distress.

If you are not an old hand who has been hanging around on the sea for many years, it is easy to be swallowed up by others.

When the Warrior-class battleship was launched, it caused a panic. The various forces in the White Sands Islands connected with each other to prevent the Northern Principality from attacking everyone.

But after waiting for a few months, there was no movement, and everyone's vigilance gradually decreased.

It was in this environment that Adrian came to the White Sands Islands on the newly launched Warrior-class battleship.

The scale of the military shipyard has been expanding, and it is a production while expanding the production scale.

Now is the time when the demand for naval and marine merchant ships is growing fastest. We are only afraid of insufficient shipbuilding capacity, never afraid of excess.

So after the first ship was officially handed over to the colonial fleet after the New Year, the second ship was launched.

With the experience of the first ship, the speed of the trial was obviously faster.

It took about one and a half months for the new battleship to be handed over to the Navy.

Adrian decisively intercepted the new battleship and formed the Principality Navy Fleet.

After a group of personnel and warships were transferred from each squadron, the number of the Principality Fleet quickly exceeded ten.

And they were all ironclad ships, starting from the Thousand-Dense class. Although they would be phased out in five years, they could still be used for the time being.

The new fleet of pure ironclad ships was overwhelming the old warships.

As black smoke columns appeared in the White Sand Islands, the surrounding ports were under martial law.

Most of the ships that roamed around the White Sand Islands every day disappeared at once.

On the contrary, there were many more reconnaissance ships near the naval port.

The Principality Fleet directly settled in the port. The port selected at the beginning had a superior environment, and after several expansions, the number of fleets could be doubled.

The Governor of the port, Knight Ben, led the team to welcome the new Minister of the Navy.

Speaking of which, this port is also under the direct jurisdiction of the Navy.

When Adrian got off the boat, Knight Ben put his right hand on his chest and performed a reverse knight salute.

"Captain, long time no see."

"I haven't seen you for more than two years, Ben."

The two hugged happily, both very happy.

Yes, Ben was from the Augusta Knights, and Adrian was the deputy commander of the Knights, and the two knew each other.

Since retiring due to injury, Ben has been working at the port for five years.

It was good news for him that his old commander became his new boss.

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