Jos urged the carriage all the way, and finally arrived at the school shortly after the power was turned on.

If it wasn't for picking up his friend to enroll, he wouldn't have missed such an important day.

When he returned to the school gate, he saw the lights on in broad daylight, and Jos stopped the carriage again.

"Look, this is the light. It is said that it is lit by a machine. I don't know the details." Jos was extremely excited. In the past six months in the Great Xia Empire, what he saw and heard was more and fresher than the first half of his life.

Such a great power, how can people not be obsessed.

When the power of an individual is under the power of science, it is natural to feel insignificant.

At this time, it is also the easiest to be taken advantage of.

Germain was speechless. He wanted to say that the Lionheart Kingdom could also catch up with the pace of the Great Xia, but the more he knew, the more desperate he became.

Of course, no one paid attention to the thoughts of the two foreign students.

Even the Ninth Investigation Department did not take them seriously.

Compared with major domestic events, the Lionheart Kingdom seemed very small.

As time passed, Smith and others who were waiting became more and more nervous.

The power supply during the day was more like a rehearsal, and in fact, the pressure on power consumption was very small.

When night gradually fell, the entire Hadley University and the nearby blocks were all lit up.

Night fell.

Derek in the palace also noticed that the sky was getting dark, and casually asked the eunuch beside him: "Has the power department officially powered on? What's the situation?"

Even if His Majesty the Emperor did not ask about this matter, someone would report the news to the palace from time to time.

It would be summarized every half an hour, and the eunuchs would know it without checking the records.

"Someone came to report ten minutes ago, and everything is normal now."

Derek looked up at the sky and said, "The test has just begun."

The rehearsal is a rehearsal, and he knows the difficulty of stable operation of the power system.

Even the palace has power outages from time to time, and no one knows how good the new technology is.

Inside Hadley University!

The lights suddenly went dark, and Director Smith stood up in shock, his whole body shivering, and then cold sweat broke out.

"Don't panic, it's still light outside." Principal Delong's voice was clearly audible in the darkness: "Light the oil lamp."

Soon, someone fumbled to light the oil lamp.

In fact, this is the night everyone is familiar with.

Smith quietly wiped the sweat from his forehead, took a few deep breaths, and faced everyone's kind smiles. He laughed at himself: "I'm still not good at cultivating my qi. If I were on the battlefield in the past, I would probably be chopped by His Majesty."

Being able to recover, even self-mocking, Smith has actually recovered.

Principal Delong sat as steady as a mountain. Seeing this, he looked at him twice more and pointed out: "You still need to practice your temper. Only bureaucrats can be as still as a mountain, but our technical officials are indeed a little worse."

Soon, the staff of the Power Department came to report: "Director, the fuse is burned, and it will be replaced immediately."

Fuses are also one of the main achievements of this power battle.

As a technical officer, Director Smith certainly knew everything.

"It was a false alarm, change it quickly."

He sat down again, thinking that the quality of the hardware equipment needed to be further improved, and of course it could be a circuit failure.

When the light bulb came on again, he raised his worried heart again.

Fortunately, there was no big problem, at most some minor problems.

A large number of technicians and even professors were on standby to prevent accidents.

Stability is the most important thing.

Success is very important to Director Smith, the Power Department, and even Hadley University.

The first half of the night was spent, and there would be no accidents in the second half of the night.

Smith survived the whole night, and when President Delong saw him again, he still looked excited.

"Principal, we succeeded."

"Okay, I knew that the professors in our school are the best, and you should take a break," Principal Delong was also very happy, but he took another look and called Smith: "Wait, can you still hold on?"

"Ah?" Director Smith quickly understood what he meant, patted his chest and said: "Even if it takes another day and night, I can hold on."

After confirming, Principal Delong gave him advice: "You should ask to see His Majesty now and report this good news to him."

Smith is not ignorant of the ways of the world, but he has been an official for a short time and has never thought of this.

But when someone pointed it out, he understood it instantly and his eyes lit up.

"Thank you for the guidance, Principal."

After that, Smith hurried to the palace.

His Majesty had just gotten up not long ago, and now it was just dawn. It was not the day of the big court meeting, so Derek was willing to lie down for a while.

While eating breakfast, he was surprised to hear Smith asking for an audience: "You're here so early? Let him wait, you guys go check what's going on?"

An inner guard left quickly, but returned to Derek's ear a moment later and whispered.

Just then, Derek finished breakfast, rinsed his mouth and wiped his hands, and watched the maid remove the tableware.

"Call him in! Prepare a breakfast."

Smith bowed his head to see the emperor. This was his second time to see the emperor alone.

"Your Majesty, I... come to announce the good news."

Derrick hummed and said, "Look up, why don't you learn to be a slave?"

Smith's heart trembled. Why did the emperor's tone sound bad? Was he in a bad mood after waking up?

The Emperor didn't look very friendly, and his words made people tremble.

"What kind of person is Delong? You don't follow the right path, but do these crooked ways.

I appointed you to the Power Department to do things, not to flatter me.

If I like this, I have many flatterers. Do I need you, a professor, to flatter me?"

The Emperor's anger was like thunder in Smith's ears, which frightened him dizzy and deaf.

Derek scolded him, and finally stood up and walked to Smith.

"Remember, I want you to do things, don't learn these tricks from those idiots."

After the thunder, Derek took two steps back: "I know you have been busy all night, have breakfast here and go back to sleep, next time... if you play this trick again, go back to teach."

The Emperor didn't stay for long, leaving Smith feeling scared and relieved.

He played tricks on himself, so he deserved to be scolded.

But the emperor did not ignore his efforts.

The breakfast in the palace was not very rich, just plain porridge and pickles, which was very different from the eating habits of the people.

Smith ate with tears in his eyes, deeply moved.

Every porridge and every meal is the emperor's grace.

It is not terrible to make mistakes, the emperor is reminding himself in this way.

This is the emperor's grace, and also the teacher's grace.

How dare I not serve such a wise king?

After breakfast, Director Smith decided not to sleep and go to fight.

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