Adrian directly pinched Ben's left sleeve, not hiding the fact that he was disabled.

He knew in his heart that sympathy was reserved for the weak, and there were no weak people in the Augusta Knights.

"I said that even if you lost an arm, you could still fight for the Duke. I read your work reports in the past few years. You did a good job and did not bring shame to the Knights."

Adrian did not shy away from the relationship between the two. The bond between the Knights in this era was deeper than outsiders imagined.

For example, Ben was the governor here, and most of the captains who came and went were comrades-in-arms. There was no need to mention all kinds of care, and even if there were any conflicts, communication would be much simpler.

It is inevitable to form cliques and factions. The key is how the person in power balances and controls them.

What kind of leader you have, what kind of subordinates you have.

Derek used people generously, showing unparalleled courage, so the subordinates naturally would not have too many concerns and would do things in a big way.

There is no need to avoid such relationships.

"Captain, are you going to launch a naval battle this time?" Ben asked the doubts in his heart.

"Of course, the White Sand Islands are in a prime location and must be controlled by us." Adrian gave his old subordinate a positive answer directly: "But now it's different from before. Send people to block the route first and prepare to collect taxes."

In the past, we were barefoot and did whatever we wanted.

Now that we have shoes on, we have to be more respectful.

Of course, the essence will not change.

It's nothing more than collecting protection fees instead of collecting taxes. As for the reason...isn't it hard to find a reason?

So, with the White Sand Port as the base, the ironclad fleet went out of the port and directly blocked the waters of the archipelago.

On the sea, seven or eight ships returning from the New World showed their sails.

Before they cheered to the last stop, black smoke suddenly appeared in the distance.

Three ironclad ships came directly.

After a while, two small fleets met.

The flag of the Northern Principality fluttered on the ironclad ship.

The returning fleet was in turmoil.

"Don't be afraid, it's the fleet of the Northern Principality, it must be passing by." The captain was very calm. They have seen many ironclad ships in the past two years.

Although the ironclad ships are extremely powerful and many people have lost their lives.

But the Northern Principality is a formal country after all, and the navy still has some moral integrity.

He immediately ordered the sailors to send flag signals to say hello to the great Northern Principality fleet.

On the ocean, the ecology of the jungle is even more naked.

It is not shameful to bow to the strong.

According to convention, the warships of the Northern Principality generally do not embarrass passing fleets.

But today is different. The other side fired a few shots directly at the sea, and then sent flag signals to stop the ship for inspection.

The captain frowned, feeling something was wrong.

"Did someone provoke the Northern Principality? Or did the war start on the mainland?"

He is a fleet of the Locke Kingdom, and he will not be stopped.

But the situation is stronger than people. His transport ships can't even beat an ironclad ship.

The first mate saw that the guns on the opposite side were all ready, and quickly reminded: "Captain?"

The captain had no choice but to look back at the pitiful sailors and waved his arm helplessly: "Stop the ship, put away the guns and weapons, and accept inspection."

Without a strong national navy behind him, this humiliation must be endured.

Soon, an ironclad ship approached and lowered a ladder directly from the deck.

Two small guns were directly aimed at the transport ship, and teams of naval soldiers boarded the ship.

The captain hurried forward, bowed and asked in a panic: "Sir, what can I do for you? I am also a Rocker, and we are all compatriots."

"I am a major in the Northern Principality Navy Fleet. In view of the prevalence of pirates in the White Sand Islands, which has seriously affected our country's maritime trade, our fleet will patrol the nearby waters from now on.

So when the fleet enters and leaves the White Sand Islands, it must report to the White Sand Port and state the number of people, place of origin, number of weapons and equipment, and list of transported goods.

Of course... the port tax officer will collect a part of the anti-bandit tax."

The captain opened his mouth in surprise. He understood this excuse as soon as he heard it. This is to collect protection fees.

And all the information is reported, what does this mean?

"This...this is against the rules!" The captain said subconsciously.

The major officer snorted coldly and pulled out his pistol directly: "Rules, this is the rule, do you want me to convince you?"

"No, no!"

The captain shook his hands repeatedly. He also had a pistol of the same model, so of course he knew it was powerful.

"Okay, I've written down the name of your fleet. Please report to Baisha Port. Otherwise, if we meet you again, we will just open fire and sink you. Retreat."

The patrol fleet left quickly, leaving behind a group of people in a mess in the sea breeze.

The first mate just saw the gun being drawn and quietly hid aside. Now he sneaked back and whispered, "Captain, this is against the rules! Do you want to..."

"Why were you hiding just now?" The captain looked at the first mate fiercely, and then said dejectedly, "We must not let them do whatever they want, but that's a matter for the future. This time I admit defeat."

A good man will not suffer a loss in front of him. Now people have the final say. They will sacrifice money but not their lives.

This fleet went to Baisha Port to declare customs honestly and paid a bunch of gold coins honestly.

But there are also those who take risks. The money earned from ocean trade is the money from beheading, and not everyone is willing to pay obediently.

A fleet of more than a dozen ships quietly set sail, trying to cross the Baisha Islands.

"There are still a lot of supplies on the ship, so we can just go back after gritting our teeth. Why should we pay the Northern Principality a sum of money?" The captain took a sip of wine with disdain and spit into the sea water: "I earned the money at the risk of my life, and no one can take it away."

He didn't think that the vast ocean could be blocked, so the money would be saved.

After returning, he would unite everyone to resist this behavior.

Indeed, the ocean is vast, and even the waters of the White Sand Islands cannot be easily blocked.

If you dare to take risks, you are lucky to slip away.

If you are discovered, it means you are unlucky.

A patrol fleet discovered this fleet that was moving in the dark.

It was obvious that they were trying to sneak away.

The ship name could not be seen at night, but they could fire cannons to warn.

After several rounds of cannons were fired, the fleet accelerated instead.

The patrol fleet commander saw this and thought, isn't this courting death?

"Open fire and sink them."

As for whether there would be accidental injuries, he was not afraid at all. Facing the Principality Fleet, if he did not stop for inspection, the outcome was doomed.

The ironclads roared, and the transports tried to fight back, but after more than a dozen rounds of artillery fire, five were sunk directly.

They tried to flee in different directions, but three more were sunk.

Some of the remaining ships were injured and could not escape, and some surrendered out of fear.

Only two ships disappeared into the night.

The patrol fleet seized the ships without hesitation, and the cargo of the remaining seven ships was much more than the tax.

It was just right to replenish the shells consumed tonight.

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