Ma Zhi took office as deputy minister, but he did not think of defecting again.

He knew that wavering would only lead to a miserable death.

There are always people who think they can get along with both sides, but in the end they are just a joke.

Since he has decided to join the people behind Maple Leaf Mining, he will go all the way.

The most important thing is... this deputy minister has no power.

Ma Jiahe just used a stopgap measure to put him on a high pedestal to solve the public opinion problem.

When he really took office, he found that he had no access to the core power.

Although Ma Jiahe arranged a lot of affairs for him, they were all trivial matters or offensive matters.

If the deputy minister has power to support him, he deserves the title, otherwise he is just a clay statue in the temple.

However, Ma Jiahe probably didn't expect that Ma Zhi, a little man who was devoted to his research, had already defected.

He thought Ma Zhi wanted to climb up and fight for power, but he didn't think he would defect.


Guardian Star!

The fleet of Tianma Group is retreating. They have persisted for half a month, although Maple Leaf Mining has not made any counterattack.

But everyone knows that this is the calm before the storm.

At present, the new warships of Tianma Group are in line with Maple Leaf Mining, but their territory is too large to take care of it.

It can still be dealt with during the strategic offensive, but now it is on the defensive, it is very passive.

Therefore, retreat is inevitable.

It is nothing more than a nice name, saying that it is withdrawing for repair.

But as soon as they left, the industries near the Guardian Star directly turned against them and re-invested in Maple Leaf Mining.

Unlike the first time they surrendered, they are now very smooth.

Anyway, they are used to the rule of Maple Leaf Mining and have no psychological barriers at all.

Then Maple Leaf Mining sent several old warships to announce that they have regained the commercial dominance.

During the whole process, the Blue Star Federation Army was completely on the sidelines.

The current situation of the Blue Star Federation is just like the city-state era in the distant past.

Only the planet and its vicinity belong to the territory, and other places are wilderness. The people enjoy great autonomy, but of course there are many threats.

This approach is beneficial to development, and it is also a compromise between the federal government and the capital consortium.

But under the balance, the centralization of the federal government is weakened.

However, even so, the federal government, which retains the right to tax, the army and the power to interpret the law, is still a strong central government.

When the subsequent fleet of Maple Leaf Mining passed the Guardian Star, a space carrier fleet cruised from the starry sky.

The huge battleship formation unscrupulously occupied the waterway, and the communication spread throughout the starry sky.

"The White Whale Fleet passed, and the unrelated ships avoided."

"The White Whale Fleet passed, and the unrelated ships avoided."

"The White Whale Fleet passed, and the unrelated ships avoided."

The interstellar communication channel was full of mechanical repetitive sounds.

Lister was in the battleship at this time. He saw the space carrier formation of the federal army through the porthole with his naked eyes.

Perhaps the federal army did not know that this scene made a certain royal blood determined: "I must shoot down all the white whale space carriers."

The pride from the blood made him eager to defeat this powerful opponent.

And for the Great Xia Empire, what is most needed is time.

Perhaps, this is a warning from the federal government to Tianma Group and Maple Leaf Mining, especially the latter... Newly emerging forces are always unruly.

They used powerful force to tell both sides that fighting can be carried out, but do not cross the line.

Whoever crosses the line will be beaten.

Lister retracted his sight only after the passing white whale space carrier formation left.

"Let's go, this time we have to bite off a big piece of meat from Tianma Group."

After so many days of silence, some warships were replenished, and the lightly injured warships were also repaired.

Taking advantage of the weakness of Tianma Group, it is a good opportunity to swallow up the commercial dominance.

The fact is just as Lister expected. Commanding two new warship formations, he directly broke through the defense line of Tianma Group.

Although Ma Zhi was marginalized, he was the deputy minister after all, and he could better place some old subordinates, and even place locators when the other party didn't care.

When the movements of the warships of the Tianma Group were clear at a glance, Lister could completely attack the weaknesses and avoid the strong points.

He could even ambush some small formations and reap the fruits of the battle.

When the Tianma Group organized a hunt, he could quickly jump out of the trap.

In just two months, the Tianma Group was exhausted.

The imagined warship replenishment and consumption were almost equal, but the number of warships of Maple Leaf Mining continued to increase.

The worse news is that Maple Leaf Mining will build a new warship factory on Guardian Star, which will rely on closer industrial and resource areas to transform industrial capacity into combat power.

It is even said that the federal government has begun to consider that the new generation of warships will include Maple Leaf Mining's warships in the assessment list.

All kinds of bad news made Ma Jiahe exhausted.

He was ready to take the blame, but he didn't expect that the pot was bigger and darker than he imagined.

On the contrary, Ma Zhi was carefree every day, and didn't seem to be affected by those trivial matters at all.

Of course, you should know that the bad news of Tianma Group was good news for him.

Until this day, Ma Zhi was called to a meeting just after he got to work.

Ma Zhi had not attended such meetings before, and they would not notify him.

So he felt a little strange. Could it be that they were going to hold a blame-sharing meeting?

But as soon as he sat down, he heard Ma Jiahe grit his teeth and say, "There is a spy among us."

Ma Zhi's legs trembled, and he almost thought he was exposed.

"There is definitely a spy. I believe that even if Lister is a god of war, he can't always plan everything out.

I have sent people to investigate the battleship factory three times, and no problems have been found so far.

Then it is very likely that it is in our security department."

Ma Jiahe looked at his subordinates again and no longer trusted them.

Those who can access the secrets of battleship mobilization are all his trusted confidants who were promoted by him personally.

Ma Zhi's group had long been marginalized.

So, Ma Jiahe stood up and bowed to Ma Zhi, and said very sincerely: "Deputy Minister Ma Zhi, I know we had a misunderstanding before, but please forgive me, now I can only trust you, please take the lead in organizing an investigation team to investigate the traitor."

He felt that Ma Zhi had no suspicion. Not to mention that Ma Zhi was still a commoner when the first incident happened, and he had never been exposed to confidential information afterwards.

So he has become the least suspicious now, and his identity level is also high, so he is naturally qualified to lead the investigation.

Ma Zhi was numb. After a long time, he let himself, the traitor, investigate the traitor. This... is really amazing.

He was silent for a long time, and then he said hesitantly: "I think the probability of the security department having problems is not high. The battleship formation dispatch situation that everyone is exposed to should be different. If it was really done by our own people, it would have been found out long ago.

So... we still have to start from the battleship factory."

Ma Jiahe was even more satisfied. He did try to release false information, but he did not find the traitor.

It seems that Ma Zhi is not the kind of person who engages in factional struggles. He really gets things done.

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