The New Year is coming, and the colony is full of joy.

The route known as the Silver Channel is full of ships.

The newly established River Police Bureau is even busier, patrolling back and forth in white steamboats every day.

Since many people saw that Goode's fleet made money, various small ships began to flood.

People, when they roll inward, can be scary.

However, in the past two months, Goode's passenger ship has begun to sail.

Just from the beginning to the end, all the port towns along the way have docked one after another.

There are many farmers on both sides of the route, and there are always many guests.

There is no competitor, and the passenger ship that runs once every two weeks is very popular.

The last one before the New Year, Goode pressed the bed himself.

In just one year, he quickly matured, and the immaturity on his face completely faded.

Society is the best school, which has taught him so much.

Standing at the bow, as the whistle sounded, the guests went up to the VIP cabin on the second floor.

On the first floor, that is where black slaves and inferior talents live.

Most of these guests had just harvested a season of crops and returned from Silver City with gold coins.

Many people bought black slaves to expand their farms next year.

Naturally, they either hired some small boats to travel slowly or took the Goode passenger ship.

Obviously, the farmers with money were willing to spend money.

A large number of black slaves were therefore stuffed into the cabin. This was the inventory that Silver City had hoarded for several months, and most of them were finally diverted to the hands of farmers who were in urgent need of labor.

With the identity of a citizen of the Northern Principality, it is not difficult to gain a foothold in the New World as long as you are willing to work hard.

These farmers who seized the opportunity also became farmers.

After buying a large number of slaves for farming, they only need to maintain a small number of family armed forces, which is enough to suppress all rebellions.

Therefore, exploitation is the fastest way to make a fortune, it’s just a matter of whether it is done secretly or not.

Obviously, the Northern Principality does not need to cover up.

Good saw with his own eyes that teams of slaves with their feet bound were taken off the ship by the farmers, and there were farms on both sides of the river.

At the bottom of the cabin, there were also some goods, which were unloaded at the ports along the way.

Of course, there were new guests on the way.

Until the end, some guests took the carriage to the Jewel Port.

And the merchants and officers from the Jewel Port also returned by passenger ships one after another.

A year ago, Good could not imagine this scene.

On the last day of the voyage, a group of soldiers suddenly came and surrounded his passenger ship tightly.

He, the boss, had no say at all until the inspection was completed, and then an officer came forward to negotiate.

"Captain Good, Commander Lawrence is going to take your ship to Silver City. We are responsible for the safety of the ship from now on."

Good was stunned. How could such a big man as Commander Lawrence take his own ship?

It's not that he is self-deprecating, it's really unreasonable.

The Navy Department has its own warships, and it's easier to go by sea.

Even if you don't take a warship on the sea, there are official ships on the inland routes, and there are even many gunboats, so there is no need to take your own passenger ship.

But such questions are not for him to ask, so he can only nod and agree: "No problem, it's my honor, please tell me if you have anything."

How can he, a small businessman, compare with the commander of an ocean-going naval fleet?

Soon, Commander Lawrence arrived at the port and boarded the ship smoothly.

Soldiers from the Navy Department surrounded the commander tightly.

Good just glanced from a distance and saw the majestic Commander Lawrence.

There were school-level officers on the left and right, soldiers with live ammunition as guards, and people clearing the way in front and behind.

People like Good can't even get close.

After Lawrence boarded the ship, he naturally occupied the best cabin.

On a whim, he wanted to experience the inland route this time.

This is a test of the colonial government, to experience the situation of the inland route in person.

Gem Port has always been an extremely important military base, and the gem resources nearby are also very rich.

This is an important station and financial source for the Colonial Navy Command.

Before, it was always sea transportation, which took a little more time and had high escort costs.

Now that the inland route is open, he must consider taking the inland route.

Of course, it was more of a whim, just wanting to take a look.

As the commander of the colony, the development of the colony must obviously remember him.

Of course, Lawrence wanted to see the situation in the colony.

This trip allowed him to see a lot of new and interesting places.

People began to appear on both sides of the once desolate river, and the construction of various towns was also very fast.

He even got off the ship to investigate and found that the colony was really developing well.

There was also some credit for the black slaves. Such an excellent labor force certainly contributed to the construction of the colony.

He even met with Good several times on the way and encouraged him to increase investment and build the colony together.

Then he set foot in Silver City, where he would spend the New Year this year.

This was invited by Governor Jeffreys Jr., aiming to gather several giants in the colony to discuss the situation in the colony.

Next year, strive to do something bigger.

Lawrence led his men into Silver City, and for a moment he thought he had returned to his homeland.

“I haven’t been here for more than a year, and the colony has developed to this point?” a naval officer said with emotion.

Perhaps it is the New Year that is approaching, the whole Silver City is filled with a joyful atmosphere.

Pedestrians can be seen everywhere, and there are a large number of black slaves following their masters as coolies.

"The Governor is still capable, and the Duke never makes mistakes in identifying and employing people." Lawrence said with great emotion.

He walked a few more steps and saw the goods at a small vendor.

All kinds of rough gadgets, it can be seen that they are from a small workshop.

However, although they are rough, the quality is excellent.

Lawrence asked about the price and found that it was actually lower than last year's prices.

Especially for food, a large number of farms have emerged, causing this year's food prices to plummet.

Walking and stopping all the way to the Governor's Mansion, Governor Jeffreys, who received the news, went out to greet him personally.

"Commander Lawrence, welcome."

Governor Jeffreys greeted him warmly and his attitude was very humble.

Lawrence couldn't help but mutter in his heart, what does this old guy want to do?

He knew the character of the governor. He usually held the demeanor of an old noble. Why was he so enthusiastic today?

Governor Jeffreys seemed to have not seen the surprise in Lawrence's eyes and entertained him warmly.

This made Lawrence feel uneasy, and finally took the initiative to ask: "Governor, do you have any instructions for me to do?"

"No, how dare I command you?" Governor Jeffreys said he didn't dare, but turned around and changed the subject: "But there is indeed one thing I want to ask for your opinion."

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