Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 386 The Army Department in Action

Along with the New Year's oath, there was also a brand new appointment letter.

Virut respectfully took the appointment letter, which was stamped with the Duke's seal and the Duke's mansion.

From today on, he is the Minister of the Army.

It has been a bumpy road, with ups and downs, and he has finally come to this step.

In fact, if it weren't for the impact of that incident, he should have been the Minister of the Army long ago.

However, the Duke did not forget the meritorious officials. He has been the Minister of the Army in person in recent years, and now he took the opportunity to appoint him.

With the achievements of the past few years and the boiling public opinion of the whole country, Virut's appointment has no twists and turns.

And Derek gave him an important task, and Virut was naturally grateful.

After taking over the Army, his permission was instantly raised.

Many things can be legitimately intervened.

Virut mobilized the army at the first time, replaced it with new recruits, and launched the final offensive.

Some of the forces left in the Locke Kingdom have been lingering.

On the southern coast, a large number of feudal nobles and royal remnants are still resisting.

Prince Radek ran around, looking like he was determined to resist to the end.

However, privately, a large number of nobles have already transferred some of their industries and regarded the New World as a retreat.

After all, the ocean is vast, and no matter how powerful the Northern Principality is, it cannot completely occupy the New World.

Distance is the biggest stumbling block.

In fact, if it were not for the dual effects of Gold Finger and Derek's prestige, the control of overseas colonies would not be so strong.

People's hearts are fickle, and how can loyalty be talked about beyond the ends of the earth?

For the southern nobles, there is also the precedent of the Holy Cross Kingdom, so they naturally have more ideas.

Virut knows all this.

At the beginning, the Holy Cross royal family was deliberately allowed to leave because they wanted to use them to enslave black slaves and reap the benefits.

Today, we can naturally use the power of the southern nobles to drive the tiger to swallow the wolf.

However... there are too many southern nobles.

Virut had already made up his mind: "Tell Viscount Chavez that there are too many nobles in the south. We need to deal with some of them, and he can take revenge."

Viscount Chavez is not well-known, but in fact he has made great contributions.

It was he who sold the news of the colony to Derek.

He has been lurking in the Southern Noble Alliance for many years, and I don't know how much information he has provided.

If we really talk about the merits, it is definitely counted.

Viscount Chavez is of course willing to give him a face.

It just so happens that in the battle that destroyed the Locke Kingdom, Viscount Chavez can wash away the shame and officially become a member of the Northern Principality.

Viscount Chavez was indeed very excited. When the news of Derek's oath came, everyone else was in a panic, but he almost laughed to death.

After so many years of enduring humiliation, today is finally the time to reap the fruits of victory.

He was very curious about how wonderful Count Bergen's expression would be when his identity was revealed.

Following closely was the letter from the new Minister of the Navy, Virut, who gave him great respect and authorized the power of free action.

The fishing net has been spread, waiting for the harvest.

Viscount Chavez is certainly not a saint who repays evil with good. As the saying goes, revenge is for evil, and grievances are for grievances. The opportunity has come.

Of course, he is not the only one who received the news. As Derek spoke, panic began to spread.

The morale of the army was floating, and the positions of nobles of all sizes began to waver.

If the Northern Principality did not have a preferential policy for surrender, they would have surrendered long ago.

Prince Radek seemed to have aged twenty years. His military career was not as comfortable as he imagined.

First he fought with his eldest brother, then he fought with the Northern Principality, and in the middle he had to take into account the intrigues of the southern nobles.

It can be said that the continuous struggle has shortened his life by at least ten years.

However, it is difficult to change the world with human power, and now he finally has to face reality.

Fortunately, he has never reached the top, so his ambitions are smaller.

While other southern nobles were still hesitating, he boarded the ship with a trusted army of nearly a thousand people.

Turning his head to look at the land of his homeland and his own 100,000 troops, he had no nostalgia at all.

"Northern...Empire, I have no hope here, but there is still a chance to fight in the New World."

Radek was very decisive.

In fact, he resisted the Northern Principality just for illusory hope and to plunder resources.

Relying on the name of the last survivor of the Locke Kingdom, he collected some resources, which was regarded as leaving the idea of ​​restoring the country.

When the steamship left the port, there were dozens of nobles of all sizes who made the same choice as him.

Everyone took the lead and sent some of their clansmen and resources to the New World.

Now seeing the Northern Principality coming, at least one-third of the people decisively ran away.

The rest are still waiting and watching. Anyway, the family has left the fire, and the rest of them certainly want to take more resources.

There are also people like Count Bergen, who are difficult to give up their high positions and power, and they are reluctant to give up their lingering power.

The reason why the heroic man's self-cutting is praised is because it is rare.

Not everyone has great wisdom and courage.

Count Bergen is the hesitant person. It is not so easy to give up decades of high positions and power.

Besides, the southern nobles claimed to have an army of 500,000. Even if they squeezed out some water, they could still gather 200,000 soldiers with guns.

He even felt that there might be a chance of winning.

If he could defeat the first wave of attacks, perhaps he could force the northern principality to change its strategy and win him over?

Before his fantasy was over, he got bad news.

"Your Excellency, Prince Radek... ran away."

When his subordinates reported the news, Earl Bergen was stunned for half a minute.

Then he got furious: "Idiot, you don't have any royal style at all. Your brother who went to hell at least has the courage to die together, coward."

He was really angry. How many resources did he spend to support Radek?

I originally wanted to set up a target, so that I could keep the good things and Radek would take the bad things.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, the target suddenly ran away.

You can imagine how much negative impact Radek's move will have.

Even the royal orphan who nominally commands the entire army has fled. How much fighting power do the remaining low-level soldiers expect from them?

Earl Bergen is just nostalgic for power, not stupid.

Seeing that there is no hope, staying here means risking death.

"Come here, arrange the fleet, I want to leave."

Earl Bacon reacted quickly, and the fleet he spent a lot of money to build finally came into use.

But Viscount Charles, who had been staring at him, reacted faster.

Before Count Bergen's fleet even set out to sea, the nearby warships of the principality moved in advance and blocked the south coast.

Earl Bacon charged once unbelievingly, and then was beaten back by artillery fire.

Want to run?


The southern nobles who had not yet escaped suddenly discovered that the outer sea had been blocked and they could not escape.

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