On the battlefield, artillery is the fairest.

Under the artillery fire, no one can tell whether you are a noble official or a low-level soldier.

Under one shot, all beings are equal.

On the side of the joint fleet, some representatives of forces were also sunk.

The entire battlefield was in chaos.

The rest were also holding on. If they had not achieved any results after such a huge loss, it would be no different from death.

Therefore, the remaining senior officials of the joint fleet sent all the fleets to fight madly.

Some people even drove their cars to the front and ordered the artillery to approach and bombard.

"The northern barbarians can't stand it anymore. After capturing their warships, we can also build the same ironclad ships, and the White Sand Islands will fall into our hands.

If we lose and go back, everyone will die. It's better to die here."

Amid the roar, the gunners were red-eyed, and they kept firing regardless of the heat of the barrel.

Of course, the real senior officials knew that even if they ushered in this naval battle, they only had the capital to negotiate.

The Northern Principality has more than this many ironclad ships.

But for them, even if they succeed in achieving their goal, it is worth it no matter how many people die.

There is indeed a ray of hope at the moment. The four tattered ironclad ships can't even fight back now. Can they still turn the tables?

Adrian, who was thought to be about to lose, was unexpectedly calm.

As I said before, there are no secrets in front of the Principality.

Similarly, for the country, credibility is worthless.

"It's time."

He looked up at the sky. According to the agreed time, the ambushed warships should have arrived.

As for the undercover pirate leader, if he can survive, the Principality Fleet will fulfill its promise.

If he can't survive, it's just a bad fate.

According to the plan of the Navy General Staff, occupying the important sea routes and collecting taxes is to force other forces to join forces for a decisive battle.

Only by clearing out these evil spirits at one time and establishing the invincible prestige of the Principality Fleet in one battle can order be recast.

For this purpose, it is worth taking a little risk.

Especially in Baisha Port, once blocked on land, it would be life-threatening.

On the contrary, it would be easy for Adrian to run away in a Warrior-class battleship.

However, Ben knew about this plan and still chose to execute it.

Compared with the Duke's great cause, personal life and death are not important.

The Duke raised him for five years and let him serve as the governor of a port. He had everything, including honor, power and money.

How could he retreat when he needed people?

Besides, Ben didn't think he was in danger of death.

Just like now, the besieging fleet attacked the shore several times and was driven into the sea several times.

Guns roared, and the old-fashioned army with swords fought desperately, but they never succeeded.

As night fell, the main battlefield was about to win, and the fleet besieging the port stopped attacking.

Perhaps they thought that Baisha Port was a turtle in a jar, waiting to concentrate all their efforts to attack after dawn.

However, outside the sea of ​​the main battlefield, a huge ironclad fleet was approaching.

For this battle, all fleets on the New World route stopped their missions and concentrated on the White Sand Islands.

Up to twenty ironclad ships are enough to destroy any fleet of this era.

If it weren't for the Principality Fleet blocking the White Sand Islands, this news should have been leaked long ago.

After all, fleets traveling to and from the new route always encounter this ironclad fleet.

They have been near the White Sand Islands for almost half a month, and have been surviving on supplies stored on unknown islands overseas.

Except for a small number of communication ships, the entire fleet has remained silent.

It was not until noon today that they set off as planned and arrived at the battlefield after dark.

At this time, the battlefield has left the nearshore range of the White Sand Islands.

Only vague black spots can be seen on the islands in the distance.

In the dark night, the black smoke from the steam engine was covered by the night.

This fleet quietly approached and moved forward following the dense gunfire.

The dark hull is just the best camouflage color.

The commander of the ironclad fleet held a telescope and could only vaguely see the shadow of the huge fleet through the fire when the shells were fired.

Dozens of wooden sailing warships still looked like behemoths.

The fierce artillery seemed to show the anxiety of this giant.

"Hehe, this time it's our navy's turn to show off."


Seeing that the distance was very close, continuing to approach would not only fail to play the firepower advantage of the ironclad ship, but also increase the risk of being discovered.

The commander decisively ordered an attack.

Dozens of flares were directly fired into the sky, and the white phosphorus burned violently with a very high brightness.

The entire joint fleet was exposed in front of them.

It was as if a dozen small suns appeared in the sky, and the entire battlefield was like daytime.

Many people in the joint fleet were familiar with flares. When they were chased by the Northern Principality warships at night, they could always see flares hanging in the sky.

Of course, those were all nightmare-like memories, just like now.

Under the white light, most people's faces were pale.

"Where is the fleet coming from???"

Beyond the effective range of the flares, only the outline of the ironclad fleet can be vaguely seen.

Until the sky fell into darkness.

With guidance, the ironclad fleet's artillery began to fire.

When fighting at night, they also have a standardized pattern.

After determining the position of the combined fleet, they only need to release flares in turn to clearly observe their movements.

On the contrary, the ironclad fleet in the dark is more concealed and deadly.

This is an unfair duel, a hunting carnival for hunters.

The combined fleet wants to defeat the principality fleet, and Adrian also wants to catch them all in one fell swoop.

Two hundred wooden sailing warships are actually nothing, but tens of thousands of old sailors are different.

So many experienced sailors were caught in one fell swoop, and the backbone of the entire navy of the three southern countries was broken in half.

Only bait that is tempting enough can make them have nowhere to escape.

Adrian saw the artillery fire on the side, and finally smiled on his calm face.


On the battlefield, any accident may happen, and no one dares to say that they will win until the last moment.

He was relieved until the back hand appeared.

The calmness he pretended to be before is now really calm.

The opposite is the combined fleet.

After a short silence, all kinds of desperate howls began.

The gunners who were firing rapidly just now suddenly lost their morale.

The morale under strong pressure can maintain a certain combat effectiveness when there is light at the end of the tunnel, but when despair comes, the collapse will only be faster.

The command system was instantly paralyzed, and all the captains knew that the war was lost.

So... it's time for everyone to escape.

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