The Pegasus Galaxy fell into a strange calm.

Occasionally, some "pirates" attacked each other, but the normal business order stabilized.

The central government still maintained the stability of the planetary settlements, and various resource points were producing step by step, as if there was no war in space.

Maple Leaf Mining became famous because of this, and officially entered the mainstream vision of the Blue Star Federation, and was regarded as an emerging force.

The latest Blue Star Federation capital rankings have also come out.

Of course, it has a nice name, called the Federation Top 500 Group.

The Pegasus Group swooped from the 20th to the 29th, and as the lowest capital group occupying the administrative star, it once again became a hot search.

Maple Leaf Mining also jumped from unknown to the 35th, officially entering the top position of the Blue Star Federation.

Of course, in the public's impression, they are still not as good as the Pegasus Group.

In terms of votes, they occupy half of the Pegasus Galaxy, but the population of each space city is only one-fifth of that of the Pegasus Group.

Being able to occupy the 35th ranking is already due to their combat effectiveness.

With the passage of time and this kind of official certification, Maple Leaf Mining has really branched out, and forces attached to this big tree have begun to form.

A large number of companies are attached to the Maple Leaf Mining system. Of course... Maple Leaf Mining is no match for Tianma Group in terms of business.

But it is still very easy to do something.

A company indirectly controlled by Maple Leaf Mining entered the Tianma Fortress.

The only fortress that can be named Tianma is naturally the interstellar channel fortress of the Tianma galaxy.

This was originally a military building, but with the development of time, a large number of ancillary buildings have been derived.

Goods going to and from the fortress will be transferred here, and a large number of people will settle here.

An inconspicuous small company opened a display stand here to sell some unpopular artworks.

For example, the black gargoyle, with its hideous appearance, makes it look like it has some artistic value.

Then... it was not unexpectedly cold.

This kind of industrialized artwork is still unpopular enough, and it would be a miracle if it can be sold.

Except for a few curious buyers who bought a few, the rest were piled up in various warehouses.

Because the boss made a mistake in judgment and purchased tens of thousands of gargoyle statues at one time, they had to be stored in several places.

As for the reason, of course, it was to find a cheap warehouse.

Of course, behind the huge quantity, some of the gargoyle statues had some slight differences.

When the goods were transported to the fortress, they had been scanned by various instruments and there was no problem.

Now, they are left in the warehouse to collect dust. Maybe one day the boss will give up completely, and they will become industrial waste, just like countless failed cases.

Deputy Minister He has been in a good mood recently. He originally went to a remote place like the Tianma Galaxy to exchange interests.

Unexpectedly, he got in touch with Maple Leaf Mining by mistake, and the latter also became an emerging capital force at a very fast speed.

His original investment has now seen a return.

Maple Leaf Mining has demonstrated good credibility and directly cast all the votes in its hands for his party.

This rich political resource is enough for his faction to move up.

Even if he cannot get the opportunity to form a cabinet, the ruling party must consider their demands when the next cabinet is formed, such as... handing over the Ministry of Commerce to him.

Therefore, Deputy Minister He has been in a very good mood recently.

He also has to give back. If you get someone's vote, you naturally have to give back.

From policies to various news, this is the rule of the game.

People without political credibility will be finished sooner or later.

Therefore, the Ministry of Commerce immediately made a series of adjustments, including reducing the additional taxes on some Tianma Galaxy companies and targeted product promotion.

The federal government is still powerful enough to bring great benefits to Maple Leaf Mining.

Then, Lister personally visited with gifts.

Blue Star!

As the birthplace of the Blue Star Federation, although it is not the most economically developed region today, it is definitely an important political center.

Only when you get here can you feel that the Tianma Galaxy is a remote place.

The authority of the federal government is reflected to the greatest extent here. At least the frequency of the federal warships is very high.

The fleet of Maple Leaf Mining has been as low-key as possible, but it is still under surveillance throughout the process.

When entering the real planetary belt, cruisers and above warships are all prohibited from entering.

All ships that can obtain navigation licenses are limited to weapon levels.

Lister looked at the dense yellow dots on the screen, each representing a ship.

On the waterways within the planetary belt, there are interstellar ships everywhere.

This is all proof of the strength of the Blue Star Federation.

So, it is not without reason that the Tianma Group is looked down upon.

Towards the Blue Star Galaxy, there are enough capital groups of the size of the Tianma Group.

As Lister thought, the warship finally arrived at the target.

On a satellite outside the Blue Star, Deputy Minister He was already looking forward to it.

He and the faction behind him attached great importance to the visit of Maple Leaf Mining.

It is true that the Tianma Galaxy is a remote place, but Maple Leaf Mining will not be despised.

Votes are everything, and money is the boss.

Deputy Minister He personally stood on the space bridge to greet him, and after seeing Lister, he gave him a warm hug.

"Well done, man."

The counterattack of Maple Leaf Mining was indeed a great tactical victory in the eyes of the outside world.

Regardless of whether it was a traitor who leaked the information, Maple Leaf Mining achieved a strategic victory through continuous tactical victories.

It can be said that it completed a turnaround under a pessimistic situation.

The winner is not blamed, and what Lister heard at this time should be praise.

Lister smiled reservedly and said: "It was all luck, and I should thank you for your previous help, so I came to thank you on behalf of Maple Leaf Mining."

"No, I should thank you, your votes helped a lot."

Deputy Minister He did not hide it. It was impossible to say this to the common people, but it was no secret to the carnivores.

"This year's votes are a great help to me. When the new cabinet is formed a year later, maybe I can join the cabinet."


Lister just heard the news, and he would like to see Deputy Minister He go as high as possible.

"Let's take a look at the gift I brought for you first!"

Lister pointed to an interstellar cruise ship docked at the berth, which was produced by Maple Leaf Mining alone.

Interstellar cruise ships do not need to use the latest technology, and reliability, stability and luxury are the most important characteristics.

But in terms of cost, interstellar cruise ships are several times more expensive than warships of the same size.

Personal wealth still seems weak in front of such a big toy.

At least Deputy Minister He's wealth is not enough to easily afford it.

"The cruise ship can be affiliated with the company you specify, and Maple Leaf Mining will provide free lifetime maintenance."

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