Governor Jeffreys even got off the train to stroll around.

On the street outside the train station, stalls and shops were lined up.

A large number of citizens set up stalls here to sell goods.

From various industrial products to local specialties, the supplies are extremely rich.

This is a scene that Earl Jeffreys did not see during the Locke Kingdom period.

He walked to a small vendor who was selling various toys.

Various tin toys were painted with oil paint and looked very fun.

Suddenly seeing a group of big men surrounded by guards stopped in front of his stall, the vendor became visibly nervous.

Earl Jeffreys fiddled with the toys for a few times and then picked one of each toy.

"I want all of these, pay."

The attendant did not ask the price and generously threw down a gold coin.

Although the average income of the principality has risen sharply, a gold coin is still a large currency.

The vendor nervously wanted to collect the change, but when he raised his head with a sad face, the big man in front of him had already left.


That doesn't exist. As the governor of a colony and the earl of the Northern Principality, does he need change for buying something?

Arrogant, that's how arrogant he is.

After sweeping a bunch of goods and spending money lavishly, Governor Jeffreys got on the train again.

This time, he arrived at the Plain City Station smoothly.

At the separate aristocratic station, a row of carriages had been waiting for a long time.

The servants from the Duke's mansion were standing outside the carriage to greet him.

"Governor Jeffreys, the Duke has ordered that you can go home and rest first, and then go to the Duke's mansion to report in three days."

The servants were polite and brought the Duke's condolences.

This was the Duke's preferential treatment for important officials, showing his care.

Of course, Earl Jeffreys would not be so ignorant as to insist on reporting.

Sitting in the specially arranged carriage, he very honestly followed the arrangements of the attendant and returned to his mansion in Plain City.

Along the way, the Plain City he saw from the window was no longer the same as before.

As the political center and important transportation hub of the principality, Plan City is on the fast track.

This year marks the seventh year of the principality, and Plan City has changed a lot.

There are a lot of people on the streets, and you can still see university students walking around from time to time.

For Governor Jeffreys, who has been away for several years, everything is fresh and unfamiliar.

At the Earl's Mansion, it is obvious that everyone is not prepared for the Earl to go home first.

Everyone thought that Earl Jeffreys would report first and might come back a day or two later.

Fortunately, the Earl's Mansion knew that the Earl was coming back, so it was not panic.

The Countess personally changed a new set of clothes for the Earl. This is a custom in the North. People who travel far away always have to enter the door with a new look when they return home.

The attendant said that he was waiting outside the Earl's Mansion and could tell him anything.

In addition, the Governor's Guard was also allowed to put a platoon into the city, and the Eighth Investigation Department and the Guards were guarding inside and outside.

For the first colonial governor of the principality, all kinds of courtesy were absolutely full.

After closing the door, Count Jeffreys felt a little relieved.

On the contrary, the Countess looked worried: "Count, why did you go home first? Is there anything wrong?"

Being in a noble family, the Countess had to think more.

"It's okay. This is the Duke's preferential treatment of us ministers. It's a good thing." Count Jeffreys understood what the Duke meant.

Politics is essentially a show, not only for each other to see, but also for others to see.

From this treatment, Count Jeffreys knew that what he wanted this time might be possible.

Obviously, the Duke also intended to give the colonial government a higher status.

This means that the resources from the principality will be tilted towards the colonies, which is a good thing for him.

Under the Duke's eyes, Count Jeffreys became honest.

He stayed indoors for three days and reunited with his family.

It was not until the agreed day came that he stepped out of the house for the first time.

The carriage had been waiting outside for a long time, and the attendants were the same as before.

"Your Excellency, Governor, please."

After getting on the carriage, we went to the train station, then transferred to the Swan Castle station, and took another carriage to Swan Castle.

After an hour of tossing and turning, I finally met His Excellency the Duke again.

A few years have passed in a flash, and the Duke's face has become more mature, even with a little beard, looking more majestic.

Earl Jeffreys just took a look, immediately retracted his gaze, and lowered his head honestly.

When the Northern Principality was first established, the attitudes of the two earls had to be taken into account.

At that time, the earl's every move still had a great impact.

Earl Jeffreys even thought about going to war, after all, he could not find a reason for the Duke to be at ease with his family.

But as time passed, seven years later, an earl is no longer so important to the principality.

At least, Derek, as the lord of the principality, can completely ignore the attitude of an earl.

A strong national army and vast land are his confidence.

In terms of land area and population, the Northern Principality is already a major country in history.

And as time goes by, it may even be possible to accomplish the great cause of unifying the southern continent.

And times have changed.

Seeing the performance of Earl Jeffreys, Derek chuckled.

"Earl, please sit down."

"I have read the route plan you submitted, and I agree with it in principle."

Earl Jeffreys was delighted. This route is still very important to the colony. It is great that it can be passed.

"But it is not enough for me to agree to the current plan. The results can only be obtained after the various departments organize personnel to review it, so please wait for a while."

The Duke's Mansion has decentralized power, and of course Earl Jeffreys did not believe this last sentence.

After all, who dares to really sing against what Derek agreed to?

So he stood up again and thanked him hurriedly.

Derek waved his hand and motioned him to sit down: "Don't be polite, I should thank you. This is all for the consideration of the principality.

By the way, let's talk about the situation in the colony in recent years. Although reports are sent to me regularly, they are not as thorough as you, the governor of the colony."

Governor Jeffreys immediately began to complain, telling all kinds of difficulties, and also reported the big and small things in the colony.

Derrick interrupted and asked some details during the period, which improved his understanding of the colony.

It is normal for the colony to have a hard life, but it is not exaggerated.

After all, with 300,000 citizens, the conditions can't be too bad.

As a colonial official, it's understandable that he would cry poor.

Derek lit a cigarette and threw one to Governor Jeffreys.

"You did a good job. You can suppress these hundreds of thousands of people and develop further. You have met my initial requirements." Derek praised generously, and of course he didn't forget to reward and criticize: "I understand what you mean. Give me a list and I will transfer a group of colonial officials to various departments.

But... you should send me a box of golden camellia first."

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