The Director of the Electric Power Department took the lead and worked hard, and the people below certainly did not dare to neglect their duties.

No one thought that Smith, a literary man, also had a ruthless spirit in his bones.

After wandering for half his life, he finally got this opportunity. Naturally, he would not give up easily.

Desire is the driving force behind progress.

When he was a professor, Smith did not think about becoming an official. At most, he thought about becoming a principal in the future, which could be regarded as raising his own class.

But once he gained power and became a high-ranking official in the Daxia Empire, he naturally wanted to go one step further and earn another title to put his family among the powerful.

Besides, Professor Smith, who often stays up late doing experiments, said that in involution... he never loses to others.

The power transformation of Hadley University was completed, and the Electric Power Department also learned a lot of experience.

For formal commercial operations, there are more things to consider.

Some shortcomings, design errors and operational experience have all made reserves for the next improvement.

Relying on the relationship with Hadley University and the natural status of the Electric Power Department - a formal unit at the bureau level of the Daxia Department.

Many renovation projects are a snap.

For example, the power transformation of departments at all levels in the imperial capital, and the power transformation of some commercial banks and factories.

Among the middle classes of society, Director Smith was startled by the potential power of Hadley University.

It is true that the world is filled with peach and plum blossoms, and no one knows you.

As the earliest and highest-level university in the empire, students who have graduated in recent years come from all walks of life.

The backbone of every factory, the middle management of commercial banks, and some petty bourgeoisie all have graduates from Hadley University.

This era is the era of the rise of industry. Machinery and power represent productivity and wealth.

Even if you don't manage well, you can still make a fortune.

Therefore, it is too easy for Smith to do these things under the name of Hadley University.

In this way, the Imperial Capital is enough to keep the Electric Power Department busy for half a year. Even if it continues to expand and other cities are queued for renovation, it will still be the beginning of the 13th year of the Great Xia Empire.

After a year as director of the Electric Power Division, Smith has matured.

His initial choice was correct. He let go of chores and even financial rights and started a career first, and he would naturally be able to secure his position.

After all, the position of the director is inherently legal, and the delegated powers can be taken back at any time.

Only when you sit firmly can you do whatever you want.

Now even if Smith still chooses to delegate power, several deputy directors and even the middle-level officials below him have consciously handed over most of their power, and they always ask for instructions on the rest, showing respect everywhere.

No, the Imperial Capital has completed a basic electrical engineering transformation, and other big cities have begun to send people to urge them one after another.

This newly established department instantly became the hottest place.

Da da! !

The secretary knocked on the door and came in, announcing: "Director, Deputy Director Martin wants to see you."

"Invite him in," Smith said.

But he probably understood the other party's intention, and he must be here as a lobbyist.

To be honest, he would prefer to carry out the first electrical transformations in his hometown.

This is not using power for personal gain, it is just a matter of convenience.

As long as it does not affect the overall situation, it doesn't matter who comes first. Which official has no selfish motives at all?

No one can say anything about benefiting the hometown.

But Deputy Director Martin is different because his surname is Perez.

That's right, it's Perez who has the same surname as the queen.

Although the Empress has always had a good reputation and will not interfere in the operation of government departments at all, but... just because people don't speak out doesn't mean you can ignore it.

The queen's family, if you really treat them like dirt-legged people, you are just stupid.

Soon, Deputy Director Martin opened the door and came in. He had a bald patch on his forehead and looked much older than Smith.

As soon as he entered the door, the deputy director of the noble family smiled and said: "Director, I am here to be a lobbyist again, but this time the person I am asking is unusual. We are afraid that we have to think about it carefully."

Smith enthusiastically asked the other party to sit down, then asked his secretary to make a cup of tea, and then asked: "Brother Martin, who can make you say something extraordinary? Tell me!"

"Hey, this is His Majesty's second uncle. You should know who he is, right?" Martin said with a bit of pride.

A relative of the emperor, and a powerful relative of the emperor.

Not to mention Andrew's own power, his son is also an Imperial Earl, Minister of the Navy, and a military boss.

Although this family rarely interacts with the government, they are also the top dignitaries of the empire.

It sounds like this power transformation is very popular, but it’s not like people like this are going to say hello.

Currently, the people who come to say hello are at most second-tier dignitaries, so Director Smith can withstand the pressure.

Sure enough, Director Smith was very surprised after hearing this and could not conceal his surprise.

"Chief Andrew, this shouldn't happen!"

"Hehe, Director, you don't understand, right? In fact, I estimate that it must be the officials from Deegan Port who have approached Mr. Andrew. He has been at the customs all year round and has many contacts with the local government. It is impossible for him to really stay out of the matter.

So... As a favor, I sent someone to say something to me. "Martin explained, and showed his family relationship calmly.

No, Mr. Andrew didn't say hello to you, the director, but passed by me. This is the relationship.

Smith was indifferent. A member of the Queen's family and an uncle of His Majesty, the relationship between the two was closer to normal than his own.

It's just that this matter really needs to be done. Even if Andrew can't refuse the favor and mentioned it casually, the Electric Power Department can't be deaf.

Smith thought for a while and made a decision: "So, hold a meeting immediately and decide on the first city to be transformed. Now someone has come to Lord Andrew to say hello. We don't know which big shots will be invited later. We can't handle it. If we don't decide now, we will offend a lot of people by then."

Smith reacted quickly. In order to avoid offending people, he decided to do it quickly. When someone comes to say hello, there will be an explanation.

Martin heard this and he really didn't expect this.

I thought this director was just lucky and hardworking, but I didn't expect that he seemed to be proficient in the way of being an official.

He is a character.

When the two met, they talked to other deputy directors privately, and everyone knew that they should make a decision when they should.

A meeting was held quickly that day. Deputy Director Martin proposed the proposal, and the other few people questioned it. In the end, they argued and found countless reasons why Degen Port was the most suitable.

In the end, everyone raised their hands to vote, and the democratic resolution was passed unanimously.

Record, file, it's settled.

If something happens in the future, there will be absolutely no problem with the procedure, and we will all share the blame.

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