The art of gift-giving is more about attitude, which obviously will not change because of the progress of technological development.

An interstellar cruise ship is definitely not something that Deputy Minister He can afford with his wealth.

After all, his personality is that of a civilian official, so he will naturally not behave inappropriately.

But Deputy Minister He also has luxury needs. He may not need it personally, but to entertain partners or take care of colleagues, he always needs some big toys that can be shown off.

So, there is no need to be hypocritical in front of Lister.

How can I feel at ease if you don't take it?

"Thank you, Mr. Lister."

The two smiled at each other, and everything was self-evident.

Lister gave gifts, not to curry favor, but to show his attitude.

Deputy Minister He accepted gifts, not really for that little thing, but just to tell Lister that everyone is his own people.

Otherwise, outsiders can't give gifts.

Deputy Minister He does not accept all gifts.

If you don't worship the right temple, you will have no way to give gifts.

After such a small episode, the atmosphere between the two sides was particularly harmonious.

"The Tianma Group has been active recently, and their influence in the federal government is mostly concentrated in the education system."

Deputy Minister He gave Lister a detailed analysis of the upper echelons of the Tianma Group. For outsiders, it was completely foggy.

Maple Leaf Mining has some knowledge of this, but the details are unknown, especially the specific supporters of the Tianma Group.

Knowing who the enemies are can strike more accurately.

Lister was thoughtful. No wonder the Tianma Group's technology level has improved rapidly in the past two hundred years. He didn't believe that there was no trick.

In addition, the education system is the main offensive position of the Tianma Group, and other systems also have many supporters.

This is why everyone is happy to see the Tianma Group suffer a setback.

After all, the later challengers are direct competitors to those in front.

It seems natural that some people even come down to snipe.

"It seems that we have caused you trouble." Lister said politely.

In response, Deputy Minister He sneered: "It's not a trouble. Don't worry, I won't do a loss-making business."

The education system is important, at least it is important in official documents.

But the actual status is just like that. You can do whatever you want and you can also place some relatives and friends.

If it really involves a conflict of interests, then I'm sorry, get out of here.

At least the Ministry of Commerce has the capital to look down on them. Having money is second only to having guns.

Maple Leaf Mining accidentally hit a big leg.

As for why Tianma Group did not find Deputy Minister He, it's still the same sentence... You can't worship at will.

After standing in line, it's a joke to want to have both sides.

If Maple Leaf Mining had this attitude, he wouldn't have said so much to Maple Leaf Mining today.

Even sucking the marrow out of the bones, kicking it away after using it.

During the conversation, the two exchanged their bottom lines very directly.

How much resources Maple Leaf Mining can provide and how much feedback Deputy Minister He can give, there is probably an intention, as for the specific details, let the people below slowly grind it out.

Of course, Maple Leaf Mining is not all advantaged.

Deputy Minister He's support comes at a price, and he also needs to explain to the people below.

At least officials of their faction will have an extra way out when they choose, such as working in the sphere of influence of Maple Leaf Mining.

Even within Maple Leaf Mining, there will inevitably be various interests entangled, and after several generations, it will be like Tianma Group.

You are in me, I am in you, this is the most ideal state.

Integration is a form of mutual compromise.

Maple Leaf Mining, with the guidance of Deputy Minister He, easily integrated into the circle of core power.

Even if the people of Tianma Group don’t like it, they have to accept it.

In the circle, the cost of obtaining many resources is much lower.

Some resources that the outside world can’t access at all have also appeared.

For Maple Leaf Mining, this is a leap in strength.

But for Tianma Group, this is not good news.

Guardian Star!

Maple Leaf Mining has moved its headquarters here, although the geographical environment here is poor.

But for Maple Leaf Mining, sacrificing some commercial interests is acceptable.

Because of the entry of Maple Leaf Mining, this remote planet has also ushered in rapid development.

The scale of the space city has been expanding again and again on the periphery of the entire planet.

Various factories have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Therefore, the federal government has also invested matching resources, which is the political function of the government.

Of course, if no one adds fuel to the flames, the level of resources invested by the government will definitely drop sharply.

Along with the resources, there are officials from the faction of Deputy Minister Youhe.

Of course, there must be people from other forces here.

An airship flew out of the space port and wanted to fly out.

But soon the communication channel lit up.

"The fleet of Maple Leaf Mining has been dispatched. You can't leave in outer space. Go to the safe house."

A short synthetic audio was hung up without even showing the face.

As for the spaceship that was supposed to pick him up in outer space, it was obviously gone.

Of course, he misunderstood his boss.

It's not that no one cares about him, but the spaceship that picked him up can't protect itself.

The strong magnetic storm cut off the communication, and the warship had locked the target based on the short call.

Interstellar communication is extremely dependent on relay stations, otherwise the long starry sky will weaken all signals to the point where they are difficult to distinguish.

The receiving spacecraft itself plays the role of relay.

As for why official channels are not used... the official will never approve such a secret investigation.

There are people behind Maple Leaf Mining, and they will not allow such an investigation to pass.

But it is meaningless to say all this now. For the front-line investigators, the truth is not important... what is important is how much support they can get.

"Shit, shitty plans, shitty intelligence."

He turned around, with the latest intelligence in the airship. The reason why he was able to escape temporarily was not because of his strong ability, but simply because the intelligence was transmitted through short-distance information in the spaceport.

Therefore, in the spaceport with a large flow of people, it is difficult to find out who received the information for a while.

But this time will not be too long. He only needs to wait a few more hours and he will be locked... or even shorter.

As for the investigators who acted in person, it is estimated that they are all gone.

Now, he had to take this piece of intelligence and go to the safe house on the Patronus.

At least for now, Maple Leaf Mining has not locked on the target, and it is impossible for it to recklessly send armed personnel to search the planet.

Once he escapes this wave of pursuit, there is hope that he can survive.

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