Lawrence's eyes swept over the face of Governor Jeffreys Jr. The old fox smiled naturally, without any clues.

In name, there is no superior-subordinate relationship between the two, and they belong to two completely parallel departments.

But in fact, it is impossible for the Canard Navy Command to have no dealings with the locals.

So he hesitated for a moment and replied: "Governor, please tell me, if it is within my ability, I will certainly follow your command."

"You're welcome," Governor Jeffreys Jr. poured him a cup of coffee personally. He still liked this traditional drink, and then he said slowly: "I hope you and your subordinates in the command will show mercy and not attack merchant ships that are conducting normal commercial activities."

Lawrence's face changed slightly. He didn't expect the other party to make this request.

"We are attacking enemies." He replied.

The navy's demands conflicted with the colonial government.

Governor Jeffreys Jr. had anticipated Lawrence's reaction and immediately argued: "No, the principality has not declared war on the whiteskins.

I don't object to you fighting armed pirates, but merchant ships should be given a break."

Strictly speaking, this is a sophistry.

But from a legal point of view, it can be justified.

In fact, the standard of implementation is not decided by Lawrence, the commander of the Canard Navy?

This is the charm of power.

Both of them knew that this was just an excuse on the surface, and it was not important.

Lawrence did not refuse bluntly. He pondered for a moment and said: "I need a reasonable explanation."

"Please believe in my loyalty to the principality and the Duke." Jeffreys Jr. gave a reason and guaranteed: "Next year, the colonial government is willing to bear the cost of building a new destroyer for the headquarters."

This temptation is indeed great, but it is not the reason for Lawrence to agree.

But Governor Jeffreys Jr. is right. He believes in the other party's loyalty to the Duke.

"I hope your choice is wise." Lawrence finally gave in.

But he would still keep an eye on this matter. Loyalty can sometimes lead to bad things. Loyalty is not enough in this world.

After this important matter was settled, the conversation between the two became relaxed.

This New Year, everyone can only spend it in the colony, but the colony is not without anything at the moment, so it will not be lonely.

Lawrence left the Governor's Mansion and soon met his old friend Black.

The black slave Abraham was still following Black, which made Lawrence frown.

Black was also a sensitive person. He glanced at the black slave behind him and waved his hand and said, "Abraham, go to the wine cellar to get me a bottle of four-year-old red wine from the Principality."

Abraham responded and walked out of the door backwards.

He had seen this kind of look many times and felt nothing.

In the eyes of the upper class of the Northern Principality, black slaves were slaves of inferior status.

Black pulled Lawrence to sit down, and he prepared a sumptuous dinner for his old friend.

"Don't look at it. Abraham is not bad. With his help, the production efficiency of black slaves has at least doubled. He is also managing the slaves on your farm. He is a capable guy." Black explained.

"Pay attention to his identity." Lawrence reminded.

Black waved his hand indifferently. He was not Lawrence. He was affiliated with the line of enterprises of the principality, so he didn't have so many concerns.

The living standards in the New World have improved rapidly in the past two years. Black's body shape has begun to change, and his belly has bulged.

This is a great change from when he came out of the Knights.

On the other hand, Lawrence has been active in the front-line battlefield, and his body is still strong, which is completely different from his temperament.

The two sat down, and Black prepared various precious ingredients.

In the past few years, with the power in their hands, even if the two were not greedy at all, they could make a fortune by running some farms.

So these are nothing at all.

Abraham took the red wine and opened it for the two of them personally to sober up.

"This is made from the first batch of ripe grapes in the Principality in four years. Although the taste is a little worse, it is of great significance."

While tasting the wine, Black told Lawrence about the situation here.

Although the two of them usually corresponded, some details could not be explained very clearly.

Lawrence drank a few glasses of wine and ate a few bites of food before talking about the meeting with Governor Jeffreys today.

"Does the Governor's family have a caravan heading to the South Coast?" Lawrence asked curiously.

In his opinion, Governor Jeffreys came forward to clear the merchant ships, there must be a conflict of interest in it, and it is impossible to be purely out of commercial considerations.

"As far as I know, there should be no. The Jeffreys family is still willing to invest in some traditional industries, but I roughly know what Governor Jeffreys thinks."

Black can be said to be a local snake, holding a large number of mines in his hands, and his communication and power in the New World are not small at all.

He said no, that means he really has no connection.

Lawrence was very willing to listen to this old friend's opinion of Governor Jeffreys, so he made a gesture of listening.

Black first recounted the story of Governor Jeffreys Jr.’s trip to the mainland years ago.

Then he concluded: “Can you see that this Earl has lofty ambitions? The governor of the colony is just a stepping stone for him. What he wants is a higher position.”

As new nobles, Lawrence and Black both rose to power by relying on the power of the principality.

The group of northern knights is now completely dominated by the new generation of knights.

Their political ambitions are completely different from those of Earl Jeffreys.

His ancestors were glorious, and the position of governor of a place has been passed down from generation to generation, continuously.

Governor Jeffreys himself was also the head of the army of the Locke Kingdom, in charge of the military of a province and the overall situation of the family.

For such a person, the colonial governor is just the starting point.

Lawrence understood: "He is looking for a future? Are there many caravans from the north coast coming here?"

"Not many," Black knew this very well: "But I think the governor will take action, otherwise wouldn't it be a wedding dress for others?"

Lawrence pondered for a while, and smiled frankly: "I understand, in this case, I might as well sell more of this favor."

Since it has been agreed, do it more thoroughly.

The colonial fleet can choose not to bombard the merchant ships, but isn't it easy to board the ship for inspection?

At that time, just hint casually, do these merchant ships want to sink completely or come to the colony to do business?

With power in hand, many things can be done more conveniently, and the favors left behind are also the family heritage.

The new nobles are also very clear about this.

The two haven't seen each other for more than half a year. They exchanged some information with each other and became happier as they drank.

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