This New Year is rarely filled with the smell of gunpowder.

Derek rarely makes such radical remarks in public, and he usually does things first and then talks.

It can be seen that he is confident at this time, so he dares to be a little presumptuous.

Perhaps many people think that the time for the unification of the Northern Principality will be extended, and the Griffin Kingdom will have at least three to five years of easy days, and it is even possible to rely on national reforms to resist the unification of the Northern Principality.

Some people think that the Locke Kingdom still has a chance, and Prince Radek can complete the great cause of rejuvenation.

However, for Derek, the general trend is set, and the Southern Continent will have nothing to stop his country.

Unify, and then be crowned as an emperor.

There will be only one voice in the Southern Continent, and the Northern Principality will directly skip the kingdom stage and be upgraded to an empire.

After listening to the Duke's speech, the Navy Department was excited.

It may be the honor of every soldier to be born in this era.

Such a glorious cause, and there is still a chance for yourself, many people find it unbelievable.

"Duke, the Navy Department is the sword in your hand, which can cut off all enemies." Adrian stated in public.

Only he followed Derek step by step to where he is today, and witnessed the rise of an empire with his own eyes.

This is undoubtedly a miraculous feat. From a second son of a baron to where he is today, there has never been such a person in the past, and there may never be such a person in the future.

He bowed his head to Derek, not only because of their blood relationship, but also because of a knight's submission to the monarch.

Officers from the Ministry of the Navy followed suit and expressed their opinions.

The Ministry of the Navy was established for three years, and the Navy appeared for seven years. The initial accumulation has been completed.

A large number of officers and sailors have been trained.

New warships have been finalized and have begun to be equipped.

The Principality Navy is about to enter its peak era, and a great mission has come.

As Derek launched a unified declaration at the naval base, this political event began to ferment.

This incident itself does not need to be concealed, so it made the headlines of various newspapers the next day.

The Ministry of the Navy has already launched a round of swearing-in actions.

A large number of officers left the Ministry of the Navy and returned to their warships, directly conveying the instructions of His Excellency the Duke.

On that day, a fanatical atmosphere began to spread at the naval base.

The Navy Staff began to work overtime, with lights on all night.

When the newspapers with the scent of ink were distributed to the newsboys, excited shouts spread throughout the streets and alleys.

"The Duke made a New Year's speech: The war of unification has begun."

"The Navy Department: Swear to be the Duke's sword."

"The officers of the Yangbo destroyer vowed: Trample the enemy country and present gifts to the Duke."

"The Army Department said: The final offensive will be launched soon to deal with the remnants of the Locke Kingdom."

"The Minister of the Navy was interviewed: The Principality Fleet is confident of defeating any enemy."


The explosive news caused a huge sensation, and everyone rushed to buy newspapers frantically, even delaying their normal work.

All walks of life began to shut down throughout the morning.

The streets were full of excited citizens.

"Give me a newspaper!!!"

The peddler threw the pole. Although he didn't know a few big characters, he could understand the pictures in the newspaper.

The mighty Principality destroyer was printed on the front page, showing the majesty of the Navy Department.

He burst into tears, and finally waited for this day.

"Long live the Duke!"

The peddler cheered, forgetting all business and only remembering the carnival.

The usually gentle and elegant scholar also squeezed with ordinary people today, holding a newspaper and reading loudly: "...The Principality Fleet will initially block the waters of the Griffin Kingdom and plan to destroy all enemy mobile forces within six months..."

The retired veteran wore a medal and dragged his disabled leg to the street.

Although the Principality gave him a good job, his heart was still in the army.

I couldn't charge for the Duke in person, but at least I could cheer for the Duke.

"Long live the Duke!!"

"Northern Empire!!"

The shouts began to spread from the coastal cities to the inland.

At the speed of today's trains, the whole country will get this news within half a month.

And Derek is still on his journey.

As the main force of the last battle, the Admiralty was of course the one he paid the most attention to.

Following the Admiralty and the others on the Yangbo destroyer, Derek personally felt the power of steel and machinery.

One of the best steel giant ships of this era, a sea knight with both speed, defense and attack power.

The huge ship under my feet gave me an extreme sense of security. Although it was not unsinkable, it still felt reliable.


Everyone on the Yangbo dropped their weapons and saluted under the command of the officers.

Derek responded and then had a conversation on the deck.

"My warriors, the future of the empire is not just on land.

After the unification of the continent, the development of the empire will tilt toward overseas again.

You have a lot of room for development, and there are thousands of miles of sea waiting for you to conquer.

I hope you will not fear life and death, and cut through the thorns and thorns, so that our generation can open up a glorious empire for future generations.

Long live the Northern Empire... "

"Long live, long live the empire, long live the Duke."

The navy soldiers responded positively. Most of the young soldiers grew up listening to the legend of Derek.

Officers at all levels are also full of warriors who followed Derek to fight north and south.

As a self-made monarch, he has penetrated into almost every aspect of the military.

This is what Derek relies on, he has never been afraid of nobles.

The fanatical soldiers and the fanatical atmosphere are the result of ten years of accumulation.

The cameraman took the opportunity to snap a photo, and today's speech will be reported truthfully in tomorrow's newspaper.

As the public opinion machine turned, voices on foreign wars quickly unified and became more and more active.

Derek personally started conversations with soldiers on the front lines to understand their needs and ideas.

If there is anything that needs to be corrected, we will reply immediately if we can reply on the spot, and put it on the schedule for quick discussion if we cannot reply.

As long as the ascending channel can be kept open, he believes that his army will not be afraid of any challenge.

Sure enough, the next day newspapers continued to compile numerous reports, and public opinion began to spread.

In addition, the military shipyards are working overtime to complete the first fleet refit for the principality fleet.

Reservists from all over the country have begun recruiting, and the new barracks are operating at full capacity.

Arsenals were opened one by one, and the army began to arm itself.

The second round of large-scale expansion operations began, and today's army size can no longer meet the needs of the war.

The regular divisions gradually expanded to the 30th Division, the Guards Infantry Division expanded to 15 divisions, and the second-line divisions began to expand from the 100th Division to the 20th Division.

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