The Ministry of Security cannot interfere with internal inspections. For a large force like Tianma Group, the internal responsibilities are divided very carefully.

The Department of Security is positioned as a pure Starfleet command, but it is difficult to choose a name that would make the federal government sensitive.

The actual responsibilities of internal defense, internal supervision, and internal security of the planet are not within the scope of the Ministry of Security's responsibilities.

But the problem is that the Ministry of Security suspects there is a problem at the warship factory and has reported it for several months, but to no avail.

The internal surveillance team searched over and over again, even the security department was searched, but there were no clues at all.

Everyone, including Ma Zhi, the old manager who was fired before, has been investigated, and now it has even reached the point where Ma Jiahe, the heir to the group, is being investigated. It is simply a joke.

This incompetent performance of internal supervision made the top management of Tianma Group very dissatisfied.

Could it be that the traitor could be ourselves?

They are more willing to believe that internal supervision is a waste of time, or that there is something wrong with it.

Therefore, the task of detecting the mole finally fell on Ma Zhi.

After all, he had already been investigated by several different sources and was not on duty when the accident occurred. He was the person with the least suspicion.

Ma Zhi took over the task from Ma Jiahe, and his permission rights were greatly increased.

Because you want to investigate the inner ghost, you naturally need to have the power to contact all aspects.

He immediately checked the details of the warship mobilization and had no intention of avoiding suspicion.

This kind of behavior can be said to be spying on information, or it can be said to be courageous to do something.

Then, Ma Zhi, who had no clue, began to look through internal personnel files.

There are not many changes in the middle and lower levels of the Security Department, but many people at the top are brought by Ma Jiahe.

After silently memorizing it, he selected a group of targets with innocent wealth.

After gathering everyone together, he first led by example.

"Everyone knows that the secrets within the group were leaked, which led to the failure of our war!

So you should also know the reason why I called you here today.

Now everyone, including me, has to hand over their personal belongings and change their clothes.

Starting today, all external communications can only use issued communication equipment.

Everyone must travel together... Any questions? "

These selected employees may have opinions, but they certainly dare not object at this time.

As a result, Ma Zhi led a group of elite soldiers and generals to attack the battleship factory.

Of course, he will never disrupt the normal operations of the battleship factory. There is absolutely no need for that.

"This guy is a real talent."

Ma Zhi had already taken advantage of the opportunity to inform Liszt of his internal affairs investigation.

But this result made him laugh and cry.

The traitor becomes the leader of the investigation into the traitor, which is full of comedy.

Of course, after laughing, they got back to business.

"It's a gargoyle!"

Davis introduced his latest achievements with pride. As an extraordinary researcher who invented the neuron system, he was promoted to a director-level research master due to his merits.

Although the production process was bloody enough, no one cared about it.

This time he personally went to the outer galaxy to verify his latest research results.

It can be said that this time's research and development is a completely targeted result.

“The gargoyles are made of a new material, which I named after the mythical obsidian.

It has very high resistance to energy weapons and can reduce energy impacts by more than 50%.

In addition, the gargoyle does not have any technological features and looks like a work of art from the inside out. "

Davis opened the gargoyle's cabin, and sure enough there was nothing.

He alone gave an analysis report, and no current instruments could detect any problems.

Just looking at it, this is a work of art.

However, the golden neuron system inside still told several people present that this was a mecha.

"How is the combat effectiveness?" Simon asked.

"Compared to soldier-level combat effectiveness." Davis' voice was decisive.

"Low!" Virut was a little dissatisfied. As the earliest standard mecha, the soldier class has been reduced to a basic combat unit despite repeated improvements. Archangels are the current main force, and even a few knights can afford the latest It's angel level.

This naming method also adopts the custom of mythology and religion.

Of course, Protestants also refer to the soldier class as the angel class.

But what the military needs is ultimate performance.

Protestants will compromise on appearance and take performance into consideration.

Therefore, the cost of gargoyles is obviously higher, but the combat effectiveness is so low that it is almost cost-effective.

Davis was not discouraged by this, but instead continued to recommend with high spirits: "But the special role of the gargoyle cannot be ignored. We can transport it to the Blue Star Federation's fortress, and then from the inside... bang!"

Davis opened his palms to make an explosive gesture, his face full of excitement.

"Think about it. If a group of knight mechas equivalent to soldiers are destroyed internally, the entire fortress's defense system will quickly be paralyzed. At this time, the fleet will march in, and what serious consequences it will have."

I have to say, this scene is somewhat alluring.

If you cooperate well, you can take down a galaxy without any damage, or even take down more galaxies in one fell swoop before the other party can react.

Of course, its limitations prevent it from being rolled out on a large scale.

"We can place an order, but the quantity will not be large, 3,000. By the time the Blue Star Federation reacts, it will probably be useless." Virut made the decision, and all three of them had the right to license.

Davis breathed a sigh of relief. The gargoyle was an unplanned design of the Great Xia Empire, and it was funded by the institute itself.

Therefore, once it was in his hands, it would have a huge impact on him.

The 3,000-unit order can be recovered with the licensing fee, and even further research and development.

"Your Excellency the Earl, you will not regret it, and I have new ideas. The next generation of gargoyles will never be eliminated. It has not yet been active on the battlefield of the empire."

Davis assured excitedly that this trip was worth it, and the next step was to contact domestic production as soon as possible.

Several people were somewhat interested in the future he described, after all, Davis was still somewhat famous.

He was a ruthless man who could develop a neural system. I don't know how many black slaves are thanking his eight generations of ancestors.

Of course, he considered himself a black savior, otherwise these things would have been eliminated long ago, unlike now when they can still contribute precious resources to the empire.

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