The lamp lit by whale oil was particularly bright. Count Andre sat by the window and smoked a cigar all night.

He waited until the sun rose as usual before he stood up from his chair.

Peter had left long ago.

There was a brown paper bag on the table.

Cooperating with the Northern Principality was like a cup of poison in the desert. If you don't drink it, you will die. If you drink it, you will die.

He picked up the brown paper bag and left the hotel with heavy steps.

This port city prospered rapidly because of trade.

The aristocratic power represented by the royal family was very weak here.

This was fought for by Andre himself, and it took a lot of effort at the time.

The port controlled by the comprador nobles reduced a lot of tariffs on the goods of the Northern Principality.

To some extent, it promoted the development of business.

However, Andre knew that under the appearance of flowers and clusters, there was an outflow of domestic resources, and what flowed in were dumped goods processed by industrialization.

According to incomplete statistics, more than 100,000 slaves and people flowed out of this port every year.

Moreover, some comprador industries are actually primary processing such as ore smelting, and finally they sell their own resources to the Northern Principality.

It's funny to say that the powerful foundation of the Northern Principality is largely contributed by the Griffin Kingdom.

Among them... I also have my own contribution!

Count Andre laughed at himself. Compared with other compradors, at least he has an army.

Although I don't know why the Northern Principality sold me a gun production line, I have to thank them.

Riding in a carriage to the meeting place, Andre still looked unkempt.

He finally paused at the door and looked back for something.

Soon, he saw a few familiar figures on the roof opposite.

The other party was also raising his glass to him.

Count Andre then walked in.


On the roof opposite, Peter was holding a glass. When he saw Count Andre looking back, he toasted from a distance.

When he saw Count Andre go in, there was still no movement around.

He then clinked glasses with his colleagues on both sides: "Long live the Duke."

This is the wine of victory.

No matter what choice Andre made, it was actually the same.

It was nothing more than Andre taking the comprador nobles as the vanguard to fight against the royal family of the Griffin Kingdom.

Or the comprador noble parliament overthrew Count Andre and then fought against the royal family of the Griffin Kingdom.

The ending was the same. An individual might be able to give up his interests and put his country first.

But a group would not.

A single individual could not influence the overall situation.

Sure enough, half a day later, new news came out of the meeting hall.

The Never-Sleeping Harbor!!!


Opposing the royal family's foolish decision, the new nobles demanded the removal of the monarchy.

The comprador nobles, who had money and guns, gathered private troops that day and expelled the royal army.

The warships of the Principality Fleet sailed into the Never-Sleeping Harbor overnight, and the cheers of the citizens resounded through the sky.

Adrian was in charge in person, but he was still cruising on the sea with a large force, only sending warships to the port for rest in turn.

When he heard the cheers from the Never Night Harbor, he found it a little hard to understand.

"Don't these people have a sense of honor?"

"Mr. Minister, they just believe in money."

Peter, who was still wandering in the Never Night Harbor during the day, now appeared next to Adrian.

Hearing this unexpected answer, Adrian still found it hard to understand.

He couldn't imagine what it would be like if he forgot his honor one day.

Of course, there are also the secret agents of the Ninth Investigation Department.

Although Peter and his team did an excellent job, people like Adrian always looked at them with scrutiny.

"So, Mr. Peter, what is your belief?" asked the Minister of the Navy.

In response, Peter looked serious and answered very seriously: "Probably... ideal!?"

The sound of gunfire from the Never Night Harbor interrupted the conversation between the two.

The conflict still came.

The tolerance of the Griffin Kingdom was obviously not high, and the nearby garrison directly launched an attack to show their determination.

After all, judging from the time, the King of the Griffin Kingdom should not have received the news yet.

Peter smiled. He had to fight. Otherwise, did he really think he was a Lei Feng who came here to selflessly dedicate himself to the future of the comprador nobles?

Therefore, he turned to Adrian and asked: "Mr. Minister, I hope you can provide some help when necessary. We need the Never-Night Port to continue to exist."

"Of course, this is the meaning of the existence of our Principality Fleet." Adrian agreed without hesitation.

Maintaining a huge Principality Fleet is not about being a charity ambassador.

Providing support with powerful military force is the meaning of the existence of the Principality Fleet.

This battle was easier than expected.

The private army under Count Andre not only defended successfully, but even pushed back.

The army of the Griffin Kingdom has obviously been rotten to a certain extent.

This is not a problem that can be solved by equipping a batch of guns and cannons.

The preparations of the Principality Fleet will not be used for a while.

At the same time, many coastal nobles directly rebelled and joined the Never-Night Port.

Their slogan is to give up war and welcome free trade.

As a result, the last of the three southern kingdoms was also caught in the flames of war.

On the mainland, the southern nobles and Prince Radek were strong enough.

There was no king above them, and the southern nobles were the first to start the ocean trade, so they had a good foundation.

The southern nobles, big and small, were madly rolling inward, but they actually created a lot of troops.

If the Northern Principality accepted surrender, perhaps the unstable alliance of the Southern Nobles Alliance would soon collapse.

However, Virut firmly rejected a large number of surrender requests, which prompted the Southern Nobles Alliance to continue to hold on.

However, with the news that the Griffin Kingdom was caught in the flames of war, it was unknown how long the southern nobles could hold on.

However, many people found new highlights in the rumors about the exile of the Holy Cross royal family.

Viscount Chavez was in a complicated mood. He had not set foot in the core circle of the Southern Alliance for a long time.

Since the great nobles were preparing to develop the New World, he had been marginalized.

Now, with the threat of the Northern Principality, these great nobles have extended an olive branch to him again.

As for the past filth, no one mentioned it again, and no one was worried.

Because the Northern Principality obviously wanted to kill them all, those who had a little insight would unite.

They believed that Viscount Chavez could understand the situation.

Naturally, there was no need for a special apology, and it could save a lot of expenses.

Look, how smart these old men are.

"Unfortunately, we are no longer the same kind of people."

Viscount Chavez sneered in his heart, and then walked into Count Bergen's manor with an expressionless face.

The little prince's grandfather is becoming more and more powerful.

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