When the pirates rushed to the starry sky with a roar, they didn't know that the Tiger Cat-class reconnaissance ships of the Tianma Group had been monitoring them.

This time it was not a small fight. Hundreds of Tiger Cat-class reconnaissance ships were deployed throughout the star field.

Tianma Group wanted to find the mastermind behind the scenes, so naturally it had to do its best.

As for the pirates... they were just white gloves and could be abandoned at any time.

The arms sold to them would not be delivered regardless of whether the mastermind could be exposed this time.

After all, what else could be delivered if the person was dead?

And before he died, he could get back some of the money he had distributed over the years, which was really a great honor.

As for why he did this, it was just that the dog was disobedient.

Keeping pirates is not to let them bite back at you.

It is the duty of pirates to understand their status and know what they should do.

So, what do you want battlecruisers for?

It is enough to have a few old-fashioned cruisers to bite off some disobedient small forces. Do you want more?

Tianma Group will not give them a chance. If they can really stand out, they will no longer be pirates.

The system of the Blue Star Federation is like this. Everyone can find their own position, but if you want to cross it... you must be prepared to shed blood.


The spacecraft of Maple Leaf Mining has arrived at the mining site. This is a meteorite belt, which is very common in the interstellar.

But there are relatively few that are worth mining.

This mining site is the vein of the old era.

Maple Leaf Mining has long obtained the mining rights here, which is a power granted by federal law.

As for being attacked by pirates, that is another matter.

However, the mining site was stopped after being robbed by pirates last time.

Now, Maple Leaf Mining has sent people here again to restore the mining site.

Of course, there are many people watching here, and most of them don’t know where Maple Leaf Mining gets its confidence.

As the fleet docked, various small spacecraft were dispatched to rebuild mining equipment directly at the mining site.

There are also spacecrafts that deploy satellites to monitor the surrounding starry sky and deploy starry sky bombs to defend against possible attacks.

After encountering an attack, Maple Leaf Mining is more prepared, which also means that the cost of mining has increased again.

Of course, this time the restoration of the mining site has more symbolic significance than economic significance.

They even know that someone must be watching here, and they may be attacked again soon.

Tiger cat-class reconnaissance ships are now all over the mining site, and every move here is directly transmitted to the headquarters of Tianma Group.

I don’t know how many people are analyzing the screen.

Of course, nothing can be analyzed, and there is nothing sensitive on the surface.

"Where are those pirates?" Ma Zhi asked impatiently.

He felt anxious when he saw Maple Leaf Mining resume production, as if something bad was going to happen.

"It will take about twelve hours to arrive." An intelligence officer reported the specific time and synchronized the pirates' location to the map.

I'm afraid the pirates themselves don't know that there is a positioning device on the warship they are driving.

Ma Zhi looked at the flashing red dot and had to wait patiently.

"Where is our fleet?"

"It's hidden in a temporary base nearby. It will only take two hours to reach the target."

"Bring up the situation of the fleet."

Ma Zhi confirmed the prepared backup plan for the last time. Once the mastermind behind the scenes shows up, he will suffer the most brutal blow from the Tianma Group.

Soon, the specific situation of the fleet was displayed on the screen.

The Tianma Group is a large and powerful company. Even the temporary base has been carefully prepared.

The camera carried by the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft on the screen synchronously transmits the detailed picture of the fleet.

Two battleships are the core, six strategic cruisers, sixteen cruisers, thirty destroyers, and forty frigates.

The scale of the entire fleet is huge, even if it is placed in the regular organization, it cannot be said to be a small number.

The Tianma Group usually maintains a large military scale, but it is more of a small-scale deployment, and rarely so high-profile.

Of course, with their strength, ten times the warships can be assembled, and even full-powered production can be used to prepare the entire fleet in one year.

It is not difficult to even form several fleets of the highest level of the federation.

But there is no need.

Battleships just need to maintain a certain scale, otherwise the consumption is enough to make people despair.

If a war really breaks out, with the foundation of Tianma Group, it can also be used to explode troops, which is the best choice.

This time, it is still the largest action in hundreds of years.

If it were not for the black hand behind Maple Leaf Mining, they would not have made a big move.

Of course, it is also appropriate to let these old guys come out to play their residual heat when they are about to be replaced.

Anyway, they are all goods to be eliminated, why not recycle them?

The various calculations in the middle are naturally not known to outsiders.

Of course, testing is testing, if it really tests out unexpected results, it will be interesting.

Ma Zhi and other senior executives of Tianma Group did not know that a fleet was flying from outside the Tianma galaxy.

When Maple Leaf Mining discovered the interstellar channel, on the one hand, it was because the place was remote, and on the other hand, it was because the journey was long.

When the interstellar channel is far away from the galaxy and there are no stars worth mentioning around it, naturally no one will be interested.

But this distance is not far away.

At least compared to the real universe scale, it is extremely short.

The reason why Maple Leaf Mining dared to rebuild the mining site was because the fleet that supported it had arrived.

Otherwise, how could they dare to act rashly if they hadn't arrived earlier or later.

A secondary standard fleet is enough to protect several starry sky mining sites.

Of course, in terms of consumption, it is definitely not cost-effective.

But this is a game at the strategic level, and it is not completely subject to short-term considerations of interests.

Moreover, do they dare to act?

Although Maple Leaf Mining is ready for battle, it does not think that a high-intensity war will break out.

Just like in the past, the existence of the fleet is more of a deterrent.

No one will come head-on, everyone is seeking wealth.

But Maple Leaf Mining itself also overlooked that everyone used to seek wealth, but now it is to kill the Tianma Group.

They are not at a high level, so of course it is impossible to fully understand the thinking logic of the Tianma Group.

However, Lister, who presided over this fleet, has this awareness.

This long-distance fleet represents the ambition of the Great Xia Empire.

As an illegitimate son of the royal family, he can understand the idea of ​​power life better than Maple Leaf Mining.

Maybe the system and environment are different, but people's hearts can be traced.

When approaching the Pegasus galaxy, he gave the order in advance: "Get ready for battle!"

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