The Colossus Civilization leaders who had come to their senses stared at the unscientific Seraphim Sword in front of them.

They didn't understand what the researchers said, but they had only one idea: "Study it and find a way to reverse analyze its technology."

But the researchers' faces suddenly fell, and they said with a sad face: "According to our detection, its energy is constantly decaying and will soon disappear completely. I'm afraid there is not enough time to study it."


It feels so bad to see a miracle sword in front of you, but you have to watch it disappear.

"Do everything you can to keep it." The high-level leaders gave a death order.

"Sorry, we can't do it." The researchers' answer was also very straightforward.

"Then start studying now."


Derrick has returned to the war mothership, and the light of the Seraphim has been condensed to dim.

When the mecha chooses to be low-key, it has an incomparable advantage in concealment.

Especially on the scale of space, the mecha is too small.

When they returned to the cabin, Tru and others immediately stepped forward to record the data.

Every time the Seraphim takes the initiative, it is valuable research data.

Technological progress is inseparable from practical data feedback.

The only pity is that this Seraphim has come to an end.

Energyization is irreversible. With the current technology of the Great Xia Empire, the price of super combat power is a large amount of resource consumption.

But everything is worth it. If necessary, Derek is willing to throw away several Seraphim a day.

He did not leave the cabin immediately. The actual combat and the usual simulated driving feel different.

The extreme feeling of going all out allows him to experience a stronger power.

To be honest, that powerful feeling is addictive.

For Derek, it seems that he has really transformed into a twelve-winged Seraphim, showing the power of the gods to his heart's content.

Even if it is only a defective version of the Seraphim, it can be called a starry sky god.

It's just that this feeling came too short, especially the extraordinary perception of that moment, perhaps it can be explained by quantum?

So he was unwilling to leave the Seraphim and continue to feel the powerful power all over his body.

But he could feel the weakness of the Seraphim. Even with the current configuration, the energy still limits His combat power.

At this time, the energy in his body was lost bit by bit.

Even if you stand here and don't know anything, you will fall into complete silence in less than a day, leaving only some residue.

After a long time, Derek walked out of the mecha with a strong will.

The sudden loss of power made him feel very uncomfortable and weak.

"I just tried it and I can absorb some of the extraordinary energy of the void. Although it still can't offset the consumption, it is also a research direction."

Saving is unrealistic, so open source.

If the Seraphim can extract the extraordinary energy in the void to replenish itself, even if it only prolongs the fighting time, it is very valuable.

Tru's eyes lit up, this is the dark under the lamp.

They have been thinking about how to convert energy freely, but they have ignored the influence of knights on mechas.

Since knights can absorb a little energy, can they interfere with the conversion of energy?

Tru can be said to be learning from one example and soon have more ideas.

But at the moment, these ideas need to be verified a little bit.

"Your Majesty, please take a rest, we will make new improvements based on your feelings."

The researchers in Daxia are still very powerful, and Derek is very relieved.

However, he was woken up again not long after resting.

"Your Majesty, the fleet of the Blue Star Federation has found the vicinity."

Derrick glanced at the time, which was unexpectedly fast.

It seems that the performance just now did not completely scare the other party.

Sure enough, no interstellar civilization can be underestimated.

Just a moment later, the aide saw the latest information again.

"The patrol team on the periphery has exchanged fire with the fleet of the Blue Star Federation."

Obviously, this is a test by the Blue Star Federation.

The sudden disappearance of the Seraph may have given the other party some ideas.

After all, under normal circumstances, if you have an advantage, you should pursue the victory. Retreating seems very abnormal.

Derek didn't think he could hide this, but what if the endurance is insufficient?

"Prepare the mecha."

He stood up and moved his body. Even if there are weaknesses, he can still defeat you.

When he arrived at the hangar, a Seraph was ready, and the red-gold light was lighting up.

"Prepare two more!" Derek ordered, and then got into the mecha.

Even if they were to take turns, today they had to make the Blue Star Federation dispel all their fantasies.

As he guessed, the Blue Star Federation and even the Colossus Civilization noticed something unusual afterwards.

The fighting power of the Seraphim was indeed amazing, but apart from the individual power, it seemed that they were not completely invincible.

Even the time they appeared was very short, which made people doubt the sustainability of their fighting power.

Therefore, the two civilizations had limited exchanges, and then there was such a test.

After the search fleet discovered the unfamiliar civilization base, the Blue Star Federation Development Command issued an order for a tentative attack without hesitation.

This was an extremely risky behavior, and they were also prepared to bear the losses.

So when the Seraphim appeared on the battlefield, they were relieved.

"That's them."

The Seraphim crossed the starry sky like the sun, and the reconnaissance fleet was blown up one by one.

Commander Cao Yang's expression did not change at all. This was just an appetizer.

In fact, he had already moved the headquarters, and the entire Pioneer headquarters was ready for heavy losses.

As expected, the Seraphim appeared outside the fortress.

Watching the great performance of individual gods intermittently at close range, Commander Cao Yang and others were all shocked.

However, the warships that continued to fight still delayed the Seraphim's steps.

Watching the warships being blown up one by one, combat equipment such as unmanned fighters were even difficult to approach.

The permanent fortifications of the fortress were as fragile as tofu at this time.

People who are not strong enough in spirit will probably collapse soon.

But the scorching sun will also go out one day. After some destruction, the Seraphim suddenly returned.

Commander Cao Yang finally smiled: "Sure enough, there is a problem with his energy system. Such a powerful combat power requires a huge amount of energy."

It is worth it to easily test the opponent's weakness.

However, before they could make targeted arrangements based on this weakness, the weakened sun split again.


The Seraph...returned again.

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