Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 371 Continue the transaction

"How can it be?"

Governor Jeffries Jr.'s hands were shaking, and the list in his hand felt extremely heavy.

The attendant had a smile on his face. He was only responsible for delivering documents and would not interfere with specific matters.

Facing the gaffeed Governor Jefferies, he bowed slightly to show respect, and then left.

But Governor Jefferies Jr. couldn't calm down.

Most of the lists he submitted were adopted, which showed the Duke's trust in himself and the colonial governor's office.

But some of them were taken down.

This is actually understandable. The top cannot be completely led by the bottom.

There are a few in this list that Governor Jefferies has specially reserved for the unlucky ones above who are looking for trouble.

He himself knew very well that some guys with very long hands would definitely be finished according to the above standards.

But this does not include Ander and others.

He even admired Ender as a person. He was not greedy and stayed within the acquiescence range. He was also very capable and efficient in doing things.

He also has good emotional intelligence and knows how to obey orders.

No matter from every aspect, this is a qualified official.

Governor Jefferies Jr. even thought of giving him some support and even arranged for some women from the family to marry him.

But for such a candidate who would never have any problems, his sentence was heavier than that of many corrupt officials.

A thought came to his mind for a moment, was the Duke deliberately suppressing himself?

But he quickly suppressed this idea, it was not necessary.

And it is clearly written above that faith is not firm.

He knew very well what these words meant.

Not loyal enough, what’s wrong with not being loyal enough?

If there is no restraint in your heart, your actions will naturally be bold.

Now it seems that there are indeed problems with some of Ender's performances.

Little Governor Jefferies sat for a while, then got up and prepared to plead guilty.

Originally, the part of asking for forgiveness was more like a show, but now it has become a reality.

He was in a complicated mood, and finally knew what it meant to give both kindness and power.

But it’s useless to understand. There is still a sense of awe.

Fortunately, everything was normal, and the Duke did not blame him. It was just like a rehearsal, and the king and his ministers acted out a play.

Outsiders think this is a normal political show, and such a small issue cannot affect an official at the governor's level.

But only the person involved knows how uncomfortable it feels.

After this incident, Earl Jeffries Jr. became even more low-key.

Various news about overseas colonies caused a small-scale discussion within the principality.

In mainstream newspapers, it only occupied the front page headlines for a day.

Similar to later censorship issues, there is only simple coverage in the corners.

What everyone is talking about may be gossip about the principality, some kind of technological invention, or even some made-up stories.

To outsiders, most of these are of little value.

For example, Sanger, after a brief stay in the Griffin Kingdom, entered the country again through Port Degen and came to the central city of this continent.

Last time, he took away a prototype steam machine and a large amount of information through some means.

After a panicked escape, he received a huge reward.

So even though there was some danger, he still came back.

But after hiding for a few days, he realized that no one was paying attention to him at all.

Some extra attention is just because of your skin color.

This booming country doesn't care about little people like itself.

Sanger was both happy and angry about this.

"Arrogant country, arrogant Northlanders."

While Sanger was going out for activities, he felt slighted again.

One year has passed, and Plan City has changed more than imagined.

In just one year, the population seems to have doubled, making it larger than the largest city in the United Kingdom.

This was unacceptable to Sanger, who believed that white was noble.

"When we study steam engines in depth, sooner or later this land will be ours." Sanger thought viciously.

The first-mover advantage here was only less than ten years, and he felt that the United Kingdom would catch up soon.

After sitting in on a few classes at Hadley University, Sanger, who was not very good at learning common languages, didn't understand anything at all.

But he just knows that there is what he wants here.

On the way, he bought a newspaper.

There is no obstacle to simple reading.

Appointment and dismissal of colonial officials, and investigation reports.

He read the news carefully, and he was very interested in the content.

"Huang Pi who only knows fighting among himself."

Sanger rolled up the newspaper and tucked it under his arm. He had other appointments.

When he arrived at a teahouse near Hadley University, he had already reserved a private room.

After telling the clerk, he went up to the second floor, opened the door and smoked a cigarette at the door before entering.

During this period, the doors of the two private rooms on the left and right were quietly opened, and they were all arranged by his own people.

Then, he went in with confidence.

After a while, a well-dressed gentleman came in a hurry.

Without waiting for the clerk to ask, he lowered the brim of his hat and said, "I made an appointment and went up by myself."

The clerk took another look and said please.

There are many people who use the private room to discuss business, so the clerk should be used to it.

The gentleman quickly found the box and pushed the door open.

As soon as he saw Sanger, his face became very ugly.

"Mr. Sanger, our deal has been completed, what else do you want to do?"

"Please sit down, please sit down," Sanger smiled and pulled the other party to sit down, saying flatteringly: "I just want to make friends, professor.

I admire intellectuals like you the most, give me a chance."

Professor Wenger looked impatient. Although he took the money, he also did the job. If it weren't for the guarantee of the middleman, he would not trade with the white man.

Now it seems that there is indeed trouble.

"Mr. Sanger, there is no law in the principality that prohibits academic exchanges, so don't think about threatening me.

And I remind you that middlemen are not easy to mess with. You, an outsider, better not to cause trouble for yourself."

After all, Professor Wenger has seen the world, how could he be easily controlled by others.

Why choose a middleman? Isn't it for safety?

The other party has the ability to solve the problem after taking the commission.

Sanger is a white skinned person, so it's okay if he doesn't cause trouble. If he really breaks the rules, he will immediately let him know what a local snake is.

Sanger himself knows it, so he used such a gentle method to invite the other party.

If it were his own territory, it would be like sending someone with a gun to hire someone.

Repeatedly telling himself to be patient, Sanger held back his anger and flattered: "Professor, please believe that I have no other intentions, really... please believe in the credibility of a businessman.

I am here to give you money. The information last time was very useful. I want to continue trading this time. In addition... it would be best if I could hire a few scholars and engineers to work for me."

Perhaps because he felt that words were not enough, he directly took out a few gold bars.

The attractive yellow little cutie exudes a charming luster.

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