Count Bergen stood outside the house to greet him, just like when his caravan discovered the New World nine years ago.

Viscount Chavez even felt a trance in time and space, with the past and the present intertwined.

But he could not go back to the past after all.

Count Bergen's courtesy made him feel sick.

"Charles, my old friend, long time no see."

Count Bergen hugged Viscount Charles as if he saw his dissatisfaction.

If someone didn't know the inside story, they might think that the two had a good relationship.

Viscount Chavez hugged Count Bergen, but whispered in his ear: "Mr. Earl, when will you fulfill your promise?"

Count Bergen's eyes flashed with dissatisfaction. Wasn't he just exploited by himself once?

Soon, he changed back to a full smile, as if he had heard nothing.

"Viscount Chavez, let's not talk about these unhappy things today, please come in."

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and finally seemed to compromise.

Aristocrats, isn't it just compromise?

Walking into the manor, there were already quite a few people inside.

Seeing Viscount Chavez coming in, most people just glanced at him and didn't feel like paying attention anymore.

In the past, such gatherings would have been filled with laughter and joy.

The huge profits from maritime trade and the New World have made every noble's family fortune multiply several times, and of course they are all very happy.

But today's atmosphere is very heavy, after all, the army of the Northern Principality has come to our side.

What's the use of having more wealth?

When the Northern Principality comes, everything will be in vain.

Viscount Chavez found a corner with a smile on his face.

Listening to the continuous speeches of Count Bergen and others, calling on the nobles to actively participate in the war.

He quietly memorized all the content in his mind, and he could report it to the Northern Principality after returning.

For those who are more active and positive, they can be targeted.

For those who are negative, just leave them alone for now.

Of course, it is inevitable that some smart people mentioned the New World, and there was another round of debate.

Viscount Chavez was in it, but also outside it.

He was like watching a farce, which was particularly funny.

New World Canad!!

The armored merchant ships of the Holy Cross Kingdom made a big circle, bypassed the long coastline, crossed the complex ocean currents of the north coast, and finally arrived at the east of the New World.

The climate here is relatively cold and sparsely populated.

Currently, colonial merchant ships rarely go to such remote places. After all, the journey is long and there are not necessarily more resources.

This gave Fernandez an opportunity.

He had already circled a natural harbor, and then a steady stream of transport ships landed here.

When the last fleet carrying the royal family arrived, the last essence of the Holy Cross Kingdom was here.

When King Bruno set foot on the New World, he saw low houses, as simple as rural villages.

The entire port was almost not large in scale, and there were some scattered black chimneys emitting exhaust gas.

However, the army standing in the port gave him a little more sense of security.

With this group of troops as a backup, at least he could live well in the New World.

Some members of the royal family were complaining in a low voice. These noble bloods were somewhat disgusted with the environment here.

The shabby port was not even comparable to any city in the Kingdom of the Holy Cross, but they had to live here. It was conceivable how much they were against it.

The king pretended not to hear it, but in fact he was a little dissatisfied in his heart.

Fernandez was the first to get off the ship. After nearly a year of war, he had a lot of white hair on his temples and lost a lot of weight.

If he continued to carry on, he would be exhausted to death.

Fortunately, it was easy now, and there was no danger in the short term.

As for the complaints in his ears, they were just a bunch of useless guys.

In the New World, he was too lazy to pay attention to these guys. Either adapt or wait to die.

"Brother, just live here for now. I will catch a group of slaves and build some palaces."

The only thing Fernandez cared about was his brother.

King Bruno nodded. He knew that a phoenix without feathers was no better than a chicken, so he didn't care about it now.

"My brother, take a few days' rest first, don't rush."

Fernandez agreed to it in person, but that night he called his confidant to ask about the situation in the New World.

The nearby black slave tribes, mining resources and factory operation.

The size of only more than 20,000 people obviously could not meet his requirements.

There is a serious shortage of labor, let alone restoring the kingdom's rule, even the continuation is a problem.

In less than ten years, the colonies without external supplements will be completely assimilated.

Fernandez was certainly unwilling, so his eyes surrendered to the vast wilderness of the New World, where there are a large number of laborers.

Fernandez was idle for a few days and hurriedly set off with an army.

The first group of pioneers who landed did not have a greater conflict with the local natives.

However, the situation nearby was clearly understood.

The natives did not realize how vicious their new neighbors were.

That day, an infantry regiment of more than a thousand people attacked the nearest black slave tribe.

First, artillery bombardment, and then lined up to be shot.

After a series of combined punches, the resistance of the black slaves was easily defeated.

The next step was a parade-style arrest operation.

It was as simple and easy as a picnic.

Fernandez finally experienced the pleasure of crushing.

"Your Excellency the Duke, arrest 700 black slaves, including..."

The officer was reporting the results of the battle. This was just a medium-sized tribe. One or two hundred people were killed, some escaped, and the rest were all captured.

Fernandez rode a very rare warhorse in the New World and walked around the spoils.

The overall quality of these slaves was good. There were almost no old people, mostly young and middle-aged people, including some children.

He hesitated and struggled for a long time, and pointed the whip at a barely acceptable black slave girl.

"Pull her and her family out separately, wash them and send them to me."

The officer didn't think much about it. It was normal for the Duke to keep some slaves in captivity.

He even took the initiative to ask if he should send a few more slaves to the Duke's mansion, but Fernandez refused because he was disgusted.

On the same day, Fernandez, who returned with the spoils, favored the black slave girl.

This was simply absurd to the extreme in the eyes of the royal family.

How could the noble royal bloodline be combined with the humble slaves?

At least not on the surface.

King Bruno even called Fernandez specifically.

"My brother, do you want me to pick some beautiful maids for you?" The king asked with great concern.

Fernandez looked indifferent. He was disgusted to the extreme for favoring a slave.

However, facing the king's greeting, he forced himself to answer: "My brother, not only me, you also have to favor a group of black slave girls."

King Bruno looked at his brother in horror, wondering if he was crazy.

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