"My Lord... please... take a quick look."

When the security officer spoke, his teeth were chattering, his legs were as soft as noodles, and he almost walked over limply.

The security officer felt even more uneasy. It was rare that the person who died was from the Investigation Department?

He knew this department and even had business dealings with it.

I think only these guys would have a radio.

This would be a big trouble. Although he acted according to the mayor's order and the person died at the hands of the Tulu family, he could not escape responsibility.

Maybe he would have to take off this layer of skin.

The security officer took it with a heavy heart and saw that it was a certificate, which was made very well.

But after just one look, he felt that his eyes went dark and he almost fainted.

The Imperial Attendant Department of the Great Xia Empire... The third-level attendant officer...

It's over, it's exposed.

The position of the attendant officer is low-ranking but powerful.

After all, he represents His Majesty the Emperor and can directly hear the emperor.

Of course, if you killed someone without leaving any traces, that would be fine.

But the existence of the radio station directly exposed everything.

The sheriff is just an outsider, serving in a different place.

He doesn't want to get into this trouble.

"Secure the scene first, I'll report to the higher-ups right away."

The Tulu family is a local noble family, and the family members have infiltrated all aspects of the local area.

It's no joke that the imperial power doesn't go to the countryside.

The foundation of the empire's rule, after all, is a group of aristocratic groups.

This is the limitation of the times, and even more so the limitation of human nature.

Even if it experiences a change of the world, it will still exist.

The dragon slayer eventually becomes an evil dragon, and the nobles change their skin. Whether they are called bureaucrats or capitalists, there will always be such a class.

The problem that cannot be solved in the information age, let alone now?

The only thing that has changed is that with the development of the speed of information transmission, the power of centralization has become stronger.

If the news hadn't been spread, the sheriff might have chosen to be blind, but now he has to struggle.

But he didn't notice that one of his subordinates had quietly disappeared.

When he walked out of the basement, he saw a group of people coming over.

The sheriff looked grim, and he recognized the other party as a member of the Tulu family at a glance.

Obviously, someone leaked the news.

"Hahaha, did Lord Fike catch the thief who stole from my Tulu family? Please hand over the body to me, I thank you on behalf of the Tulu family."

The other party loudly defined the matter as soon as he came.

If it were the past, the matter might have been suppressed.

But this time, Sheriff Fike shook his head very firmly: "Master Badrick, the case has not been investigated clearly, and the body cannot be handed over to you."

Sheriff Fike knew that the other party was not aware that the matter had become a big deal. Only two people had seen the certificate, and the radio was a new thing that most people had never seen.

Therefore, the Tulu family wanted to suppress it, otherwise they should be thinking about how to run away now.

Badrick was surprised. He had dealt with Sheriff Fike many times, but he was not the kind of fair and honest person.

In the past, such things could be suppressed easily, and the other party had done it before.

Even Fike had a good reputation in this regard, and never took the opportunity to blackmail, and the price was always open and transparent.

Badrick quickly realized that the identity of the dead person was problematic.

That's right, how could he be an ordinary person if he dared to secretly investigate his own smuggling business.

Of course, he didn't take it seriously.

There were so many people killed by the Tulu family in recent years, and it was nothing more than how much they had to pay.

He even despised Fike in his heart. This bastard was indeed worthy of being born a commoner. He was very brave to squeeze the commoners, but he was scared when he met someone with a little status.

Master Badrick had plenty of experience in dealing with such people.

He directly pulled Fike aside in front of everyone and whispered: "Master Fike, our Tulu family can handle anything that happens. Is there a problem with the identity of the deceased?"

Fike looked at him with complicated eyes. As long as the news was concealed, you local snakes could certainly handle all difficulties.

After all, once you leave the city, the civilians nearby know more about the Tulu family than the Great Xia Empire.

But... the news has leaked!

Fike knew that since someone had tipped off, it was impossible for him to just keep on resisting.

The Tulu family was not a pushover. Once they found out that the news had leaked, they would make him shut up.

Only by pretending to refuse and finally gaining the other party's trust could he have a glimmer of hope.

As an official who rose from a civilian, he was not disloyal to the empire, but loyalty could not solve the problem in many cases.

If he did not go along with the local snakes, would he use his head to compare his hardness with the other party?

So Fike was hesitant at this time, which truly reflected his tangled and fearful mentality.

He really didn't know how miserable his death would be this time.

But what was certain was that he would rather die here than be dragged down by the Tulu family.

Because once the empire was alarmed, the Tulu family was nonsense.

If he was investigated afterwards, he could still win a good reputation if he died, but if he was dragged down, his whole family would be buried with him.

He was an official from outside, so he couldn't compare to the local bosses, but this was precisely the empire's means of checks and balances.

In this situation, he had to think clearly about what to do after his death.

Only sincerity is the most moving.

When Badrick saw his expression, he knew it couldn't be faked.

In his eyes, although Fike was timid and inexperienced, he would never be scared like this.

Then there was only one possibility, the identity of the deceased was not ordinary.

The Tulu family was just a local snake, completely insignificant compared to the entire empire.

However, in this small piece of land, they still had some power.

Reality is not a game, not a simple comparison of numbers.

Why can some small officials also be so domineering in the local area?

First, everyone is the same, and the upper class cannot attack the Tulu family alone.

Second, as long as the Tulu family assumes their responsibilities, this is their power, although it is not reflected in the law.

The premise is that there is no head.

This can be divided into two situations. One is to eliminate the problem in the bud stage. If there is no evidence, it has not happened. The upper class will continue to be blind, even if the dead is an attendant.

The second is that there is no direct conflict with the big man, otherwise you will be dead regardless of whether there is evidence or not.

Of course, the probability of the second happening is very low.

Bullying the lower and flattering the upper is the instinct of this kind of local nobles.

It's very ironic that the Tulu family's loyalty to the empire is probably stronger than many die-hard supporters.

Because they are part of the empire and have vested interests.

If there is an invasion by foreign enemies, Sheriff Fike may not be as active as the Tulu family.

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