Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 365 Returning to China to Report on Work

"Are you crazy?" King Bruno got angry at his brother for the first time: "How can the noble blood of the Bruno family be tainted?"

The royal bloodline has been certified for five hundred years.

Although there must be all kinds of dirty things happening in private, there is no possibility of leakage in public.

Anyway, there is no magical detection method. If the royal family does not admit it, it does not exist.

But Fernandez's suggestion is equivalent to tearing off this fig leaf, which the king cannot accept.

Fernandez had thought about his brother's reaction long ago, so he explained very calmly: "Brother, there is no noble bloodline, only because of strength it is noble.

You know our situation now. How many years will it take for these 20,000 people to reproduce to recover?

Now only by introducing the population of black slaves can we recover in a short time and build a new kingdom.

After ten or twenty years of hard work, we will have enough strength to fight against the Northern Principality.

Otherwise, when the southern continent is unified, even if I don't go to the New World, there will be no place for me.

We have no choice whether to choose to cut off the bloodline or tolerate the lowly bloodline."

King Bruno slumped in the chair, his whole expression numb.

He has been deceiving himself, deceiving himself that he can make a comeback.

But the reality is so cruel. Fernandez clearly told him that the continuation of the royal bloodline has reached a critical moment.

After a long time, he finally overcame the last persistence in his heart and said weakly: "I know, my brother, please pick a few... girls for me."

Fernandez nodded in response. Didn't he feel disgusted?

The royal education he received since childhood made it impossible for him to ignore the identity of black slaves.

However, they are just a group of reproductive tools.

For the current kingdom, black slave women are used as reproductive machines, and adult men are complete labor tools.

There are many wild black slaves in the New World. As long as they are ruthless, they can quickly restore national strength.

New World, silver veins.

Silver City!!

Governor Jeffreys is conducting a mid-year inventory.

The New World colonies are developing rapidly. The First Brigade of the Guards has been upgraded to the First Division, and has almost captured the nearby black slave tribes.

General Rogge, who goes by the alias Zorro, has also successfully restored his identity, and the colonial garrison can also independently complete the garrison mission.

The Canard Navy Command is based in Gem Harbor, and the fleet covers the entire north coast.

So the colony is quite safe.

With a safe environment and the improvement of maritime transport power, the population of the entire colony has exceeded 300,000.

And the labor force of the colony is far more than double.

After all, the one who is close to the water gets the moon first, and there are more black slaves in the New World colony.

Cheap, no salary, such excellent labor, but the cost-effectiveness is full.

Thanks to the contribution of black slaves, the development of the colony has been further accelerated.

And more than a dozen large and small mines have been discovered, and several ore smelters work day and night to transport a large amount of primary processed raw materials to the mainland.

Today, Governor Jeffreys is reviewing a plan.

At the beginning, the First Brigade of the Guards Infantry raided Gem Harbor along the inland river. As Gem Harbor was firmly controlled by the navy, the importance of this inland river began to be put on the agenda.

With more and more colonists appearing in the New World, in order to improve the Principality's control over the New World, it is urgent to strengthen the connection between Gem Harbor and the City of Silver.

Moreover, by creating this channel, the land along the line will be gradually brought under control, and a large piece of land will be enclosed.

This is not only a consideration of economic interests, but also a political consideration.

Officials of the Colonial Governor's Office therefore designed several plans, which eventually came to the hands of Governor Jeff Ferris.

After some consideration, Jeff Ferris finally chose the one that suited his heart best.

Clear the inland river, build railways on land, and construct a new route of waterway-railway.

Strengthen the transportation capacity of the colony and revitalize the economy.

For Governor Jeff Ferris, providing the status of the colony is to strengthen his power.

Under the premise that everyone is working for the Duke, there are also various struggles in private.

Political resources are limited. If some people eat more, naturally some people eat less.

Governor Jeff Ferris certainly wants to eat more and take more. As the first colonial governor, he also wants to go further and master more power in the principality.

So... of course, the more perfect the colony is, the better.

However, the strategy of the principality is to focus on the mainland and neglect the colonies.

This is for the consideration of the principality's rule. Under the condition of limited information and transportation, it is necessary to avoid the situation of strong branches and weak trunks.

Therefore, the colony vigorously develops mining, preliminary smelting and agriculture.

The colonial shipyards can only build small inland ships, and the gun factories can only make bullets.

This is a means of restriction.

Naturally, there are few railways in the colonies, that is, there are some in the mines, and they are all small human-powered rail cars.

However, Governor Jeff Ferris thought about it and felt that the railway plan might be approved, after all, it did not involve sensitive technology.

At most, the locomotives can be purchased from the local area, and the cost will be slightly higher.

After making the choice, Governor Jeff Ferris immediately pulled General Rogge, and the two of them applied to return to the country to report on their work.

After all, the two have been in the New World for almost five years, and the shortest has been three years, so it’s time to go back and take a look.

The application for crossing the ocean was quickly approved.

It is not a problem for a governor and a garrison commander to stay away for a long time.

Even if they do not apply, Derek will consider letting them come back.

After receiving the reply, Governor Jeffreys began to prepare immediately.

The population under the jurisdiction of the Colonial Governor's Office is not large, not comparable to any province.

However, in terms of wealth, it is unmatched by other provinces.

This time back, not only do I have to report on my work, but I also have to run projects to build relationships.

Moreover, I am drifting away from the center of the principality, so the relationship is naturally not that close.

For Governor Jeffreys, who still has political ambitions, of course, he cannot miss any plan to build relationships.

He specifically asked the Canard Navy Command for several transport ships and loaded various local specialties on several ships.

Then, with the farewell of the staff of the Governor's Office, he embarked on the journey.

This time back, it was completely different from when I came.

The Warrior-class battleship was the flagship, and more than a dozen armored transport ships and frigates accompanied it. The density alone was expanded by more than ten times.

The Governor's Guards were also in high spirits, and they were all full of expectations.

The colony had been developed for six or seven years, and it was finally officially unveiled on the mainland for the first time.

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