It was obvious that Derek had already thought about giving away money privately, but he couldn't hide it from Derek. Even Earl Jeffries had simulated the situation after meeting many times.

But when I actually faced it, I still felt flustered and palpitated.

In fact, today is different from the past. Derek's authority is completely different, and every move can put tremendous pressure on people.

Fortunately, he resisted, forced a smile, and said: "The Duke likes these local specialties, I will send them over right away."

The conversation ended there, and Derek had no intention of going into details.

As long as people rule the country, certain problems cannot be changed.

Policies that are like a gust of wind make no sense at all.

As long as he can do things without causing bad consequences, he can tolerate it.

It's enough to let little Count Jefferice know who is the master of this country.

Of course, just beating these two sentences is not enough.

By the time Earl Jefferys Jr. finished submitting the list, Derek's memory was very good.

Based on the information from the Ninth Investigation Division, I directly crossed out some of the names, and then added a bunch of them myself.

After finishing writing, he put down the pen with satisfaction.

"This is the right thing!"

Give both grace and power, and kindness will naturally come with power.

Just take this opportunity to deal with a group of guys who stretch their hands too far and whose loyalty has changed.

As the internal guards took away the list, the Eighth Investigation Division accepted this investigation mission.

After little Earl Jefferys left Swansea Castle, he kept a very low profile.

It's okay for the colonial government to do things in a high-profile manner. That's official business.

There is no problem with personal political ambitions, but you have to position yourself correctly.

The Northern Principality is first of all a monarchy, and then it is a political arena where nobles and officials compete.

Soon, he was congratulating himself on his foresight.

Some of these colonial officials who returned to their homeland were to return to serve in the country.

Although overseas is important, it is not as important as the mainland.

No matter what the considerations are, there is no reason for middle- and low-level officials to keep serving outside the country.

Isn't it because everyone is working together to improve the political status of the colonies to make their positions more weighty and get better positions after returning to the country?

As the colonial governor personally submitted the list, a series of officials requesting their return began to be interviewed and then assigned duties.

After all, given the size of the colony, even if all employees are mobilized, it will be nothing. At most, it will only attract temporary attention.

Nowadays, there are so many positions in the Northern Principality, and enough positions can be easily placed.

What's more, the mainland will still exchange officials to the colonies. Although the changes are big, it is also easy and comfortable.

However, it is not always a good thing for the Eighth Investigation Division to conduct political review interviews.

Ender walked into the gate of the Eighth Investigation Branch with a smile on his face.

He was one of the lower-level officials of the colonial government and was primarily responsible for tax returns at the colonial ports.

Perhaps in the entire bureaucracy, he is only at the bottom.

But when it comes to specific places, he is also a well-known big shot.

A little bit of it exposed between your fingers is wealth that ordinary people can't imagine.

Just yesterday, one of his colleagues had passed the review and was officially appointed as the tax collector of a newly occupied city.

This is a middle-level position in the principality's tax system.

So Ander was full of confidence. He knew that this colleague was just like him, and they usually cooperated frequently.

In the list declared by the colonial government this time, their ranks are the same.

There is no reason that if others can pass safely, you will have problems.

So when the investigator sat across from him, Ender felt relaxed.

The three investigators from the Eighth Investigation Division sat down one after another. The investigator on the right spread out his paper and pen, ready to record at any time.

The investigator on the left opened the thick document and found a large amount of evidence.

The chief investigator in the middle has a cold face and a strong aura.

"Mr. Ander, I am talking to you now on behalf of the Duke and the Principality. Please answer truthfully."

"No problem, I will answer truthfully, long live the Duke."

Ender felt very relaxed, although he didn't feel that the last sentence was very sincere.

He once had loyalty, but it gradually faded away due to changes in money, region, and knowledge, but he was familiar with the routine.

The chief investigator sneered inwardly. He had no opinion on corrupt officials, but this kind of guy who was marked as disloyal would definitely deserve death.

"Are you born a farmer?"

“Yes, my father is a farmer and so am I.

Seven years ago, I was drafted into the militia by the Duke. Six years ago, I joined the literacy class and studied for half a year, and then successively served as..."

The issue of family background made Ender unhappy. He wanted to get rid of this humble background, but he knew that it was recorded in the paperwork and could not be denied.

The chief investigator asked questions one after another. They were all clichés and nothing new.

Even some gray income from officials, Ender hesitated but did not shy away from it.

After all, he is not greedy, and this is the government's tacit consent.

"After the investigation, I want to ask you one last question, Mr. Ander... are you still loyal to the Duke?"

Ender's heart skipped a beat, but the expression on his face remained unchanged. It took him a while to react, and he pretended to be surprised again: "Of course, I thank His Excellency the Duke for giving me everything I have today. Of course I am loyal to the Duke and to the Principality. "

Ender's words were sincere. He had really thought and said this before, so there was no flaw in his words.

The lead investigator stared at him for at least half a minute, then closed the notebook in his hand.

"I understand. Please wait a moment, Mr. Ender. Your investigation is over."

Ender felt uneasy, but had no reason to refuse the other party's request.

He sat in a chair, no one was watching him, and he even wondered if this was part of the censorship.

After the three investigators left, they had a brief exchange.

"There's something wrong with Ender. His reaction is wrong. I'm afraid he's really disloyal." The chief investigator had met many people, so naturally he wasn't fooled by the other person's acting skills.

Sure enough, the information this time was correct.

Every investigator is frightened and frightened. They deal with a large number of officials every year, many of whom have lost their loyalty.

This kind of extremely accurate investigation is simply terrifying.

Another investigator laughed dryly twice before saying: "The Duke is a saint after all, how can it be understood by mortals like us.

So... what to do with him? "

"Let's deal with it as corruption and lack of faith. We recommend that the Duke be dismissed from his post and sentenced to five years of forced labor," the chief investigator said.

Dealing with officials who are not firm in their beliefs is not just about killing them directly. This is also a way to deal with them.

Soon, the closing report was submitted, but the internal review failed.

Compared with simple corruption, the five words "unfirm belief" are more serious. Internal investigators all know what this means, which means that the future is cut off.

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