But the loyalty of the Tulu family is based on their own interests.

Badrick realized that the problem was serious, but he still didn't think it would endanger the family.

At most, the price paid was a little higher.

So, seeing the sheriff in a dilemma, he added pressure at the right time.

"Master Fike, you should understand that no matter who died, you can only cooperate with us, otherwise..."

Badrick left a little room for maneuver, but both of them knew that the Tulu family would not let him take the body away.

It's nothing more than robbing the body and sending someone to take the blame afterwards.

It's very costly to kill a sheriff in broad daylight, but it's not difficult to do something afterwards.

Fike seemed to be convinced, and took out a small notebook with a bitter face.

"Master Badrick, the matter is too big, you can't handle it at all."

Badrick took it subconsciously and took a look, and then... a layer of sweat quickly appeared on his forehead.

The dead is the attendant?

For a moment, he wanted to kill Fike.

But he soon calmed down. It was not the right time to kill someone. The Tulu family was not crazy enough to kill an imperial official in broad daylight.

And as long as Rafik got involved, everyone would be in the same boat.

As long as the storm was over, the Tulu family would still be the Tulu family, and it would be much safer to solve the hidden dangers.

In a moment, Badrick thought of a way out.

He decisively promised Fike: "Lord Fike, our Tulu family can handle this matter.

You can't escape the responsibility if you expose the matter. Why don't you cooperate with us? I promise that the family will do its best to help you get the position of the director of the Public Security Bureau afterwards."

To be honest, this price is not small. If it were another thing, Fike would definitely agree with great joy.

Badrick understood his hesitation, but he couldn't give him a chance to think. He threatened him immediately: "Lord Fike should know the consequences of exposing this matter. Anyway, it's a death sentence. You must know that the counterattack of the beast before death is the most dangerous."

He didn't believe that he couldn't deal with Fike by using carrots and sticks.

If he really can't handle it, at worst, he can just deal with Fike here, and then he will say that it is a personal grudge and sacrifice himself.

As a member of the family, Badrick has the awareness of sacrifice.

Fortunately, Fike's face changed, and he finally agreed.

"Okay, I can pretend that I didn't see this, but I don't trust you. You can take the body away, but my people will stay here temporarily and be seen at any time. If something happens... you will definitely not be able to escape."

Fike threatened and distrusted him so much that Badrick felt relieved.

This is the attitude of cooperation, and it is normal for others to keep a hand.

"Okay, I'll take leave for you, you can have a good rest first.

You don't need to do anything, everything will be handled by us."

Badrick doesn't care about Fike's little energy, as long as the other party shuts up for a while.

When the dust settles, Fike will definitely end up miserably if he surrenders himself.

Besides, there is no evidence, and surrendering is useless.

This is the game rule of the nobles.

The two sides reached an agreement, and Badrick left some people to monitor and quickly returned to the family.

The Tulu family was shocked, but not panicked.

Several people in charge blocked the news, first dealt with the body of the attendant, and then secretly executed a group of related personnel.

Of course, this is only the most basic way to deal with it.

The attendant disappeared in the territory of the Tulu family, and it would be exposed sooner or later.

What they have to do is to quickly get through the relationship. Without evidence, the higher-ups will not easily take action.

This matter cannot be concealed. The Tulu family knows it in their hearts, and they don't want to hide it.

It only takes a little time to hide it. It is only a pain to eliminate the evidence and get through the joints.

However, his estimate was wrong.

It takes time for the attendant to disappear, send people to investigate, and then have heavyweights arrive.

They thought they had their own reaction time.

But when the telegram was sent out, everything was irreversible.

Even if Fick revealed the news, it would not change the fate of the Tulu family.

Every little person in the torrent is working hard, but what they see is often just a wave.

The result of the effort has no effect on the direction of the torrent.

It took Virut a week to reach the place.

Before him, the nearby army had already moved quietly.

When Virut secretly entered the city, Simon and three guard divisions had already got off the train.

The large-scale military mobilization was achieved at an amazing speed through the train.

And it was even more hidden. The military train itself was not under the jurisdiction of the stations along the way, and no one knew what was loaded and where it went.

At this time, the Tulu family had just dealt with the officials from top to bottom, and when the personnel investigating the disappearance of the attendant arrived, they could only return empty-handed.

Virut knew that it might not be difficult to investigate the truth, and some clues could always be found unexpectedly.

And His Majesty the Emperor only wanted the result, not the evidence.

He just wanted to know what the Tulu family was like.

If the Tulu family could not still be seen on the system panel, Simon should have entered the city now.

The Tulu family was powerful, but in Virut's eyes, it was just like that.

He didn't know Derek's thoughts, and he didn't know there was such a thing as a data panel.

So, he inevitably thought a little more.

It was obviously a simple thing, why did he have to check it himself?

He didn't think Derek needed hard evidence.

So... I have to be cautious.

After entering the city, Virut directly found Sheriff Fick.

The latter has been highly stressed and cannot live a stable day.

And his existence is not a secret, Virut can easily find him.

If nothing unexpected happens, Fike will be the next to die.

Badrick's promise was actually worthless.

The Tulu family will not keep their promise. Compared with solving Fick, pushing him to the position of director will cost more resources and will also leave hidden dangers.

As for allies...does the Tulu family need such allies?

Ultimately, Fick is not qualified.

Perhaps he knew this in his heart and just left himself with a little hope.

So after seeing Virut, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your Excellency, Special Envoy, I have evidence here, and I have saved the radio station."

Virut was not in a hurry to look at the so-called evidence. He carefully inquired about the process and confirmed that there was no other secret.

Coupled with that special telegram, the answer is actually obvious.

"I understand." Virut figured it out on his own.

Compared to Simon, I am not pure enough.

Although Derek's consistent performance is convincing, power can change people.

Taking history as a guide, similar things are not new.

"Do you want to submit a petition?"

Virut sighed, hoping that he was just overthinking.

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