Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 324: Selling out the Country

A large number of sailboats scattered like frightened rabbits.

In the dark night, there were even tragic accidents of collisions.

However, they were facing experienced hunters, and the prey was tightening from all directions.

The gunfire was not fast or slow, and quietly harvested the results with a unique frequency.

For the ironclad fleet, victory was inevitable. This was an opportunity that their colleagues paid a tragic price for.

All the prey were caged, and what they had to do was to harvest the results of the battle most efficiently, rather than being greedy for merit and advancing recklessly.

So in the dark night, the hunters were very patient, regardless of the prey running around, they just closed the hunting net step by step.

After a night of hunting, when the dawn appeared in the sky, the battlefield had reached the final stage.

There were some severely damaged ships floating on the sea, and they hoisted white flags.

Some lucky ones held a piece of wood and did not freeze to death all night.

But there were more floating bodies and ship wreckage.

Looking around, the nearby sea was full of wreckage after the war.

Adrian, who had been up all night, had bloodshot eyes. Such a battle had a huge impact, and the number of warships lost alone was an astronomical figure.

No matter how calm he was, he could not remain indifferent.

Fortunately, the final result was good, and the losses could be recovered from the tolls soon.

"Clean up the battlefield, send a ship to report to the Duke first, and send the specific battle report back after statistics.

In addition... first draw out two patrol fleets to collect taxes."

Adrian said this directly with red eyes, and millions of gold coins fell in his hands at once, and he was under great pressure.

The consumption of the navy is not comparable to that of the army. After a war, the value of the scrapped ships is nearly 10 million. The subsequent pensions, warship repairs and artillery replenishment are also a lot of money.

The principality's annual tax revenue must be put into it. How can it be said that there is no pressure at all?

And the losers of the war are even more miserable.

Money is spent, people die, and face is lost. The key is that there is no place to recover the capital.

But these are not things that the winners consider.

After the war, the White Sand Islands are still open to navigation.

Even if there was a life-and-death battle, business still needs to be done.

The Northern Principality has re-established a new order, and naturally it must maintain the new order.

Merchant ships from any country must pay taxes to pass through.

The White Sand Islands are very close to the mainland, and the express ship will arrive in a few days.

Everyone who should know about this naval battle knows. Only ordinary civilians are kept in the dark.

Everyone is waiting for the result.

Until the messenger ship of the Principality Fleet arrived at the port, the news soon began to spread.


Port Degen began to celebrate first, which was good news for the large number of merchants gathered here.

The Northern Principality established a new maritime order, and the merchants of these principalities would have a certain advantage.

The import and export trade of Port Degen was also guaranteed, and many people could take the opportunity to expand their business sectors and encroach on the interests of foreign merchants.

So a strong country can really protect everyone.

For businessmen, patriotism is there, but patriotism also has a price.

When the motherland can bring greater value, they are willing to pay more.

Just like now, the whole port of Degen is full of fireworks and firecrackers.

There are even ships in the open sea firing a few shots to celebrate the Principality's capture of the White Sand Islands route.

But for other countries, seeing Degen Port so lively is a different feeling.

For example, Andre, who has been traveling between the two countries, just happened to catch up with this major event.

He has just received news of the naval battle that just happened.

The power layer of the Griffin Kingdom has long excluded him, so how could he be told about this plan?

But now it is no longer a secret, and you can find out by just sending someone to inquire.

Andre stood by the window of the hotel, watching the fireworks outside the window, and people cheered from time to time on the street.

Even the newsboy ran out, and the newspaper added a special issue.

The entourage bought a newspaper and put it gently on the table.

A photo after the naval battle is in the middle of the front page. In the black and white picture, the floating wreckage and the survivors who fell into the water constitute a strong visual impact.

Andre only took a glance and did not continue to read.

He could imagine what was inside, it was nothing but eulogies.

"Go and make an appointment with Mr. Peter, I have something to talk to him about."

The attendant left quietly without saying anything.

This year, Andre traveled between the two countries and opened a number of factories, which was considered to be leaning towards the Northern Principality.

In the Kingdom of Griffin, progressives like him have formed a certain scale, and generally support the Northern Principality.

Under the conflict of interests, this support is very powerful.

However, unlike those businessmen and nobles who completely bowed to interests, Andre still had his own persistence.

Before, the intelligence personnel of the Northern Principality made some suggestions, and Andre was always hesitant.

But after seeing this newspaper, he realized that it would be too late if he didn't do something.

So, Mr. Peter, who had been responsible for contacting Andre, came to the hotel.

Just like in the Kingdom of Griffin, the intelligence personnel who used the alias Peter were very cautious and sneaked upstairs quietly.

After entering the door, he glanced around before hanging his hat on the rack at the door.

"Count Andre, may I ask why you suddenly want to see me?"

Andre saw his every move and did not answer his question directly. Instead, he asked: "This is your territory, do you need to be so cautious?"

"We are just hounds in the shadows and should not be exposed to the sun," Peter replied very calmly, without any sense of grievance.

Andre sighed. The people in the Northern Principality were too scary. I don't know how many people were willing to sacrifice for the Duke, so they could rise quickly.

Compared with this, the decline of the Griffin Kingdom is normal.

But I... also have the determination to sacrifice.

With lofty ideals, Andre reorganized his emotions.

"I agree to your conditions, but first you will provide me with basic weapons production lines. I want all the muskets, artillery, bullets, and cannonballs."

Andre said directly, "Now that you have decided, let's do it quickly."

Mr. Peter frowned, dissatisfied with Andre's big appetite.

"Your Excellency, our transaction should be fair. You have seen our sincerity and should not make such excessive demands again.

Our Duke has said that no contract can prevent the other party from breaking the contract. Only sincerity and equality are the long-term solutions.

So... we can provide you with a rifle production line first, and other things will depend on your sincerity. "

Andre stared at him. After a long time, he realized that Peter had no intention of giving in, so he leaned back: "The Duke of the North is right. I will help you get the ownership of a port as soon as possible. I hope You do what you say.”

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