It is true that the main force of the Principality Fleet has not made any movement, but that does not mean that it is incapable of blocking the southern sea route.

The southern nobles thought that it was enough to keep an eye on the main force of the Principality Fleet, but they did not know that there were scattered ironclad ships cruising nearby and the squadron near the Griffin Kingdom.

To deal with them, the Principality Fleet does not need to be fully mobilized.

The squadron with the Warrior-class as the main ship put the ships outside the port, which was a mobile artillery platform.

The cannons could hit the shore from four or five miles away. The southern nobles organized several breakouts, but they were all beaten back, leaving only a group of slow and silent warship wreckage.

Count Bergen was dumbfounded. Wealth and power were of no use at this moment.

Under the artillery fire, everything disappeared.

The old order is destined to be rewritten, and the new order is about to be written.

Virut commanded the army and began to approach step by step.

He had a clear view of the future. After serving as the Minister of the Army, this might be the last time he personally commanded a battle.

The responsibilities of the Army Department are still dispatching, training and strategic planning, not personally taking part in the battle.

Even from the perspective of power division, it is necessary to stay away from the front-line army.

So Virut cherishes the last chance and does not want any accidents to happen.

Of course, he will not feel wronged or uncomfortable.

The power in the hands of the Minister of the Army is very great.

With the current situation of the Northern Principality, the future will be at least a few hundred years of foundation.

As the Minister of the Army, there is no need to say that he can leave a rich political legacy for future generations even if he dies.

This is the Duke's preferential treatment of the old ministers, and he can only be happy and grateful.

At least his family has become a top noble, even enough to be recorded in history books.

So under Virut's command, one infantry division after another advanced alternately, leaving no chance for anyone.

During this period, it was not that no one was unwilling to fail and wanted to fight back, but they were facing excessive and saturated artillery fire and infantry with explosive fighting will.

After several years of war, this group of soldiers is already in peak condition.

After the Northern Principality got serious, the gap between the two sides was exposed.

At the same time, Viscount Chavez was also taking action.

After so many years of being among the southern nobles, Viscount Charles is well-known and has inextricable connections with various nobles.

No one thought he would be a traitor. When he entered the port of escape with his army, he did not cause any questioning.

In fact, the Southern Noble Alliance was completely in chaos.

Several nearby ports were crowded with nobles who wanted to escape.

Viscount Chavez had just arrived when he received an invitation from Count Bergen.

When he arrived at the meeting place, it had been filled with smoke for a long time.

"We can't wait any longer. We have to make a decision as soon as possible."

Count Bergen's voice was tired, and it was obvious that he had a hard time these days.

The current situation is that if everyone rushes out together, maybe a few can escape. If they continue to stay here, the situation will only get worse.

But many people are unwilling to risk their lives.

They think they are superior to others and their lives are precious.

"Count, can we still negotiate with the Northern Principality?"

Viscount Chavez almost laughed out loud. At this time, there is still such a naive idea. If the Northern Principality accepts surrender, I'm afraid there will be no one here.

"I think the conditions of the Northern Principality are acceptable. At least we still retain some of our property and can still live a life of superiority. We can also seek a title in the future." Someone said so.

Viscount Chavez was impressed. He didn't expect that there were still people who had such a plan.

But it was indeed a good idea. By leaving some of their wealth, their starting point was still higher than most people.

It's just that they can't enjoy all kinds of super-standard treatment as before.

But before Viscount Chavez could think about it for a while, Count Lovett had already slammed the table in anger.

"Rogers, where is your backbone?

You just gave up the foundation laid by your ancestors for generations. Where is your honor?"

Count Lovett was a staunch fighter against the Northern Principality.

Although his power declined due to various reasons in recent years, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. He still has some deterrent power when he gets angry.

But at this time, not everyone is afraid of him.

"Count Lovett, you lost your brother, but I didn't." Viscount Rogers said bluntly: "The foundation of our ancestors has long been gone. I admit my defeat. Now we should consider ourselves.

And if the whole family is sunk, that's really the end.

As long as we are still alive, maybe we can restore the honor of our ancestors."

Rogers' words made many nobles waver.

It is human nature to be afraid of death, not to mention there is such a perfect excuse.

Seeing the atmosphere getting weird, Count Bergen coughed and changed the subject: "Everyone, those who are willing to surrender will surrender later. We are discussing how to retreat now."

Others are willing to surrender, but Count Bergen is not.

He still has a lot of power in his hands and a lot of territory in the New World. He hasn't enjoyed the good days enough.

What's more, if his identity falls into the hands of the Northern Principality, he will inevitably be retaliated in the future. He dare not gamble and doesn't want to beg for mercy.

After changing the subject, Count Bergen threw the question out.

"Count Lovett, you have been in the military all your life and have a lot of experience. Tell us what we should do."

Count Lovett didn't think much about it. He had an idea and took the opportunity to say it: "Everyone, there is still a chance. Let's gather all the ships and rush out together. The Northern Principality has only a few ships. We can all evacuate safely."

His plan is not complicated. It is a sudden and silent action. It does not give the Northern Principality a chance to react. The fewer people taken away, the better.

This means that most nobles can only take their relatives away, and they can't even take much wealth.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Viscount Chavez hurriedly said: "Count Lovett, doesn't this mean that most of the wealth and manpower will be abandoned?"

"Of course, don't tell me that there is no arrangement in the New World, then just surrender to the Northern Principality early."

"Okay, this is the way. If you want to go with us to count, please don't leave for the time being. We will leave tonight, and then you can go wherever you want." Count Bergen said immediately.

Count Bergen did not say that he would root out the enemy. Let's not talk about whether he could do it. When he went to the New World in the future, he might have to contact this place again. It would not be good if things got out of hand.

Viscount Rogers heard that if they all ran away, the value of his surrender would be even lower.

He was about to open his mouth to express his objection, but Count Lovett had been staring at him and interrupted him directly: "Everyone, for the sake of our previous friendship, this is the best way. Otherwise, if we fight here, more than one or two people will die."

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