The mines of Maple Leaf Mining are very close to the planetary system, but they are still outside the Pegasus system.

With their power, they cannot occupy those high-quality mines.

But now they have all become convenient.

Every year, the Pegasus Group sends reconnaissance ships to explore in the direction far away from the galaxy. Before the threat is found, the defense system will not be built based on the planetary system.

Because the threat does not come from outside the galaxy, but radiates through the interstellar channel.

Therefore, the defense system of the entire Pegasus galaxy is built around the interstellar channel-Pegasus Star.

It cannot be said that there is no defense outside the planetary system, but more of it is the means of reconnaissance and early warning.

When the huge fleet comes from outside, the first thing it encounters is some scattered early warning systems.

However, Lister also sent various reconnaissance ships to explore the way, and the early warning satellites would be destroyed in advance.

When it arrives in the area with dense early warning systems, unmanned attack aircraft will be released to carry out large-scale destruction.

As for why the drones are not released in advance, it can only be said that this is determined by the scale of interstellar war.

If the speed and endurance of the drones are really used, I am afraid that the speed of the entire fleet will become a turtle.

We can only use the reconnaissance ship as a fulcrum to arrange a rough reconnaissance network and assist various means to complete the screening.

Not long after, the Tianma Group got the news.

However, the nearest fleet had no time to react. Their arrangement here was too weak.

Ma Zhi looked solemn. Did they discover a new interstellar channel?

"No, the fleet should be divided into small pieces and hidden outside the galaxy. If they really found an interstellar channel, these jackals would attack directly."

Ma Zhi made a quick judgment. Don't think that everyone is living in peace and harmony.

There is no chance. A balance has been formed within the Federation.

If there is a chance, these guys don't care whether the balance is broken or not.

Once a new interstellar channel leading to the Tianma galaxy is discovered, a war will break out immediately.

As for whether it is an alien civilization, this thought has never occurred.

Alien civilizations are not vegetarians either. Unless they are too weak to take the initiative to attack, once they are exposed, they will definitely attack the Tianma Group with all their strength, even harder than their internal opponents.

As for weakness, have you ever seen a weak civilization that dares to take the initiative to attack? Or is Maple Leaf Mining out of their minds?

Soon, Ma Zhi's guess was verified.

The images transmitted back by sporadic satellites showed that the entire fleet was in a familiar style.

Warships, a war weapon that embodies comprehensive capabilities, have their own design language and cannot be forged casually.

These classic ship types have been upgraded and iterated at first glance. Except for the forces of the Blue Star Federation itself, alien civilizations cannot do it, and there is no motivation to do such a thing.

Wouldn't it be better to upgrade the warships of their own civilization with the same energy? Are they just imitating the fleet of the Blue Star Federation?

In a short moment, Ma Zhi thought of a lot and immediately ordered: "Let the pirates try it."

Anyway, they are all cannon fodder, so it's okay to test the firepower.

As for the mining point, it was not an important target.

"General Manager, do you want to send a fleet to attack?"

"Of course, this is already a war, and the authority of the Tianma Group cannot be challenged."

The fleet is not there to be seen, and it is time to make an effort.

The stronger the support behind Maple Leaf Mining, the more intense the reaction of the Tianma Group will be.

If this bad trend is not suppressed, it will attract a steady stream of challengers.

For the Tianma Group, too many challengers will cause the cost of ruling to rise sharply.

So, the hot-headed pirates changed direction and temporarily changed their targets.

Of course, they didn't know what kind of enemy they were going to deal with.

And the fleet of the Tianma Group also quietly set off.

As for the mining point, no one cared.

The three parties gathered, and first the pirates and the fleet of the Great Xia Empire collided with each other.

Of course, the fleet of the Great Xia Empire was completely painted by Maple Leaf Mining, and the pirates were very familiar with it.

However, they were the latecomers and were discovered by the Great Xia Empire early.

When Lister saw the pirate fleet, he recognized the old cruisers used by the other party without the database of the warship.

"It seems that we have been discovered. This is the cannon fodder sent by the Tianma Group to explore the way."

Lister seemed relaxed, but he was actually a little nervous.

"Send a battle cruise formation to deal with them... normal mode attack."

Lister still kept a hand, and the trump card could be turned over later.

He didn't need to guess that someone must be watching behind the pirates, and maybe a real battle was about to begin.

So it was a wise choice to keep a hand in advance.

The process of the battle was unremarkable. Facing the Great Xia Empire fleet, which was far superior in combat power and scale, the pirates struggled in vain after countless failed communications.

Finally, a few fireworks lit up the cosmic sky, adding a bit of splendor to the monotonous starry sky.

When the Tianma Group's fleet appeared, Liszt had been waiting for a long time.

"Dominion-class battleships, Constellation-class strategic cruisers, White Swan-class patrol ships, old antiques that I miss so much."

"Don't be careless, this is a new guy in the skin of an old antique. According to the data collected just now, it should be at the same level as the active warships. It is not ruled out that the other party has retained its strength and is expected to adjust to a higher half generation."

"We have an advantage in numbers, and we are not afraid of a higher half level."

In fact, the new generation of frigates has begun to be installed in Tianma Group, and other new warships will also be gradually replaced.

Tianma Group is already fast, and other forces will definitely not give new ships to Maple Leaf Mining for use.

Therefore, Tianma Group cannot be said to underestimate the enemy, but it is just a normal deduction, which has already raised expectations.

Tianma Group's fleet is not ranked in the Blue Star Federation, at least not the first-class, but it is not a cat or dog.

They also have their own pride, and of course they are not afraid of fighting.

The two sides approached quickly, first the destroyers engaged, and the unmanned attack aircraft in the sky began to attack.

The prelude before the war was a burst of sparks.

Then the main guns of the warships lit up and started shooting at each other.

Lister still kept his composure and did not let the mecha knights fight.

In fact, the fleet of the Great Xia Empire has an absolute advantage.

Half a level higher is not a lie, it can even be said to be one level higher.

Especially the faint light filled the armor, and the defense power increased greatly.

The fleet of the Tianma Group also found something wrong. The data processing was so much that the intelligent terminal of the warship was about to crash.

They have realized that failure is coming.

But before failure, they must first collect enough data and secondly, try their best to destroy the enemy's warships.

The Tianma galaxy is their territory, and it is very easy to resupply.

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